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  1. 1
    دورية أكاديمية

    Alternate Title: Contemporary writings on the Great Verses of the Hour and evaluated in the light of scientific controls (Examples, models and scientific responses). (English)

    المصدر: Bouhouth; Mar2022, Issue 44, p89-106, 18p

    Abstract (English): At a time when strife raged and flared, we see an imbalance in the balances of some contemporary writers and classifiers in their dealings with the hadiths of strifes and the signs of the Hour, and hasty and assertiveness in dropping them on an event, or strife of temptation In recent times, printing presses and publishing houses have produced" writings taken from the hadiths contained in the verses of the Hour as fertile ground for the absurdity of the absurdists and the assumptions of the speculators. they say what they do not know, and utter what they do not know, in a disguised soothsaying that wears the guise of text, and the text calls for that innocence, so they did wrong while thinking that they are doing well! Those writings occupied the people, and they kept wondering about their credibility and authenticity, and did they have a valid document on which they could rely? Or are they like a night hunter, collecting wheat with fat, and making a random mess. This study presents some contemporary writings on the verses of the Hour by some contemporary writers, responding to them, and evaluating them, according to scientific controls. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    Abstract (Arabic): ستعرت نرى 􀀶 في زمن تلاطمت فيه الفتن وا صنفين 􀁼 ض الكُتَّاب والم 􀂦 اختلالاً في موازين بع شراط 􀀷أ� صرين في تناولهم لأحاديث الفتن و 􀀸 المعا سرعاً وجزماً في تنزيلها على حدث 􀁺 ساعة، وت 􀁺 ال أو فتنة من الفتن. � ، ما شر في الآونة 􀁻 أفرزت المطابع ودور الن � لقد كتابات اتخذت من الأحاديث الواردة « الأخيرة صباً لعبث العابثين، 􀁼 ساعة مرتعاً خ 􀁺 شراط ال 􀀷أ� في صين، يقولون ما لا يعلمون، 􀀸 وظنون المُتخر 􀁺 ويهرفون بما لا يعرفون، في كهانة مُقنعة تلب ص يُنادي عليها بالبراءة، 􀁼 ص، والن 􀁼 س الن 􀀶 لبو.»! صنعاً 􀀸 سنون 􀁺 أنهم يُح � سبون 􀁺 ساءوا وهم يح 􀀶� ف أ س فظلوا حيارى 􀀶 شغلت تلك الكتابات، النا 􀀷 و صحتها، وهل 􀀸 صداقيتها و 􀁼 ساءلون عن مدى م 􀁺 يت ستندون 􀁺 صحيح ي 􀀸 ستند 􀁺 إليه م � ؤلاء فيما ذهبوا � له أنهم كحاطب ليل، يجمعون الغث � أم� ،؟ ليه �إ شواء. 􀁻 سمين، ويخبطون خبط ع 􀁺 بال صرة 􀀸 ض الكتابات المعا 􀂦 سة لبع 􀀶 ض هذه الدرا 􀀹 وتعر صرين، 􀀸 ض الكُتاب المعا 􀂦 ساعة، لبع 􀁺 آيات ال � عن ضوابط العلمية. 􀂦 والرد عليها، وتقويمها، وفق ال. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    : Copyright of Bouhouth is the property of London Research & Consulting Center and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)

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    دورية أكاديمية

    Alternate Title: Sharia ways to curbing the Pandemics (The Doctrinal Studies). (English)

    المصدر: Bouhouth; Jul2020, Issue 34, p237-250, 14p

    Abstract (English): This &udy dealt with the ways that are set out by Sharia legislator to avoid the pandemics and to prevent them prior to their exigence and to fight them in case they overspread. In fact, Islam emphasizes exerting efforts as a complete tru& in Allah. This &udy includes six sections, covering Sharia method such as, not publicly commit sins, repentance and seeking Allah forgiveness, invoking to Allah and supplication, working actively in order to repair what is corrupted by human via enhancing virtue and preventing vice, and to deal with the Sharia ways to fight pandemics such as diet, isolation and quarantine. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    Abstract (Arabic): تحدث اليحث عن الوساذل الفتي نحى عليه ا ء قدل وقوعه، ورفعه بعد 􀀤 الشارع وأقرها، لدفع الي سياب من مام وكمال التوكال على 􀁕 ن بذل ا 􀁕 حلوله؛ الله تعاش، وتضمن ستة مطالب، تناولت الوساذل الشرعية الدينية: كترك المجاهرة بالمعاصي، والتوبة ستغغار من الذنب، واللجوء اش الله والتضرع 􀁕 وا ح ما افسده 􀀤 والدعاء، والدل الغاءل في إص حتساب على المنكرات 􀁕 مر بالمعروف، وا 􀁕 نسان با 􀁕 ا الظاهرة، وتناول الوساذل الشرعية الدنيوية لدفع ء والطواعين، كاكمية والتداوي، والعزل 􀀤 الي واكجر الصحي'. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    : Copyright of Bouhouth is the property of London Research & Consulting Center and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)

  4. 4
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: صالح الزهراني -

    المصدر: Bouhouth; Sep2020, Issue 36, p29-44, 16p

    Abstract (English): This study includes a conversation about the statement in the Arabic language in general, and the Qur'anic statement in particular. What is the statement? And ho٦v does it differ in Arabic from it in other languages ?, Hadith on the Holy Qur'an: Description, definition and explanation, and what scholars said about it, providing an applied model in a verse from the Holy Qur'an: God Almighty said: (Indeed, we have revealed the remembrance of Allah, and for Him we preserve) Al-Hijr: 9, and an applied model in Surat AlAsr. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    Abstract (Arabic): تتضمن هذه الدراسة الحديث عن البيان في اللغة العربية عامة، والبيان القرآني خاصة؛ ما البيان؟ وبماذ ا يختلف في العربية عذلمع في بقية اللفات؟ حديث عن القرآن الكريم؛ وصنلمع، وتعريفهوبياك، وماذا قال العلماء فيه، ،) تقديم نموذج تطبيقي في آية من القرآن الكريم؛ قوله تعالى 'رانا نحن نزلتا الدكر وانا له تحافظون(إ) الحجر: ٩ ونموذج تطبيقي في سورة العصر. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    : Copyright of Bouhouth is the property of London Research & Consulting Center and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)

  5. 5
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Bouhouth; Dec2019, Issue 30, p18-34, 17p

    Abstract (Arabic): تواجه اللغة العربية في عصر العولمة كثيراً من التحديات التي تدفع إلى التنبه والدراسة والتحلدل والتفسير لجوانبها ٠ والعمل على استدراك ما تنجذم عنها من نتائج خطيرة على بنية اللغة، نطقا وكتابة، يجابية 􀁵 ستغادة من مظاهر العولة ا 􀀵 والحرص على ا ت التعرم 􀀵 في واقعنا الحياتي، وبخاصة في مجا واستخدام التقنية ووسائل التواصل الحديثة، لما لهذه نسان والمجتمع 􀁵 الجواذب من أهمية كبيرة في مسيرة ا التطورية على مساحة العالم كله، وذلك خدمة للغتن العربيةوتعزيزاًلمكانتها. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    : Copyright of Bouhouth is the property of London Research & Consulting Center and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)

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    دورية أكاديمية

    Alternate Title: The Problem of Language Varieties in the Educational Scene: Palestinian Public Schools as an example. (English)

    المصدر: Bouhouth; 2020 Special Issue, Issue 37, p287-296, 10p

    Abstract (English): For many decades, the Arabic language has been exposed to attempts to destroy and distort. One of these attempts is the prevalence of the phenomenon of colloquialism, ١vhich is one of the most important problems facing educational institutions. This phenomenon reflects a ٦veak linguistic performance and a crack in the cultural structure of our students. As one of the most prominent challenges facing the Arabic language today In the field of education, colloquialism is included in the educational scene and made it a medium between the teacher and the student, which negatively affects the personality of the learner who becomes anxious, weak, and lacks the intellecttial and linguistic creativity. Hence, the importance of this sttrdy comes from its subject matter and the goals it seeks to achieve, trying to uncover the phenomenon of linguistic variation and the risks it entails by studying colloquial structures and the use of dialects in the educational system, leading to a linguistic hybrid in which phonemic deviations have a negative reflection on the learning process with its sender and receiver. To achieve the desired objectives, this analyzing it with a realistic analysis to reach the results that contribute to understanding and developing reality. The study found a set of results, the most prominent of which is that the Arabic language in public schools suffers from a deterioration in its use. Several factors have contributed to the spread of this neglect, including the low linguistic competence of the teacher, and his use of colloquial dialects in communicating with sttidents. Moreover, the traditional methods of education that depend on spoon-feeding, not practice,...etc., which leaves psychological and intellectual effects that draw our children to the linguistic chaos and disperse their intellectual and creative energies. In light of the findings of the sttidy, a set of recommendations were presented aimed at the need to reduce the phenomenon of duplication and work to popularize the standard language and expand the scope of its use in the educational scene. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    Abstract (Arabic): ; ت ش ي*ن ومع ظاه هع رة 􀀒 ت هد مم وتشويه، ومن هذه المحاو 􀀒 تتعرض اللغة العر ٠ب ٠٠ية منن ءعقود ع د٠*يدة إلى محاو زدواجية اللغوية التي تعد من اهم المشكلات التي تواجه مؤسسات التعرم، إذ تعكس واقعا لغويا ضعيفا، وتصدعا في البنية الثقافية لحللبتنا، إذ إن من أبرز التحديات التي تواجهها اللغة العربيه اليوم في مجال التعرم إقحام العائية في المشهد التعرمى وجعلها وسيلة بين المعدم والطالب مما يؤثر سلبا على شخصية المتعلم فتجعله قلقا ضعيف الشخصية فاقدا للإبداع الفكري واللغوي ١ هداف التي تسعى لتحقيقها محاولة الكشف 􀀹 من هنا تأتي أهمية هذه الدراسة من أهمية موضوعها وا ل دراسة التراكيب العامية ودخول اللهجات 􀀒 زدواجية اللغوية والمحاذير التي تنطوي عليها من خا 􀀒 ظاهرة ا النظام التعليمي وتورد هجين لغوي فيه انحرافات صوتية ذات انعكاس سلبي على العملية التظمية بطرفيه ا هداف المنشودة تتبع هذه الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي من خلال وصف 􀀹 الموسل والمستثرل، ولتحثرق ا واقعيا للوصول إلى النتائج التي تساهم في فهم الواقع وتحلويره. 􀀒 الظاهرة وتحليلها تحليا توصلت الدراسة إلى مجموعة من النتائج أبرزها أن اللغة العربية في المدارس الحكومية تعاني تدهورا في همال من بينها تدني كفاءة المعدم اللغوية، واستخد امه 􀀒 استخدامها، وأن عوامدل عدة قد ساهمت على تغشي هذا ا التطبدق 􀀒 للهجات العامية في التواصل مع الطلبة، إضافة اوى طرق التعرم التقليدية التي تعتمد على التلقين بداعية. 􀁅 وغيرها، مما يترك آثارا نفسية وفكرية تسلم أبناءنا إلى الفوضى اللغوية وتشتت طاقاتهم الفكرية وا وفي ضوء النتائج التي توصلت إليها اكر ١سة تم تقددم مجموعة من التوصيات الوامية إلى ضرورة الحد ت استعمالها في المشهد التعليمي، 􀀒 زدواجية والعءل على تعميم الفحدحىوتوسيع مجا 􀀒 ظاهرة ا. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    : Copyright of Bouhouth is the property of London Research & Consulting Center and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)

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    دورية أكاديمية

    Alternate Title: Obstacles Facing Palestinian Drama and the Requirements for its Development from the Point of View of its Workers. (English)

    المصدر: Bouhouth; Jun2023, Vol. 15 Issue 50, p63-84, 22p

    مصطلحات جغرافية: PALESTINE

    Abstract (English): This study aims at knowing the most important obstacles facing Palestinian drama, and the requirements for its development from the point of view of its workers. The study followed the descriptive analytical approach, where a questionnaire was distributed to workers in the field of Palestinian drama in Palestine, and their number was (82). The results showed that the most important obstacles facing the Palestinian drama are: 86% of the respondents believe that there is a shortage in the produced Palestinian drama; 86% think that there is a repetition and modularity in this drama, 85.6% think that there is flaw in marketing and promoting the Palestinian drama series and movies. In addition, 90% of the respondents believe that establishing specialized colleges to qualify technical cadres and makers of Palestinian drama. In addition, 89% indicated that institutions and private entities interested in this field should help support Palestinian drama. Moreover, 89% think that there is a need to develop methods of direction and production of Palestinian drama, and 89% think that the Palestinian people's awareness of the importance of Palestinian series and films in supporting the Palestinian cause should be enhanced. The study recommended urging the development of a scenario that expresses the social and economic reality in Palestine, developing content and texts that tackle the Palestinian issue in Palestinian drama with the aim of transferring it to the global narrative, and developing institutes and universities to qualify Palestinian technical cadres and directors. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    Abstract (Arabic): تهدف هذه الدراسة الى معرفة اهم المعيقات التي تواجه الدراما الفلسطينية، ومتطلبات طويرها من وجهة نظر العاملين فيها. واتبعت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، حيث تم توزيع استبيان على العاملين في مجال الدراما الفلسطينية في فلمعطين وبلغ عددهم (82) مفردة. وقد بينت النتائج بان اهم المعيقات التي تواجه الدراما الفلسطينية من وجهة نظر المبحوثين هي قلة الانتاج الدرامي الفلسطيني بنسبة (86 %)، ومن ثم النمطية والتكرارللقضاياالتي تناولتهابنسبة (85.6 %)، ومن دم وجود خدل في عملية تمعودق المسلسلأت والأفلأم الدرامية الفلسطينية بنسبة (84.8 %). كما أظهر ت النتائج ان أهم متطلبات تطوير الدراما الفلسطينية كانت استحداث جامعات ومعاهد خاصة لتأهدل كوادر فنية، وصناع للدراما((بنسبة (90 %)، والحاجة لمساعدة المؤسسات والجهات المهتمة في مجال الدرام ا تطوير أساليب إخراج المسلسلأت والأفلأم الدرامية(بنسبة « لدعم الدراما الفلسطينية بنسبة (89 %)، و .(% 89 %)، وتعزيز وعي الجمهور لأهمية المسلسلأت والأفلأم في دعم القضية الفلسطينية((بنسبة (89) اونعت الدراسة بالعمل على تطوير السيناريوفي فلمعطين بحيث يعبر عن اهتمامات الجمهور وقضاياه الاجتماعية، ونطوير المحتوى والنحعوص التي تتحدث عن القضية الفلسطينية بهدف نقلها اذى الرواية العالمية، وكذلك تطوير المعاهد والجامعات لتاهيل كوادر فنية ومخرجين فلمعطينيين. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    : Copyright of Bouhouth is the property of London Research & Consulting Center and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)

  9. 9
    دورية أكاديمية

    Alternate Title: An article entitled: "The reality and importance of manuscripts in Mali". (English)

    المصدر: Bouhouth; May2023, Issue 49, p81-102, 22p

    مستخلص: One of the greatest treasures of sub-Saharan Africa is the Mali manuscripts, as they are a handwritten document that has cultural, scientific and historical value for the people of Mali. And because it is a heritage that enabled Mali to contribute to the advancement of human sciences thanks to its characteristics, importance and cultural-scientific value in various fields of life, which is a huge wealth that needs to be investigated. This is not surprising, because the geographical location of Mali confirms to US that the city of Timbuktu was a gateway to civilized friction between the northern region of Mali and the Islamic and Western worlds. Today, the number of Mali manuscripts is 38,732 distributed between the headquarters of the Ahmed Baba Institute for Postgraduate Studies and Islamic Research in Timbuktu, and its branch in Bamako, the capital of Mali. I mean as confirmed to me by the Director General of the Institute, "Mohamed Diagayete», a graduate of Al-Zeitouna University in Tunisia, there are 10,487 manuscripts in Timbuktu, and 28,245 manuscripts in the capital. The field of manuscripts enabled peoples to discover their Malian identity thanks to what Mali possesses in this field of ancient documents and books, which were spread among mosques, offices, hallways, families and other places, as a heritage that must be taken care of so that it does not disappear, even though our ancestors were the first to spread knowledge and knowledge. In a sense, on the one hand, that Mali has taken the first positive steps to take care of the written heritage, but the road ahead is long and the task is huge. Perhaps it is appropriate to discuss the reality of this heritage and its importance in todays Malian society. Thus, on the other hand, there is no doubt that todays Mali is completely lacking in modem technology, and that it is not satisfied with simply placing manuscripts in libraries, as it was to imitate what the ancestors invented, but rather it must make technology part of the field of heritage study to support the provision of the causes of culture, knowledge, capabilities for growth, and competencies on creativity and innovation. And all this is in order to develop this huge heritage around the world, and to have a high position, especially in our Islamic world today, which is famous for human, financial and scientific capabilities, with which we can guarantee our scientific research efforts and technical progress in it, in addition to success in addressing the various causes of illiteracy and underdevelopment, and in clarifying feattires of the Islamic identity and personality. From this standpoint, I tried to address aproblem, based on addressing this topic in orderto Accordingly, one of the most important findings and suggestions of this research is that the Mali manuscripts are still distributed in many places. They must be known before examining their texts for development and public interest. Knowing that some international organizations and countries are seeking to support and develop the field of these manuscripts and protect them from loss, therefore Mali must continue to issue laws related to manuscript heritage, and seek in particular to strengthen its relations with Arab countries that are famous for serving this heritage, and international organizations in order to providing opportunities for successful academic research and to introduce the identity of the Malian people at the global level. highlight the extent of Malfis contribution to the advancement of human knowledge with huge manuscripts, which assures US of the existence of a relationship between Mali and other peoples concerned with this type of heritage. This calls for an examination of the documents and the positions of scholars on the manuscript heritage. Therefore, such research is not without importance related to the reality of the Mali state, and it defines for US a pattern of its identity. Of course, this research aims to highlight the value of the manuscripts, their status, importance, characteristics, and ways to protectthemaccordingtoaclear plan, which shows us the possibility of highlighting the link between Mali and Islam in the service of the manuscripts, and to other countries through its geographical location. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    : Copyright of Bouhouth is the property of London Research & Consulting Center and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)

  10. 10
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Bouhouth; Jun2020, Issue 33, p35-62, 28p

    Abstract (English): This study aimed at identifying the effectiveness of a training program based on e-activities in developing the skills of using web applications among graduate students at University of Bisha. The study used the descriptive analytical and the experimental methods. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher prepared the Achievement Test to measure the cognitive aspects related to the skills of using web applications. In addition, the researcher established the Observation Card to measure the performance of those skills among graduate students at University of Bisha. A random sample of graduate students at University of Bisha was assigned to the study. It consists of (32) students who were assigned equally to two groups; the first was the experimental group where the participants received training based on the e-activities, and the other was the control one where the participants received traditional training. Results of the study revealed a statistically significant difference at 0.05 between the experimental and the control post-test mean scores of both the Achievement Test related to the skills of using web applications and the observation cards in favor of the experimental group. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    Abstract (Arabic): ستحدثات 􀁺 شطة الإلكترونية من الم 􀁻 تعد الأن ستخدامها في تنمية 􀀶 التكنولوجية التي يمكن ا سات العليا، وذلك 􀀶 المهارات التقنية لطلاب الدرا سات التعليمية التي 􀀶 لأنها مجموعة من الممار أو خارجها، � ديها المتعلمون داخل البيئة التعليمية � ؤ من خلال ما يبذله المتعلم من جهد عقلي وبدني ساعده على 􀁺 وفقاً لميوله واهتماماته وقدراته بما ي إيجابيته، � شاركته و 􀁻 التعلم الفعال القائم على م ساب المهارات المتنوعة في 􀁺 ساعده على اكت 􀁺 كما ي .)850 ، مختلف المجالات.)محمود، 2011 ستراتيجية 􀀶 شطة الإلكترونية كا 􀁻 ستخدم الأن 􀁺 وت ستخدمة في 􀁺 ستراتيجيات التعلم المهمة الم 􀀶 من ا إلى � إنها تدفع المتعلمين � إذ� ، التعليم الإلكتروني ساب المعلومات والخبرات 􀁺 العمل، والتعاون، واكت صة للمتعلمين لتحقيق 􀀸 أنها تتيح الفر � التعليمية، كما شاريع 􀁻 شطة وم 􀁻 أن� إعطاء المتعلمين � ذاتهم من خلال شاريع فردية 􀁻 شطة والم 􀁻 سواء كانت هذه الأن 􀀶 إلكترونية أو مع المعلم، � شاركة مع مجموعة العمل 􀁻 أو تعاونية بالم سريعة 􀁺 صال ال 􀁼 سائل الات 􀀶 ساعد التقنيات الحديثة وو 􀁺 وت شطة المتعلم على الاطلاع على المعلومات 􀁻 لهذه الأن والخبرات وتزيد من العلم والمعرفة للقائمين على صادر 􀁼 أنها توفر العديد من م � شطة، كما 􀁻 هذه الأن شرقاوي، عبد 􀁻 شروع)ال 􀁻 التعلم المرتبطة بهذا الم .)287 ، الرزاق، 2009. ساليب 􀀶أ� حدى � شطة الإلكترونية إ 􀁻 وتُعد الأن ستخدامها وتوظيفها من 􀀶 شط التي يمكن ا 􀁻 التعلم الن خلال بيئة التعلم عبر الويب ومنها: التعلم التعاوني. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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