يعرض 1 - 10 نتائج من 59 نتيجة بحث عن '"Hip surgery"', وقت الاستعلام: 1.33s تنقيح النتائج
  1. 1
    مورد إلكتروني

    المصدر: Lund University, Faculty of Medicine Doctoral Dissertation Series; (2022:89) (2022); ISSN: 1652-8220

    مستخلص: Höftprotesoperationer har blivit en mycket vanlig operation med generellt goda resultat. Allt fler och allt yngre patienter opereras vilket ställer högre krav på att höftprotesen fungerar bättre och håller längre så att en omoperation kan undvikas. En av de vanligaste orsakerna till att höftproteser behöver omopereras är effekter av cupslitage, det vill säga slitage av plasten som utgör slitytan i den konstgjorda ledpannan (cupen). Detta slitage kan ha olika orsaker och vi har i denna avhandling undersökt några av de faktorer som man tror har störst betydelse för cupslitaget. Hur man tillverkar plasten kan påverka dess överlevnad men andra faktorer t.ex. höftkulans storlek eller vilket material kulan är gjord av tror man också har betydelse för i vilken takt plasten slits ner. Det har genom åren även skett en förbättring av protesdesignen och fixationsmetoderna vilket vi till viss del även undersökt, För våra undersökningar har vi haft tillgång till den mest sofistikerade och känsliga mätmetod som finns för att mäta slitage och cuprörlighet, nämligen Röntgenstereometrisk analys (RSA).Man har trott att ledhuvud av keramik har bättre slitageegenskaper än metall efter som den har slätare yta, är hårdare och glider lättare med hjälp av ledens vätska. Våra resultat (Studie I) visar att det inte finns någon skillnad i slitage mellan keramik och metallkula mätt upptill 5 år, förutsatt att man använder modern molekylärt högbunden plast. Dessutom visar våra resultat att val av material på ledkulan inte påverkar cupens fixation mot benet över tid. I ett av våra delarbeten (Studie II) fann vi att modern molekylärt högbunden plast endast uppvisar en tiondel så mycket årligt slitage som konventionell plast (0.01 mm/år jämfört med 0.1 mm/år). Det är redan tidigare visat att molekylärt högbunden plast har mindre plastslitage än konventionell plast men vad vi kunnat påvisa är att den låga slitagehastigheten fortsatte vara låg ända upp till 10 år, utan tecken till ökad slitagehastig

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    مورد إلكتروني

    المصدر: HIP International vol.33 (2021) date: 2021-09-08 nr.2 p.136-355 [ISSN 1120-7000]

    مستخلص: Background. Total hip arthroplasty (THA) patients have been shown to not achieve normal sagittal plane hip kinematics. However, previous studies have only conducted group level analysis and as such lack the sensitivity to highlight whether individual patients do achieve normal hip kinematics. As such this study looked to determine whether some patients with well-functioning THA achieve typical sagittal plane hip kinematics. Methods. Sagittal plane hip kinematics were collected on 11 well-functioning THA patients (Oxford Hip Score = 46 ± 3) and 10 asymptomatic controls using a three-dimensional motion analysis system during self-paced walking. High-functioning THA patients were identified as those who displayed sagittal plane hip kinematics that were within the variance of the control group on average, and low-functioning patients as those who did not. Results. 5 THA patients were identified as high-functioning, displaying hip kinematics within the variance of the control group. High-functioning THA patients displayed peak hip flexion and extension values more closely aligned to asymptomatic control group than low-functioning patients. However, hip range of motion was comparable between high- and low-functioning total hip arthroplasty patients, and reduced compared to controls. Conclusion. The presence of high-functioning THA patients who display comparable sagittal plane hip kinematics to controls suggests these patients do achieve normative function and challenges the conclusions of previous group level analysis. Understanding why some patients achieve better function post-operatively will aid pre- and post-operative practices to maximise functional recovery.

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    مورد إلكتروني

    المصدر: HIP International (2021) date: 2021-06-23 [ISSN 1120-7000]

    مستخلص: Background. Total hip arthroplasty (THA) patients have been shown to not achieve normal sagittal plane hip kinematics. However, previous studies have only conducted group level analysis and as such lack the sensitivity to highlight whether individual patients do achieve normal hip kinematics. As such this study looked to determine whether some patients with well-functioning THA achieve typical sagittal plane hip kinematics. Methods. Sagittal plane hip kinematics were collected on 11 well-functioning THA patients (Oxford Hip Score = 46 ± 3) and 10 asymptomatic controls using a three-dimensional motion analysis system during self-paced walking. High-functioning THA patients were identified as those who displayed sagittal plane hip kinematics that were within the variance of the control group on average, and low-functioning patients as those who did not. Results. 5 THA patients were identified as high-functioning, displaying hip kinematics within the variance of the control group. High-functioning THA patients displayed peak hip flexion and extension values more closely aligned to asymptomatic control group than low-functioning patients. However, hip range of motion was comparable between high- and low-functioning total hip arthroplasty patients, and reduced compared to controls. Conclusion. The presence of high-functioning THA patients who display comparable sagittal plane hip kinematics to controls suggests these patients do achieve normative function and challenges the conclusions of previous group level analysis. Understanding why some patients achieve better function post-operatively will aid pre- and post-operative practices to maximise functional recovery.

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    مورد إلكتروني

    مستخلص: Bakgrund: Åldersrelaterade sjukdomar och skador som höftledsartros och höftfrakturer ökar i takt med att befolkningen blir allt äldre. Vårdkostnader för smärta relaterat till höftkirurgi förväntas därmed öka. För att äldre ska få fullgod smärtlindring som kan öka chansen för en effektiv rehabilitering krävs kunskap om upplevelser hos patienter äldre än 50 år. Syfte: Att beskriva upplevelser av smärta och smärtlindring hos patienter som genomgått höftkirurgi. Metod: Litteraturstudien omfattade 11 vetenskapliga artiklar. Samtliga artiklar var publicerade mellan år 2003 och 2019 och använde sig av kvalitativa metoder. Patientgruppen omfattade personer mellan 50 år och äldre. Huvudresultat: Smärtan efter höftkirurgi var som mest påtaglig de första dagarna och särskilt vid mobilisering. Långvarig smärta påverkade förmågan att klara av vardagsaktiviteter och bidrog till en mer isolerad tillvaro. Den långvariga smärtan skapade även känslor av frustration och hopplöshet. Samtidigt förekom ett accepterande förhållningssätt där smärtan sågs som naturlig och som en del av läkningsprocessen. Smärtlindringen var central för rehabiliteringen och återanpassningen till det vardagliga livet. Det fanns dock en rädsla för läkemedelsbiverkningar hos många äldre. Slutsats: Det fanns stora variationer i hur smärtan upplevdes, hanterades och kommunicerades. Äldre patienter riskerar dessutom att inte få fullgod smärtlindring. Smärta behöver kommuniceras på fler sätt än genom enbart skattning av intensitet. Sjuksköterskan har därför en central roll i att hjälpa patienten att hitta mening med lidande och smärta, vilket är en viktigt del i personcentrerad vård. Smärtan kan annars leda till försämrad rehabilitering samt ökade vårdkostnader som följd.
    Introduction: Age-related illnesses and injuries such as hip arthrosis and hip fractures are increasing as the population grows older. Costs for pain related to hip surgery are thus expected to increase. Knowledge of experiences in patients older than 50 years is required for the elderly to receive adequate pain relief that can increase the chance of effective rehabilitation. Aim: To describe experiences of pain and pain relief in patients who have undergone hip surgery. Methods: The literature study included 11 scientific articles. All articles used qualitative methods and were published between 2003 and 2019. The patient group included persons between 50 years and older. Results: The pain was experienced by the whole individual and in a unique way for each person. The pain after hip surgery was most evident during the first few days, and especially during mobilization. Prolonged pain affected the ability to cope with everyday activities and contributed to isolation. The lingering pain also created feelings of frustration and hopelessness. At the same time, there was an accepting approach where the pain was seen as natural and as part of the healing process. The pain relief of the elderly was central to the rehabilitation and re-adjustment to everyday life. However, there was a fear of drug side effects among many elderly people. Conclusion: There were large variations in how the pain was experienced, managed and communicated. There was also a risk that elderly patients did not receive adequate pain relief. Pain needs to be communicated in more ways than by estimating intensity alone. The nurse therefore has a central role in helping the patient find meaning with suffering and pain, which is an important part of person-centered care. The pain can otherwise lead to impaired rehabilitation as well as increased health care costs as a result.

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    مورد إلكتروني

    المصدر: Lindberg-Larsen , M , Petersen , P B , Jørgensen , C C , Overgaard , S , Kehlet , H & Lundbeck Foundation Center for Fast-track Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Collaborating Group 2020 , ' Postoperative 30-day complications after cemented/hybrid versus cementless total hip arthroplasty in osteoarthritis patients > 70 years : A multicenter study from the Lundbeck Foundation Centre for Fast-track Hip and Knee replacement database and the Danish Hip Arthroplasty Register ' , Acta Orthopaedica , vol. 91 , no. 3 , pp. 286-292 .

    مستخلص: Background and purpose - The use of cementless total hip arthroplasty (THA) in elderly patients is debated because of increased risk of early periprosthetic femoral fractures. However, cemented femoral components carry a risk of bone cement implantation syndrome. Hence, we compared in-hospital complications, complications leading to readmission and mortality ≤ 30 days postoperatively between hybrid/cemented (cemented femoral component) vs. cementless THA in osteoarthritis patients > 70 years.Patients and methods - This is a prospective observational cohort study in 9 centers from January 2010 to August 2017. We used 30-day follow-up from the Danish National Patient Registry, patient records, and data from the Danish Hip Arthroplasty Register. Only THAs performed as a result of osteoarthritis were included.Results - 3,368 (42%) of the THAs were cemented/hybrid and 4,728 (58%) cementless. The in-hospital complication risk was 7.7% after cemented/hybrid vs. 5.3% after cementless THA (< 0.001), statistically not significant when adjusting for comorbidities (p = 0.1). There were similar risks of complications causing readmission (5.7% vs. 6.2%) and mortality ≤ 30 days (0.2% vs. 0.3%). 15 cases (0.4%) of pulmonary embolism (PE) were found after cemented/hybrid vs. 4 (0.1%) after cementless THA (p = 0.001); none occurred within 24 hours postoperatively. 2 of the PEs after cementless THA led to mortality. Cemented/hybrid THA remained significantly associated with risk of PE (RR 3.9, p = 0.02), when adjusting for comorbidities. BMI > 35 was associated with highest risk of PE (RR 5.7, p = 0.003). The risk of periprosthetic femoral fracture was 0.2% after cemented/hybrid vs. 1.5% after cementless THA (p < 0.001) and the risk of dislocations was 1.2% after cemented/hybrid THA vs. 1.8% after cementless THA (p = 0.04).Interpretation - The higher risk of PE after cemented/hybrid THA and higher risk of periprosthetic femoral fractures and dislocations after cementles

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    مورد إلكتروني

    مستخلص: Bakgrund: Åldersrelaterade sjukdomar och skador som höftledsartros och höftfrakturer ökar i takt med att befolkningen blir allt äldre. Vårdkostnader för smärta relaterat till höftkirurgi förväntas därmed öka. För att äldre ska få fullgod smärtlindring som kan öka chansen för en effektiv rehabilitering krävs kunskap om upplevelser hos patienter äldre än 50 år. Syfte: Att beskriva upplevelser av smärta och smärtlindring hos patienter som genomgått höftkirurgi. Metod: Litteraturstudien omfattade 11 vetenskapliga artiklar. Samtliga artiklar var publicerade mellan år 2003 och 2019 och använde sig av kvalitativa metoder. Patientgruppen omfattade personer mellan 50 år och äldre. Huvudresultat: Smärtan efter höftkirurgi var som mest påtaglig de första dagarna och särskilt vid mobilisering. Långvarig smärta påverkade förmågan att klara av vardagsaktiviteter och bidrog till en mer isolerad tillvaro. Den långvariga smärtan skapade även känslor av frustration och hopplöshet. Samtidigt förekom ett accepterande förhållningssätt där smärtan sågs som naturlig och som en del av läkningsprocessen. Smärtlindringen var central för rehabiliteringen och återanpassningen till det vardagliga livet. Det fanns dock en rädsla för läkemedelsbiverkningar hos många äldre. Slutsats: Det fanns stora variationer i hur smärtan upplevdes, hanterades och kommunicerades. Äldre patienter riskerar dessutom att inte få fullgod smärtlindring. Smärta behöver kommuniceras på fler sätt än genom enbart skattning av intensitet. Sjuksköterskan har därför en central roll i att hjälpa patienten att hitta mening med lidande och smärta, vilket är en viktigt del i personcentrerad vård. Smärtan kan annars leda till försämrad rehabilitering samt ökade vårdkostnader som följd.
    Introduction: Age-related illnesses and injuries such as hip arthrosis and hip fractures are increasing as the population grows older. Costs for pain related to hip surgery are thus expected to increase. Knowledge of experiences in patients older than 50 years is required for the elderly to receive adequate pain relief that can increase the chance of effective rehabilitation. Aim: To describe experiences of pain and pain relief in patients who have undergone hip surgery. Methods: The literature study included 11 scientific articles. All articles used qualitative methods and were published between 2003 and 2019. The patient group included persons between 50 years and older. Results: The pain was experienced by the whole individual and in a unique way for each person. The pain after hip surgery was most evident during the first few days, and especially during mobilization. Prolonged pain affected the ability to cope with everyday activities and contributed to isolation. The lingering pain also created feelings of frustration and hopelessness. At the same time, there was an accepting approach where the pain was seen as natural and as part of the healing process. The pain relief of the elderly was central to the rehabilitation and re-adjustment to everyday life. However, there was a fear of drug side effects among many elderly people. Conclusion: There were large variations in how the pain was experienced, managed and communicated. There was also a risk that elderly patients did not receive adequate pain relief. Pain needs to be communicated in more ways than by estimating intensity alone. The nurse therefore has a central role in helping the patient find meaning with suffering and pain, which is an important part of person-centered care. The pain can otherwise lead to impaired rehabilitation as well as increased health care costs as a result.

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    مورد إلكتروني

    المصدر: Lindberg-Larsen , M , Petersen , P B , Jørgensen , C C , Overgaard , S , Kehlet , H & Lundbeck Foundation Center for Fast-track Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Collaborating Group 2020 , ' Postoperative 30-day complications after cemented/hybrid versus cementless total hip arthroplasty in osteoarthritis patients > 70 years : A multicenter study from the Lundbeck Foundation Centre for Fast-track Hip and Knee replacement database and the Danish Hip Arthroplasty Register ' , Acta Orthopaedica , vol. 91 , no. 3 , pp. 286-292 .

    مستخلص: Background and purpose - The use of cementless total hip arthroplasty (THA) in elderly patients is debated because of increased risk of early periprosthetic femoral fractures. However, cemented femoral components carry a risk of bone cement implantation syndrome. Hence, we compared in-hospital complications, complications leading to readmission and mortality ≤ 30 days postoperatively between hybrid/cemented (cemented femoral component) vs. cementless THA in osteoarthritis patients > 70 years.Patients and methods - This is a prospective observational cohort study in 9 centers from January 2010 to August 2017. We used 30-day follow-up from the Danish National Patient Registry, patient records, and data from the Danish Hip Arthroplasty Register. Only THAs performed as a result of osteoarthritis were included.Results - 3,368 (42%) of the THAs were cemented/hybrid and 4,728 (58%) cementless. The in-hospital complication risk was 7.7% after cemented/hybrid vs. 5.3% after cementless THA (< 0.001), statistically not significant when adjusting for comorbidities (p = 0.1). There were similar risks of complications causing readmission (5.7% vs. 6.2%) and mortality ≤ 30 days (0.2% vs. 0.3%). 15 cases (0.4%) of pulmonary embolism (PE) were found after cemented/hybrid vs. 4 (0.1%) after cementless THA (p = 0.001); none occurred within 24 hours postoperatively. 2 of the PEs after cementless THA led to mortality. Cemented/hybrid THA remained significantly associated with risk of PE (RR 3.9, p = 0.02), when adjusting for comorbidities. BMI > 35 was associated with highest risk of PE (RR 5.7, p = 0.003). The risk of periprosthetic femoral fracture was 0.2% after cemented/hybrid vs. 1.5% after cementless THA (p < 0.001) and the risk of dislocations was 1.2% after cemented/hybrid THA vs. 1.8% after cementless THA (p = 0.04).Interpretation - The higher risk of PE after cemented/hybrid THA and higher risk of periprosthetic femoral fractures and dislocations after cementles

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    مورد إلكتروني

    مستخلص: Bakgrund: Höftartroplastik är rankad som nummer 11 på listan över de mest smärtsamma kirurgiska ingreppen. Att utveckla kronisk smärta postoperativt rapporteras vara så hög som 10%. Syfte: Studera vuxna patienters upplevelser av postoperativ smärta efter planerad höftoperation samt patienternas erfarenhet av smärtbehandlingen. Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på 10 vetenskapliga artiklar publicerade mellan år 2000 och 2019. Fem artiklar har kvantitativ ansats och fem av artiklarna har kvalitativ ansats. Resultat: Patienters upplevelser av postoperativ smärta efter en elektiv höftoperation är individuell och beskrivs både kvantitativt med hjälp av smärtskattningsskalor och kvalitativt med egna ord. Majoriteten av studierna visar att patienterna upplever sig tillräckligt smärtlindrade av de läkemedel de får i syfte att minska den postoperativa smärtan och i andra fall där religiösa åskådningar spelar in, så förlitar sig patienterna på sin tro och med hjälp av sin familj. Slutsats: Postoperativ smärta efter elektiv höftoperation är ett faktum. Patienterna upplever sig smärtlindrade eller i andra fall står ut med smärtan av kulturella och religiösa skäl. Patienternas delaktighet under sin vårdtid, bättre uppföljning av vården efter utskrivning och ytterligare forskning kring effektivare postoperativ smärtbehandling, krävs i framtiden.
    Introduction: Hip arthroplasty is ranked number 11 on the list of the most painful surgical procedures. Developing chronic pain postoperatively is reported to be as high as 10%. Aim: Study adult patients' experiences of postoperative pain after planned hip surgery and the patients' experience of pain management. Methods: A review of literature based on 10 scientific articles published between 2000 and 2019. Five articles have quantitative approach and five of the articles has qualitative approach. Results: Patients' experiences of postoperative pain after an elective hip operation are individual and described both quantitatively by means of pain estimation scales and qualitatively in their own words. The majority of the studies show that the patients feel sufficiently pain-relieved by the drugs they receive in order to reduce the postoperative pain and in other cases where religious views are recorded, the patients rely on their faith and with the help of their family. Conclusion: Postoperative pain after elective hip surgery is a fact. The patients feel pain-relieved or in other cases stand out with the pain for cultural and religious reasons. Patients' involvement during their care period, better follow-up of care after discharge and further research in more effective postoperative pain treatment, are required in the future.

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    مورد إلكتروني
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    مورد إلكتروني

    المصدر: Nielsen , T D , Moriggl , B , Barckman , J , Jensen , J M , Kølsen-Petersen , J A , Søballe , K , Børglum , J & Bendtsen , T F 2019 , ' Cutaneous anaesthesia of hip surgery incisions with iliohypogastric and subcostal nerve blockade : A randomised trial ' , Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica , vol. 63 , no. 1 , pp. 101-110 .

    مستخلص: Background: Cutaneous nerve blockade may improve analgesia after hip surgery. Anaesthesia after the lateral femoral cutaneous (LFC) nerve block is too distal for complete coverage of most hip surgery incisions, which requires additional anaesthesia of the adjacent, proximal area. The transversalis fascia plane (TFP) block potentially anaesthetises the iliohypogastric and subcostal nerves. The primary aim of the present study was to investigate, if the TFP block provides cutaneous anaesthesia adjacent to the LFC nerve block. Methods: Active vs placebo TFP blocks were compared in a paired randomised controlled trial (RCT) in 20 volunteers, who all had bilateral LFC nerve blocks. The day preceding the RCT, the area anaesthetised by a novel selective ultrasound guided subcostal nerve block was identified bilaterally in order to assess the contribution of the subcostal nerve to the area anaesthesia by the TFP block. Results: Anaesthesia of the lateral hip region after TFP block was 80%. The cutaneous anaesthesia after active TFP block was in continuity with the LFC nerve block in 65%. Combined TFP and LFC nerve blockade significantly increased the coverage of hip surgery incisions compared to LFC nerve block alone. The success rate of blocking the subcostal nerve was 50% with the TFP block. Conclusion: The TFP block anaesthetises the skin proximal to the LFC nerve block by anaesthetising the iliohypogastric and subcostal nerves. TFP block as a supplement to LFC nerve block improves the coverage of the proximal surgical incisions used for hip surgery.

    URL: https://curis.ku.dk/portal/da/publications/cutaneous-anaesthesia-of-hip-surgery-incisions-with-iliohypogastric-and-subcostal-nerve-blockade(2de92c64-9db6-41b3-8622-8778dbd9564f).html