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  1. 1
    مورد إلكتروني

    عناروين إضافية: Construyendo la paz de Utrecht: las negociaciones secretas entre Francia y Gran Bretaña y la firma de los preliminares de Londres

    المصدر: Cuadernos de Historia Moderna; Vol. 45 No. 1 (2020); 199-232; Cuadernos de Historia Moderna; Vol. 45 Núm. 1 (2020); 199-232; 1988-2475; 0214-4018

    URL: https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CHMO/article/view/70024
    *ref*/Albareda, J.: La guerra de Sucesión de España (1700-1714), Barcelona, Crítica, 2011.
    *ref*/Albareda, J.: “Felipe y la negociación de los tratados de Utrecht: bajo los dictados del mejor abuelo del mundo”, en 1713: la monarquía de España y los tratados de Utrecht, Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, XII, Madrid, Publicaciones Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2013, pp. 31-60.
    *ref*/Albareda, J.: “Proyectos de paz, proyectos para Europa en torno a 1713”, en Torres Arce, M y Truchuelo García, S. (eds.): Europa en torno a Utrecht, Santander, Editorial Universidad Cantabria, 2014, pp. 389-410.
    *ref*/Baudrillart, A. : Philippe V et la cour de France d'après des documents inédits tirés des archives espagnoles de Simancas et d’Alcala de Hénarès, et des Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères à Paris, Vol. I, Paris, Librairie de Fermin-Didot, 1890.
    *ref*/Bély, L.: Les larmes de Monsieur Torcy. Un essai sur les perspectives de l’histoire diplomatique à propos des conférences de Gertruydenberg (mars-juillet 1710)”, Histoire, économie et société, 2ᵉ année, n°3, 1983. pp. 429-456.
    *ref*/Bély, L.: Espions et ambassadeurs au temps de Louis XIV, Paris, Fayard, 1990
    *ref*/Bély, L.: Les relations internationeles en Europe: XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles, Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 1992.
    *ref*/Bély, L.: La Société des princes, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles, Paris, Fayard, 1999.
    *ref*/Bély, L.: “Casas soberanas y orden político en la Europa de la paz de Utrecht”, en Fernández Albadalejo, P. (ed.): Los Borbones: dinastía y memoria de nación en la España del siglo XVIII, Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2001, pp. 69-97.
    *ref*/Bély, L.: L’art de la paix en Europe: naissance de la diplomatie moderne, XVIe-XVIIIe siècle, Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2007.
    *ref*/Black, J.: A system of ambition?: British foreign policy, 1660-1793, Londres, Longman, 1991.
    *ref*/Brewer, J.: The sinews of power: war, money and the English state, 1688-1783, Londres, Unwin Hyman, 1989.
    *ref*/Bromley, J. S (ed.), The New Cambridge modern history: Vol. VI, The rise of Great Britain and Russia, 1688-1715/25, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1970
    *ref*/Brown, B. C.: (ed.): Letters and diplomatic instructions of Queen Anne, London, Cassell, 1935.
    *ref*/Butler, C. y Gray, J. M. (eds.): Memoirs of the Secret Services of John Macky, Esq., During the Reigns of King William, Queen Anne, and King George I, Londres, 1733..
    *ref*/Castellano García, M.: “François Gaultier, un artisan de la paix d’Utrecht, 1711-1713”, Revue d’Histoire Diplomatique, 132 (2016-3), pp. 257-275.
    *ref*/Castellví i Obando, F.: en Mundet i Guifre, J. M. y Alsina Roca, J. (eds.): Narraciones históricas, Vol. III, Madrid, Fundación Francisco Elías de Tejada y Erasmo Pèrcopo, 1997-2002.
    *ref*/Coombs, D.: The Conduct of the Dutch: British opinion and the Dutch alliance during the war of Spanish Succession, La Haya, 1958.
    *ref*/Courcy, M. R.: La coalition de 1701 contre la France, Paris, E. Plon Nourrit, 1886.
    *ref*/Coward, B.: The Stuart Age: England 1603-1714, Londres, Longman, 2003.
    *ref*/Dickinson, H. T.: “The October Club”, Huntington Library Quarterly, Vol 33, 2 (1970), pp. 155-173.
    *ref*/Dickinson, H. T.: Liberty and property. Political ideology in eighteenth-century Britain, Londres, Methuen, 1979.
    *ref*/Dickinson, H. T.:“Politique britannique et lutte de partis dans les negociations du Traite d’Utrecht”, Le négoce de la paix. Les nations et les traités franco-britanniques (1713-1802), actes de la journée d’études de Rouen du 6 juin 2003, Paris, Société des études robespierristes, 2008, pp. 15-46.
    *ref*/Drift, A. (ed.): The history of his own time, compiled from the original manuscripts of His late Excellency, Matthew Prior esq. Rev. and signed by himself, Londres, Adrian Drift, 1740.
    *ref*/Feiling, K.: A history of the Tory party 1640-1714, Oxford, Oxford Clarendon Press, 1965.
    *ref*/Fernández Durán, R.: La corona española y el tráfico de negros. Del monopolio al libre comercio, Madrid, Ecobook, 2011.
    *ref*/Frey, L. y Frey, M. (eds.): Observations from The Hague and Utrecht, Columbus, Ohio State University Libraries Publication Comitte, 1979.
    *ref*/Gregg, E.: Queen Anne, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2001.
    *ref*/Guillamón Álvarez, F. J. y Muñoz Rodríguez, J. (eds.): Educando al Príncipe: correspondencia privada de Luis XIV a Felipe V durante la guerra de Sucesión, Rosario, Prohistoria, 2008.
    *ref*/Hattendorf, J.: England in the war of the Spanish succession: a study of the English view and conduct of the grand strategy, 1702-1712. New York-London, Garland Publishing, 1987.
    *ref*/Hill, B. W.: “The change of government and the ‘loss of the city’”, The Economic History Review, Vol. 24, 3 (August 1971), pp. 395-413.
    *ref*/Hill, B. W.: “Oxford, Bolingbroke, and the Peace of Utrecht”, The Historical Journal, Vol. 16, 2 (June 1973), pp. 241-263.
    *ref*/Hill, B. W.: Robert Harley, Speaker, Secretary of State and Premier Minister, New Haven & London, Yale University Press, 1988.
    *ref*/Hill, B. W.: Holmes, G. (ed.): “Harley, St. John and the death of the Tory Party”, en Holmes, G. (ed.): Britain after the glorious revolution 1689-1714, Londres, MacMillanPress, 1969, pp. 216-238.
    *ref*/Hill, B. W.: “The Sacheverell riots: The Crowd and the Church in early eighteen-century London”, Past & Present, 72 (August, 1976), pp. 55-85.
    *ref*/Hill, B. W.: British politics in the age of Anne, London, The Hambledon Press, 1987.
    *ref*/Hill, B. W.: The making of a great power. Late Stuart and early Georgian Britain: 1660-1722, Londres, Longman, 1993.
    *ref*/Jones, D. W.: War and economy in the age of William III and Marlborough, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1988.
    *ref*/Kenneth Eves, C.: Matthew Prior. Poet and diplomatist, Nueva York, Columbia University Press, 1939.
    *ref*/Lachiver, M.: Les Années de misère: la famine au temps du Grand Roi, 1680-1720, París, Fayard, 1991.
    *ref*/Legrelle, A.: La diplomatie française et la Succession d'Espagne, Vol. VI, Braine-le-Comte, Imprimerie Zech et fils, 1899.
    *ref*/Lock, F. P.: “Swift and English Politics, 1701-14”, en Rawson, C. (ed.): The character of Swift’s satire. A revised focus, Newark, University of Delaware Press, 1983, pp. 127-150.
    *ref*/Luard, E.: The balance of power. The system of international relations, 1648-1815, Basingstoke, MacMillan, 1992.
    *ref*/Lynn, J. A.: The wars of Louis XIV, 1667-1714, Londres, Longman, 1999.
    *ref*/MacLachlan, A. D.: “The road to peace: 1710-1713”, en Holmes, G. (ed.): Britain after the glorious revolution 1689-1714, Londres, MacMillan Press, 1969, pp. 197-215.
    *ref*/MacLachlan, J. O.: Trade and peace with old Spain, 1667-1750: a study of the influence of commerce on Anglo-Spanish diplomacy in the first half of the eighteenth century, Nueva York, Octagon Books, 1974.
    *ref*/Maynwaring, A.: An excellent new song, called Matt's Peace, or, the downfall of trade to the good ol tune of green-slaves, Londres, 1712.
    *ref*/Meerts, P y Beeuwkes, P.: “The Utrecht negotiations in perspective. The hope of happiness for the world”, International Negotiation, 13 (2008), pp. 157-177.
    *ref*/Miquelon, D. “Envisioning the French Empire : Utrecht, 1711-1713”, French Historical Studies, 2001, 24(4), pp. 653-677.
    *ref*/Morel Fatio, A y Léonardson, H (eds.): Recueil des instructions données aux ambassadeurs et ministres de France depuis les traités de Westphalie jusqu'à la revolution française, Vol. XII, tomo II, Paris, Felix Alcan, 1898.
    *ref*/Parke, G. (ed.): Letters and correspondance, public and private, of the Right Honourable Henry St. John, lord viscount Bolingbroke, during the time he was secretary of state to Queen Anne, with state papers, explanatory notes and a translation of foreign letters, Vol. I, London, G. G. & J. Robinson, 1798.
    *ref*/Petrie, C.: Bolingbroke, Londres, Collins, 1937.
    *ref*/Pollitzer, M.: Le règne des financiers: Samuel Bernard, J. Law, G.-J. Ouvrard, Paris, Nouvelles Editions Latines, 1978.
    *ref*/Prest, W.: Albion ascendant. English history 1660-1815, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1998.
    *ref*/Richards, J. O.: Party propaganda under Queen Anne. The General Elections of 1702-1713, Charlotte, The University of Georgia Press, 1972.
    *ref*/Rowlands, G.: “The economics of war: tax, trade and credit in pursuit of an acceptable peace”, en De Bruin, R. y Brinkman, M. (eds.): Peace was made here. The treaties of Utrecht, Rastatt and Baden 1713-1714, Utrecht, Imhof, 2013, pp. 34-41.
    *ref*/Rule, J. C.: “France and the Preliminaries to the Gertruydenberg Conference 1709 to March 1710”, en Hatton, R. M. y Anderson M. S (eds.): Studies in Diplomatic History: Essays in memory of David Bayne Horn, Londres, 1970, pp. 97-115.
    *ref*/Rule, J. C.: “Colbert de Torcy, an emergent bureaucracy, and the formulation of French foreign office”, en Hatton, R (ed.): Louis XIV and Europe, Londres, McMillan, 1976, pp. 261-283.
    *ref*/Rule, J. C.: A world of paper: Louis XIV, Colbert de Torcy and the rise of the information state, Montreal, McGill-Queens University Press, 2014. Satsuma, S.: “The South Sea Company and its plan for a naval expedition in 1712”, Historical Research, Vol. 85, 229, (August 2012), pp. 410-429.
    *ref*/Schnakenbourg, E.: “L'indispensable ennemi : le gouvernement français et le commerce hollandais pendant la guerre de Succession d'Espagne, 1702-1713. Approche politique et diplomatique”, Revue du Nord, 379 (2009/1), pp. 85-101.
    *ref*/Scott, W. (ed.): The works of Jonathan Swift, D. D., Dean of St Patrick, Dublin, containing additional letters, tracts and poems not hitherto published, Vol. II, Edimburgo, A. Constable&Co, 1824.
    *ref*/Sichel, W. S.: Bolingbroke and his times, Vol. I, New York, Haskell House, 1968.
    *ref*/Sommerville, D. H.: “Shrewsbury and the Peace of Utrecht”, English Historical Review, 47 (October 1932), pp. 646-647.
    *ref*/Sommerville, D. H.: The king of hearts. Charles Talbot, Duke of Shrewsbury, Londres, George Allen&Unwin, 1962
    *ref*/Speck, W. A.: Stability and Strife: England, 1714-1760, Londres, Edward Arnold, 1977.
    *ref*/Speck, W. A.: The birth of Britain: a new nation 1700-1710, Oxford, Blackwell, 1994.
    *ref*/Storrs, C.: “La transformación de Gran Bretaña, 1689-1720”, en Torres Arce, M. y Truchuelo García, S. (eds.): Europa en torno a Utrecht, Santander, Editorial Universidad Cantabria, 2014, pp. 21-35.
    *ref*/Swift, J.: A journal to Stella, en Scott, W. (ed.): The works of Jonathan Swift, D. D., Dean of St Patrick, Dublin, containing additional letters, tracts and poems not hitherto published, Vol. II, Edimburgo, A. Constable&Co, 1824.
    *ref*/Szechi, D.: Jacobitism and Tory politics, 1710-1714, Edimburgo, J. Donald Publishers, 1984.
    *ref*/Torcy, J. B. : Memoires du monsieur du Torcy pour servir a la l’histoire des negociations. Depuis le tratait de Ryswick jusqu’a la paix d’Utrecht, Vol III, Londres, ChezNurse&Vaillant, 1757.
    *ref*/Torcy, J. B.: en Mason, F (ed.) : Journal inédite de Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Marquis de Torcy, pendant les années 1709, 1710 et 1711, Vol. II, París, 1884.
    *ref*/Veenendaal Jr, A. J.: “The war of the Spanish Succession in Europe”, en Bromley, J. S (ed.), The New Cambridge modern history. Vol. VI, The rise of Great Britain and Russia, 1688-1715/25, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1970, pp. 410-445.
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  2. 2
    مورد إلكتروني

    عناروين إضافية: Building the peace of Utrecht: the secret negotiations between France and Great Britain and the signing of the preliminaries of London

    المصدر: Cuadernos de Historia Moderna; Vol. 45 Núm. 1 (2020); 199-232; Cuadernos de Historia Moderna; Vol 45 No 1 (2020); 199-232; 1988-2475; 0214-4018

    URL: https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CHMO/article/view/70024
    *ref*/Albareda, J.: La guerra de Sucesión de España (1700-1714), Barcelona, Crítica, 2011.
    *ref*/Albareda, J.: “Felipe y la negociación de los tratados de Utrecht: bajo los dictados del mejor abuelo del mundo”, en 1713: la monarquía de España y los tratados de Utrecht, Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, XII, Madrid, Publicaciones Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2013, pp. 31-60.
    *ref*/Albareda, J.: “Proyectos de paz, proyectos para Europa en torno a 1713”, en Torres Arce, M y Truchuelo García, S. (eds.): Europa en torno a Utrecht, Santander, Editorial Universidad Cantabria, 2014, pp. 389-410.
    *ref*/Baudrillart, A. : Philippe V et la cour de France d'après des documents inédits tirés des archives espagnoles de Simancas et d’Alcala de Hénarès, et des Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères à Paris, Vol. I, Paris, Librairie de Fermin-Didot, 1890.
    *ref*/Bély, L.: Les larmes de Monsieur Torcy. Un essai sur les perspectives de l’histoire diplomatique à propos des conférences de Gertruydenberg (mars-juillet 1710)”, Histoire, économie et société, 2ᵉ année, n°3, 1983. pp. 429-456.
    *ref*/Bély, L.: Espions et ambassadeurs au temps de Louis XIV, Paris, Fayard, 1990
    *ref*/Bély, L.: Les relations internationeles en Europe: XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles, Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 1992.
    *ref*/Bély, L.: La Société des princes, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles, Paris, Fayard, 1999.
    *ref*/Bély, L.: “Casas soberanas y orden político en la Europa de la paz de Utrecht”, en Fernández Albadalejo, P. (ed.): Los Borbones: dinastía y memoria de nación en la España del siglo XVIII, Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2001, pp. 69-97.
    *ref*/Bély, L.: L’art de la paix en Europe: naissance de la diplomatie moderne, XVIe-XVIIIe siècle, Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2007.
    *ref*/Black, J.: A system of ambition?: British foreign policy, 1660-1793, Londres, Longman, 1991.
    *ref*/Brewer, J.: The sinews of power: war, money and the English state, 1688-1783, Londres, Unwin Hyman, 1989.
    *ref*/Bromley, J. S (ed.), The New Cambridge modern history: Vol. VI, The rise of Great Britain and Russia, 1688-1715/25, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1970
    *ref*/Brown, B. C.: (ed.): Letters and diplomatic instructions of Queen Anne, London, Cassell, 1935.
    *ref*/Butler, C. y Gray, J. M. (eds.): Memoirs of the Secret Services of John Macky, Esq., During the Reigns of King William, Queen Anne, and King George I, Londres, 1733..
    *ref*/Castellano García, M.: “François Gaultier, un artisan de la paix d’Utrecht, 1711-1713”, Revue d’Histoire Diplomatique, 132 (2016-3), pp. 257-275.
    *ref*/Castellví i Obando, F.: en Mundet i Guifre, J. M. y Alsina Roca, J. (eds.): Narraciones históricas, Vol. III, Madrid, Fundación Francisco Elías de Tejada y Erasmo Pèrcopo, 1997-2002.
    *ref*/Coombs, D.: The Conduct of the Dutch: British opinion and the Dutch alliance during the war of Spanish Succession, La Haya, 1958.
    *ref*/Courcy, M. R.: La coalition de 1701 contre la France, Paris, E. Plon Nourrit, 1886.
    *ref*/Coward, B.: The Stuart Age: England 1603-1714, Londres, Longman, 2003.
    *ref*/Dickinson, H. T.: “The October Club”, Huntington Library Quarterly, Vol 33, 2 (1970), pp. 155-173.
    *ref*/Dickinson, H. T.: Liberty and property. Political ideology in eighteenth-century Britain, Londres, Methuen, 1979.
    *ref*/Dickinson, H. T.:“Politique britannique et lutte de partis dans les negociations du Traite d’Utrecht”, Le négoce de la paix. Les nations et les traités franco-britanniques (1713-1802), actes de la journée d’études de Rouen du 6 juin 2003, Paris, Société des études robespierristes, 2008, pp. 15-46.
    *ref*/Drift, A. (ed.): The history of his own time, compiled from the original manuscripts of His late Excellency, Matthew Prior esq. Rev. and signed by himself, Londres, Adrian Drift, 1740.
    *ref*/Feiling, K.: A history of the Tory party 1640-1714, Oxford, Oxford Clarendon Press, 1965.
    *ref*/Fernández Durán, R.: La corona española y el tráfico de negros. Del monopolio al libre comercio, Madrid, Ecobook, 2011.
    *ref*/Frey, L. y Frey, M. (eds.): Observations from The Hague and Utrecht, Columbus, Ohio State University Libraries Publication Comitte, 1979.
    *ref*/Gregg, E.: Queen Anne, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2001.
    *ref*/Guillamón Álvarez, F. J. y Muñoz Rodríguez, J. (eds.): Educando al Príncipe: correspondencia privada de Luis XIV a Felipe V durante la guerra de Sucesión, Rosario, Prohistoria, 2008.
    *ref*/Hattendorf, J.: England in the war of the Spanish succession: a study of the English view and conduct of the grand strategy, 1702-1712. New York-London, Garland Publishing, 1987.
    *ref*/Hill, B. W.: “The change of government and the ‘loss of the city’”, The Economic History Review, Vol. 24, 3 (August 1971), pp. 395-413.
    *ref*/Hill, B. W.: “Oxford, Bolingbroke, and the Peace of Utrecht”, The Historical Journal, Vol. 16, 2 (June 1973), pp. 241-263.
    *ref*/Hill, B. W.: Robert Harley, Speaker, Secretary of State and Premier Minister, New Haven & London, Yale University Press, 1988.
    *ref*/Hill, B. W.: Holmes, G. (ed.): “Harley, St. John and the death of the Tory Party”, en Holmes, G. (ed.): Britain after the glorious revolution 1689-1714, Londres, MacMillanPress, 1969, pp. 216-238.
    *ref*/Hill, B. W.: “The Sacheverell riots: The Crowd and the Church in early eighteen-century London”, Past & Present, 72 (August, 1976), pp. 55-85.
    *ref*/Hill, B. W.: British politics in the age of Anne, London, The Hambledon Press, 1987.
    *ref*/Hill, B. W.: The making of a great power. Late Stuart and early Georgian Britain: 1660-1722, Londres, Longman, 1993.
    *ref*/Jones, D. W.: War and economy in the age of William III and Marlborough, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1988.
    *ref*/Kenneth Eves, C.: Matthew Prior. Poet and diplomatist, Nueva York, Columbia University Press, 1939.
    *ref*/Lachiver, M.: Les Années de misère: la famine au temps du Grand Roi, 1680-1720, París, Fayard, 1991.
    *ref*/Legrelle, A.: La diplomatie française et la Succession d'Espagne, Vol. VI, Braine-le-Comte, Imprimerie Zech et fils, 1899.
    *ref*/Lock, F. P.: “Swift and English Politics, 1701-14”, en Rawson, C. (ed.): The character of Swift’s satire. A revised focus, Newark, University of Delaware Press, 1983, pp. 127-150.
    *ref*/Luard, E.: The balance of power. The system of international relations, 1648-1815, Basingstoke, MacMillan, 1992.
    *ref*/Lynn, J. A.: The wars of Louis XIV, 1667-1714, Londres, Longman, 1999.
    *ref*/MacLachlan, A. D.: “The road to peace: 1710-1713”, en Holmes, G. (ed.): Britain after the glorious revolution 1689-1714, Londres, MacMillan Press, 1969, pp. 197-215.
    *ref*/MacLachlan, J. O.: Trade and peace with old Spain, 1667-1750: a study of the influence of commerce on Anglo-Spanish diplomacy in the first half of the eighteenth century, Nueva York, Octagon Books, 1974.
    *ref*/Maynwaring, A.: An excellent new song, called Matt's Peace, or, the downfall of trade to the good ol tune of green-slaves, Londres, 1712.
    *ref*/Meerts, P y Beeuwkes, P.: “The Utrecht negotiations in perspective. The hope of happiness for the world”, International Negotiation, 13 (2008), pp. 157-177.
    *ref*/Miquelon, D. “Envisioning the French Empire : Utrecht, 1711-1713”, French Historical Studies, 2001, 24(4), pp. 653-677.
    *ref*/Morel Fatio, A y Léonardson, H (eds.): Recueil des instructions données aux ambassadeurs et ministres de France depuis les traités de Westphalie jusqu'à la revolution française, Vol. XII, tomo II, Paris, Felix Alcan, 1898.
    *ref*/Parke, G. (ed.): Letters and correspondance, public and private, of the Right Honourable Henry St. John, lord viscount Bolingbroke, during the time he was secretary of state to Queen Anne, with state papers, explanatory notes and a translation of foreign letters, Vol. I, London, G. G. & J. Robinson, 1798.
    *ref*/Petrie, C.: Bolingbroke, Londres, Collins, 1937.
    *ref*/Pollitzer, M.: Le règne des financiers: Samuel Bernard, J. Law, G.-J. Ouvrard, Paris, Nouvelles Editions Latines, 1978.
    *ref*/Prest, W.: Albion ascendant. English history 1660-1815, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1998.
    *ref*/Richards, J. O.: Party propaganda under Queen Anne. The General Elections of 1702-1713, Charlotte, The University of Georgia Press, 1972.
    *ref*/Rowlands, G.: “The economics of war: tax, trade and credit in pursuit of an acceptable peace”, en De Bruin, R. y Brinkman, M. (eds.): Peace was made here. The treaties of Utrecht, Rastatt and Baden 1713-1714, Utrecht, Imhof, 2013, pp. 34-41.
    *ref*/Rule, J. C.: “France and the Preliminaries to the Gertruydenberg Conference 1709 to March 1710”, en Hatton, R. M. y Anderson M. S (eds.): Studies in Diplomatic History: Essays in memory of David Bayne Horn, Londres, 1970, pp. 97-115.
    *ref*/Rule, J. C.: “Colbert de Torcy, an emergent bureaucracy, and the formulation of French foreign office”, en Hatton, R (ed.): Louis XIV and Europe, Londres, McMillan, 1976, pp. 261-283.
    *ref*/Rule, J. C.: A world of paper: Louis XIV, Colbert de Torcy and the rise of the information state, Montreal, McGill-Queens University Press, 2014. Satsuma, S.: “The South Sea Company and its plan for a naval expedition in 1712”, Historical Research, Vol. 85, 229, (August 2012), pp. 410-429.
    *ref*/Schnakenbourg, E.: “L'indispensable ennemi : le gouvernement français et le commerce hollandais pendant la guerre de Succession d'Espagne, 1702-1713. Approche politique et diplomatique”, Revue du Nord, 379 (2009/1), pp. 85-101.
    *ref*/Scott, W. (ed.): The works of Jonathan Swift, D. D., Dean of St Patrick, Dublin, containing additional letters, tracts and poems not hitherto published, Vol. II, Edimburgo, A. Constable&Co, 1824.
    *ref*/Sichel, W. S.: Bolingbroke and his times, Vol. I, New York, Haskell House, 1968.
    *ref*/Sommerville, D. H.: “Shrewsbury and the Peace of Utrecht”, English Historical Review, 47 (October 1932), pp. 646-647.
    *ref*/Sommerville, D. H.: The king of hearts. Charles Talbot, Duke of Shrewsbury, Londres, George Allen&Unwin, 1962
    *ref*/Speck, W. A.: Stability and Strife: England, 1714-1760, Londres, Edward Arnold, 1977.
    *ref*/Speck, W. A.: The birth of Britain: a new nation 1700-1710, Oxford, Blackwell, 1994.
    *ref*/Storrs, C.: “La transformación de Gran Bretaña, 1689-1720”, en Torres Arce, M. y Truchuelo García, S. (eds.): Europa en torno a Utrecht, Santander, Editorial Universidad Cantabria, 2014, pp. 21-35.
    *ref*/Swift, J.: A journal to Stella, en Scott, W. (ed.): The works of Jonathan Swift, D. D., Dean of St Patrick, Dublin, containing additional letters, tracts and poems not hitherto published, Vol. II, Edimburgo, A. Constable&Co, 1824.
    *ref*/Szechi, D.: Jacobitism and Tory politics, 1710-1714, Edimburgo, J. Donald Publishers, 1984.
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    عناروين إضافية: How wars end: Lord Lexington´s mission to Madrid 1712-1713

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    عناروين إضافية: Geopolítica e migrações no contexto de Utrecht: Colonos portugueses no Brasil meridional

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    عناروين إضافية: El caso Benet Sala: ¿un problema en las negociaciones de Utrecht?

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