يعرض 1 - 10 نتائج من 27 نتيجة بحث عن '"conciliarism"', وقت الاستعلام: 0.79s تنقيح النتائج
  1. 1
    مورد إلكتروني

    عناروين إضافية: La sinodalidad en la Historia de la Iglesia Los cambios en las formas de autoridad entre el centralismo y la diversidad

    المصدر: Teología; Vol. 59 No. 139 (2022): diciembre; 169-191; Teología; Vol. 59 No. 139 (2022): Diciembre; 169-191; Teología; Vol. 59 Núm. 139 (2022): diciembre; 169-191; 2683-7307; 0328-1396

    مستخلص: This article aims to provide a general and in-depth look through the various forms of synodality throughout the history of the Church, from Christian antiquity to the present, with particular attention to the Latín American synodal tradition. Special attention is given to show how the different ages have characterized the various expressions of synodality according to their sensibilities and needs of the time and in parallel with the socio-political chariges.
    Este aporte tiene la finalidad de brindar una mirada general y profunda a modo de recorrido sobre las diversas formas de la sinodalidad a lo largo de la historia de la Iglesia, desde la antigüedad cristiana hasta el presente, con una particular atención a la tradición sinodal latinoamericana. Se presta particular atención a mostrar cómo las diversas épocas han caracterizado esta nota particular de la Iglesia de acuerdo a la sensibilidad y necesidades las diversas épocas y en paralelo con los cambios socio-políticos.

  2. 2
    مورد إلكتروني

    مستخلص: This article examines the letters and reports of Francisco de Vargas (ca. 1500–66), a jurist who served in different positions under Charles V and Philip II during the three phases of the Council of Trent. Vargas defended the superiority of the council over the pope in matters of faith and practices and drew attention to the need to continue the reform of the Roman Curia started at the Council of Constance. The article examines the way this conciliarist adapted ecclesiology to developing circumstances over the three phases of the Council of Trent, and points out the need to revise the monolithic, papalist view that historiography continues to present of early modern Spanish ecclesiological thought.

  3. 3
    مورد إلكتروني

    المصدر: EAST EUROPEAN HISTORICAL BULLETIN; Том 0, № 0 (2019); 62-70; Східноєвропейський історичний вісник; SPECIAL ISSUE: SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS; 2664-2735; 2519-058X

    مستخلص: The purpose of the study is to generalize multifaceted popular science works of M. Korduba in the diversity of its thematic manifestations and taking into account the peculiarities of the Bukovina period scientist’s work. The methodology of the study is based on the tradition of historiographic work combining the principles (ones of historicism and objectivity) and methods (general and specific historical ones) of scientific work. The scientific novelty of the article is an attempt to comprehensively reconstruct the work of Korduba-populariser in the early twentieth century. Conclusions. According to the design of M. Korduba, his popular works created among the broad circles of the Ukrainian community a sense of community, national awareness and dignity, taught to know and love their past, called to honour heroes and plan for a common future. The works of the Korduba-populariser are marked by respect for its reader, manifested in the refusal from popular retelling of mythological stories as the most «suitable» for the peasant community. Having been responsible, the scientist deliberately broadcast to the readers a purely scientific knowledge of the past, however complicated it might have been. In addition, the historian spoke to his readers in a language they understood, while at the same time not indulging in an instructive tone and vulgar didacticism. All this made his popular science studios extremely popular among the general public, as evidenced by their considerable circulation and approving professional reception.

  4. 4
    مورد إلكتروني

    عناروين إضافية: Conciliar Ideas in the Works of Johannes Bachenstein, Canon of Zagreb and Participant in the Council of Basel

    المصدر: Colloquia Maruliana ...; ISSN 1332-3431 (Print); ISSN 1848-9613 (Online); Volume 27.; Issue 27.

    مستخلص: Ivan Bachenstein, komarnički arhiđakon i zagrebački kanonik, bio je važan sudionik Baselskoga koncila. Autor je nekoliko djela u kojima izražava svoje stavove glede ustroja Crkve. U ovom se radu analiziraju dva njegova teksta – govor što ga je održao pred papom Eugenom IV. 1435. godine, u svojstvu poslanika Baselskog koncila, i Epistula Jeremialis, djelo pravnog karaktera nastalo prilikom sukoba oko nadbiskupske stolice Mainza 1460-ih godina. Budući da su nastala u razmaku od gotovo trideset godina, ona mogu poslužiti kao dobra osnova za proučavanje Bachensteinovih stavova o Koncilu, papinstvu i ustroju Crkve prije i nakon raspuštanja Baselskoga koncila 1449. godine. Analiza pokazuje da je Bachenstein u razdoblju nakon raspuštanja Koncila i prevlasti monarhijskog papinstva pratio trendove u Crkvi i bio svjestan koja su mišljenja prihvatljiva, ali je unatoč tome nastavio više ili manje otvoreno iznositi koncilijaristička stajališta, čak do te mjere da bi se Epistula Jeremialis mogla nazvati koncilijarističkim spisom i žalopojkom za neuspjehom Baselskog koncila.
    Johannes Bachenstein, who belonged to a prominent Swabian aristocratic family, became a canon of the Zagreb Chapter and the archdeacon of Komarnica while he was still a student of canon law at the University of Vienna, where he obtained the title of doctor in 1432. In the same year he was incorporated into the Council of Basel. He joined the Council as representative of Bishop of Zagreb, Johannes Albeni and of Bishop of Pécs, Henricus Albeni. After the death of Johannes Albeni in 1433 and the short personal sojourn of Henricus Albeni in Basel, in 1434, Bachenstein was incorporated into the council a second time, now representing only Henricus Albeni. In the council, he was a member of the deputation for general affairs, and took part in numerous conciliar missions. During these missions, he delivered orations before some of the leading rulers of his time. In this paper, a comparison is made between Bachenstein’s oration delivered before Pope Eugene IV and his Epistula Jeremialis, produced some thirty years later. Such a comparison permits an analysis of Bachenstein’s views before and after the dissolution of the Council of Basel in 1449, when the prevailing view in the Roman Catholic Church represented a monarchical papacy, according to which the pope was the supreme authority of the Church Although Epistula Jeremialis is a work of a legal nature, the purpose of which is to find a solution in the dispute about the archbishopric of Mainz, which broke out in the early 1460s, in it Bachenstein put forward a number of points reminiscent of the Basel Council. In the 1435 speech he made use of markedly conciliar arguments and quoted canon law in such a manner as to demonstrate incontestably that the supreme authority of the Church was not the pope but the council. Although in Epistula Jeremialis he repeated almost the whole of this speech, he nevertheless omitted the conciliar arguments mentioned, from which we may conclude that he no longer considered it prudent openly t

  5. 5
    مورد إلكتروني

    مستخلص: El artículo estudia algunas de las ideas políticas fundamentales presentes en el origen del Estado moderno, y especialmente la noción de soberanía política, que, inspirada tanto en la maiestas del Derecho romano imperial como en la interpretación averroísta de la idea aristotélica de comunidad perfecta, es recibida por Francisco de Vitoria en el De potestate civili. Vitoria caracteriza la soberanía con las notas de supremacía en la actividad interna del Estado e independencia en relación con los demás Estados.
    The article studies some of the most important political ideas present in the origins of the modern State, especially the notion of political sovereignty, which, borne and developed in the maiestas of the imperial roman law and in the averroistic interpretation of the aristotelian idea of the perfect community, is accepted and developed by Francisco de Vitoria in the De potestate civili. Vitoria characterizes sovereignty with the features of supremacy in the domestic activity of the State and independence with regard to other States.

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    مورد إلكتروني

    مستخلص: Зроблено спробу розкрити зміст давньоруського іконопису. З цією метою зіставляються дві позиції. Перша належить ученим, теоретикам мистецтва. Друга – намагається розкрити глибинний сакральний сенс релігійного мистецтва.
    An attempt made in the paper to reveal the content of the old Russian icon-painting. With this in view two standpoints are compared. One of them belongs to research and art theoreticians. The other is an attempt to reveal a profound sacral essences of the religious art.
    Сделана попытка раскрыть содержание древнерусской иконописи. С этой целью сопоставляются две позиции. Первая принадлежит ученым, теоретикам искусства. Вторая – пытается раскрыть глубинный сакральный смысл религиозного искусства.

  7. 7
    مورد إلكتروني

    مستخلص: Зроблено спробу розкрити зміст давньоруського іконопису. З цією метою зіставляються дві позиції. Перша належить ученим, теоретикам мистецтва. Друга – намагається розкрити глибинний сакральний сенс релігійного мистецтва.
    An attempt made in the paper to reveal the content of the old Russian icon-painting. With this in view two standpoints are compared. One of them belongs to research and art theoreticians. The other is an attempt to reveal a profound sacral essences of the religious art.
    Сделана попытка раскрыть содержание древнерусской иконописи. С этой целью сопоставляются две позиции. Первая принадлежит ученым, теоретикам искусства. Вторая – пытается раскрыть глубинный сакральный смысл религиозного искусства.

  8. 8
    مورد إلكتروني

    مستخلص: El artículo estudia algunas de las ideas políticas fundamentales presentes en el origen del Estado moderno, y especialmente la noción de soberanía política, que, inspirada tanto en la maiestas del Derecho romano imperial como en la interpretación averroísta de la idea aristotélica de comunidad perfecta, es recibida por Francisco de Vitoria en el De potestate civili. Vitoria caracteriza la soberanía con las notas de supremacía en la actividad interna del Estado e independencia en relación con los demás Estados.
    The article studies some of the most important political ideas present in the origins of the modern State, especially the notion of political sovereignty, which, borne and developed in the maiestas of the imperial roman law and in the averroistic interpretation of the aristotelian idea of the perfect community, is accepted and developed by Francisco de Vitoria in the De potestate civili. Vitoria characterizes sovereignty with the features of supremacy in the domestic activity of the State and independence with regard to other States.

  9. 9
    مورد إلكتروني

    مستخلص: Зроблено спробу розкрити зміст давньоруського іконопису. З цією метою зіставляються дві позиції. Перша належить ученим, теоретикам мистецтва. Друга – намагається розкрити глибинний сакральний сенс релігійного мистецтва.
    An attempt made in the paper to reveal the content of the old Russian icon-painting. With this in view two standpoints are compared. One of them belongs to research and art theoreticians. The other is an attempt to reveal a profound sacral essences of the religious art.
    Сделана попытка раскрыть содержание древнерусской иконописи. С этой целью сопоставляются две позиции. Первая принадлежит ученым, теоретикам искусства. Вторая – пытается раскрыть глубинный сакральный смысл религиозного искусства.

  10. 10
    مورد إلكتروني

    المصدر: Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; Vol. 29 (2015); 183-196; Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; Tom 29 (2015); 183-196; 2451-2273; 0209-3472

    مستخلص: The decree Haec Sancta approved by the Council of Constance at its 5th Session (6th April 1415) helped the Council fathers to put an end to the scandalous schism which since 1378 had divided the Latin Church between rival lines of claimants to the papal office. The Council of Constance declared for the superiority of the Council over the Pope. In Gallicanism the theory of the superiority of a General Council lived on for hundreds of years. The great body of the bishops of the nineteenth century had little sympathy with Gallican principles, which disappeared entirely after the definition of Papal Infallibility at the First Vatican Council in 1870. There are several requirements for a dogmatic, papal infallible pronouncement: (1) The pronouncement must be made by the lawful successor to Peter. (2) The subject matter must be in the area of faith and morals.(3) The pope must be speaking ex cathedra, that is from the very seat and office of Peter. In this way he must be specifically intending to proclaim a doctrine, binding the entire Church to its assent. If one or more of these elements is missing, there is no infallible pronouncement.
    The decree Haec Sancta approved by the Council of Constance at its 5th Session (6th April 1415) helped the Council fathers to put an end to the scandalous schism which since 1378 had divided the Latin Church between rival lines of claimants to the papal office. The Council of Constance declared for the superiority of the Council over the Pope. In Gallicanism the theory of the superiority of a General Council lived on for hundreds of years. The great body of the bishops of the nineteenth century had little sympathy with Gallican principles, which disappeared entirely after the definition of Papal Infallibility at the First Vatican Council in 1870. There are several requirements for a dogmatic, papal infallible pronouncement: (1) The pronouncement must be made by the lawful successor to Peter. (2) The subject matter must be in the area of faith and morals.(3) The pope must be speaking ex cathedra, that is from the very seat and office of Peter. In this way he must be specifically intending to proclaim a doctrine, binding the entire Church to its assent. If one or more of these elements is missing, there is no infallible pronouncement.