يعرض 1 - 10 نتائج من 954 نتيجة بحث عن '"innovation"', وقت الاستعلام: 1.29s تنقيح النتائج
  1. 1

    المؤلفون: Buschow, Christopher, Suhr, Maike

    المصدر: Media and Communication, 12, 1, Unpacking Innovation: Media and the Locus of Change

    الوصف: This article argues that the growing variety of new journalistic organizations and their diversification beyond the traditional newsroom may offer a deeper and broader understanding of change and innovation within journalism. Newly emerging organizations play a multifaceted role in journalism: They are both drivers and results of change; they serve as indicators of the ways in which the structures of journalism and its production processes are evolving; they reveal industry trends early on and enable longitudinal research. Despite the emergence of non-traditional organizations in journalism, existing studies on these new entities remain fragmented and have yet to coalesce into a sustained research program. Against this background, this conceptual article aims to contribute to the ongoing theoretical progress in journalism studies in three ways. First, it identifies key factors of why organizational innovations happen. Second, it systemizes recent studies exemplifying the plurality of new organizations in journalism according to different levels from organization studies, including the field level, the level of organizational populations, and the level of the single organization. Finally, the article proposes a research agenda for establishing "organizations as innovations" as a novel conceptual lens for understanding change and innovation in journalism studies.

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    المصدر: 24, Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung, Neue Folge

    الوصف: This book provides analysis of current trends in research evaluation worldwide and compares the research assessment and innovation ecosystems in Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland and Slovenia. It argues that in each country the research assessment system is interdependent with the national innovation system and the overall institutional governance/enforcement.
    Das Buch bietet eine Analyse aktueller Trends in der Forschungsbewertung weltweit und vergleicht die Forschungsbewertungs- und Innovationsökosysteme in Österreich, Bulgarien, der Tschechischen Republik, Ungarn, Litauen, den Niederlanden, Polen und Slowenien. Es wird argumentiert, dass das Forschungsbewertungssystem vom nationalen Innovationssystem und der gesamten institutionellen Governance/Durchsetzung abhängig ist.

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    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Epping, Elisabeth

    المصدر: 2, Kultur und Außenpolitik, 360

    الوصف: This work analyses the multi-dimensional concept of science diplomacy. More specifically, it examines the development, establishment and functioning of Science and Innovation Centres (SICs). In an original comparative and longitudinal study, this work closely analyses the institutionalisation of two distinct SICs: Germany's Deutsche Wissenschafts- und Innovationshäuser (DWIH) and Switzerland's Swissnex. It further probes why actors participate in SICs by deciphering their differing rationales and thus developing a distinctly actor-centred perspective on science diplomacy. The findings reaffirm that science diplomacy is clearly driven by national interests, while further highlighting that the notion of science diplomacy and its governance (actors, rationales and instruments) can only be fully understood by analysing the national context in question.
    Diese Arbeit analysiert das mehrdimensionale Konzept Science Diplomacy. Insbesondere die Entwicklung, Einrichtung und Funktionsweise von Science and Innovation Centres (SICs) wird untersucht. In einer originellen vergleichenden Längsschnittstudie wird die Institutionalisierung von zwei SICs, den Deutschen Wissenschafts- und Innovationshäusern (DWIH) und dem Schweizer Swissnex, eingehend analysiert. Die Studie geht der Frage nach, warum sich Akteure an SICs beteiligen, indem sie ihre unterschiedlichen Beweggründe entschlüsselt und so eine eindeutig akteurszentrierte Perspektive auf Science Diplomacy entwickelt. Die Ergebnisse bekräftigen, dass Science Diplomacy eindeutig von nationalen Interessen angetrieben wird, während gleichzeitig hervorgehoben wird, dass Science Diplomacy und ihre Governance nur durch eine Analyse des nationalen Kontexts vollständig verstanden werden können.

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    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Rigamonti, Nora

    المصدر: 12, Soziale Bewegung und Protest, 338

    الوصف: Wie können gesellschaftliche Veränderungen und Streitfragen sinnlich erfahrbar und öffentlich verständlich kommuniziert werden? Die Autorin nimmt experimentelle Zukunftsszenarien der umstrittenen europäischen "Flüchtlingsfrage" in den Blick, die mithilfe einer expliziten Gestaltung und Verbindung von politischen und ästhetischen Praktiken konstituiert werden. Am Beispiel der Szenarien analysiert sie, ob und inwiefern diese nicht nur als in(ter)ventive Instrumente zur alternativen Lösungsfindung auf gegenwärtige gesellschaftliche Kontroversen reagieren, sondern ob sie auch der zunehmenden Fragilität liberal-demokratischer Ordnungen begegnen können.
    This study draws on the particular case of experimental future scenarios of the European "refugee issue" by explicitly designing and relating politics and aesthetics. It examines whether such scenarios may be identified as in(ter)ventive devices for exploring prospective alternative solutions that contribute towards meeting challenges posed by current processes of social transformation and controversies - and if so, to what extent. Its starting point is the following observation: While these processes and accompanying complexities and uncertainties are on the rise, at the intersection of politics and aesthetics multiple, situated and adaptive practices are increasingly emerging at a (trans)local level. Heterogeneous actors intentionally and reflexively design and connect politics with aesthetics and thereby constitute future scenarios. This not only provides inquiries into specific ways of making public social changes and controversial issues by sensory and comprehensible means, it also aims at developing and mediating individual and collective social capacities to gain agency. Thus, the scenarios not only meet challenges posed by the aforementioned controversial issue of European migration policy and its future, they also tackle the increasing fragility of liberal-democratic orders.

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    المؤلفون: Rühlig, Tim

    المساهمون: Forschungsinstitut der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V.

    المصدر: 5, DGAP Analysis, 15

    الوصف: Western governments appear to fear that China is an ­innovation power­house on an almost unstoppable path to dominating ­future technologies. This is quite a turnaround. Only a few years ago, Western policies were crafted on the assumption that China was a copycat incapable of innovation. A focus on Intellectual Property theft as the Chinese "sin" that drove China's technological development led many in the West to miss what I have identified as the "Five Virtues" that have made China the innovation powerhouse it is today. China's future success is not ­in­evitable, however, but dependent on a delicate policy ecosystem.

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    المساهمون: Bayerisches Staatsinstitut für Hochschulforschung und Hochschulplanung (IHF)

    المصدر: IHF Forschungsbericht, 13

    الوصف: Dieser Methoden- und Datenbericht beschreibt die quantitative Onlinebefragung "ResearchQuest 2020-2021" im Rahmen des IHF-Forschungsbereichs "Hochschullehrende und wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs". Beschrieben werden das Befragungsdesign, das Erhebungsinstrument (der Fragebogen), die Durchführung der Erhebung, die gewonnenen Daten sowie die Datenaufbereitung. Befragt wurden Professorinnen und Professoren, Forschungsgruppenleiterinnen und -leiter sowie wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in den Bereichen MINT und Wirtschaftswissenschaften an Universitäten deutschlandweit. Themen der Befragung waren Führung und Zusammenarbeit, Voraussetzungen für Innovationen und die Chancengleichheit von Frauen und Männern in der Wissenschaft. Die Befragung wurde so angelegt, dass Mehrebenenanalysen möglich sind.

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    المؤلفون: Chen, Xinyu

    المصدر: Path of Science, 9, 6, 7001-7006

    الوصف: In the era of artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, as an advanced language model technology, has the potential for radical innovation. Despite its significant advantages, ChatGPT poses specific potential social and ethical issues. Therefore, we need responsible innovation to mitigate these risks and enable ChatGPT to benefit the global community truly. By embedding responsible innovation throughout the various stages of ChatGPT, we can ensure the practical realisation of public trust in governments and expectations from enterprises, thus achieving compliance and successful implementation. Through such a healthy development approach, we can ensure that ChatGPT positively impacts society and continues to foster its healthy growth.

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    المؤلفون: Jusufi, Arben

    المصدر: Journal of Liberty and International Affairs, 9, 2, 74-88

    الوصف: This research aimed to measure the impact of innovations (product innovation, technological innovation, marketing innovation, and process innovations) on the financial performance of exporting enterprises. It was based on return on assets (ROA), increase in return on sales, net profit, and increases in value per employee. The research was carried out based on primary data through the quantitative method. The study's participants were 150 Kosovo exporting companies selected randomly. Based on Pearson’s correlation analysis, it was found that there is a weak positive linear relationship between organizational innovations and product innovation, and financial performance. Additionally, a moderate positive linear relationship exists between marketing innovations, process innovations, and financial performance. Referring to the multiple linear regression, it was revealed that innovations explain 46.7% of financial performance. Process and marketing innovation had the greatest impact on financial performance, while organizational innovation had a lesser impact. The findings of this research contribute to improving the financial performance of exporting companies in Kosovo, focusing on the type of innovation that most influences performance.

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    المصدر: der moderne staat - dms: Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management, 16, 1, 160-165, Demokratieinnovationen, Repräsentation und Politikwandel / Innovations in Democracy, Representation and Political Change

    الوصف: Der Datenbericht stellt öffentlich verfügbare Datenbanken vor, die Informationen zu deliberativen Verfahren enthalten, schwerpunktmäßig zu Verfahren mit geloster Teilnehmerschaft. Erwartet wird, dass diese Datenbanken substantielle Informationen zu den Verfahren in der Input-, Throughput- und Output-Dimension enthalten, um komparative Forschung auch mit Blick auf die Policy-Effekte von deliberativen Verfahren zu ermöglichen. Im Ergebnis liegen viele und vielfältige Informationen vor. Zugleich zeigt sich aber, dass der Datenbestand lückenhaft und durch eine eher affirmative Berichterstattung geprägt ist. Die zukünftigen Anstrengungen für eine gute Dateninfrastruktur sollten sich auf die Validierung von Fällen und Nachrecherchen zu allen drei genannten Dimensionen konzentrieren.
    The data report presents publicly available databases that contain information on deliberative procedures, with a focus on procedures with randomly selected participation. It is expected that these databases will contain substantial information on deliberative processes in the input, throughput, and output dimensions to enable comparative research, including the policy effects of deliberative processes. As a result, much and diverse information is available. At the same time, however, it is apparent that the data set is incomplete and characterized by rather affirmative reporting. Future efforts for a good data infrastructure should focus on validating cases and follow-up research on all three dimensions mentioned above.

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    المصدر: Media and Communication, 11, 2, 330-343, A Datafied Society: Data Power, Infrastructures, and Regulations

    الوصف: The Google News Initiative (GNI) aims to collaborate closely with the news industry and financially support the creation of quality journalism in the digital age. It also aims to bring technological advancements and innovation into newsrooms’ operations. Drawing on journalism innovation and responsible innovation theories, this study examines GNI beneficiaries in Africa and the Middle East. To address this, we analysed GNI projects’ descriptions combined with thirteen (n = 13) in-depth interviews with leading actors and beneficiary news organisations to answer two main questions: (a) What are the main characteristics of the technological innovations proposed by GNI Innovation Challenge grantees in Africa and the Middle East? and (b) How are these news media organisations becoming increasingly dependent on these platforms’ technological and financial aspects? Anchored in journalism innovation, responsible innovation, and platformisation theories, our findings show that funded organisations heavily depend on Google’s technological and financial infrastructure to innovate. Furthermore, we note that some projects do not offer a clear path for sustainability in the future. We further argue that this initiative builds an infrastructure of power and dependency that poses risks to responsible innovation in journalism. Our study contributes to extant scholarship on digital platforms and their role in the infrastructure of news organisations, creating power asymmetries between those who serve as the backbone for data flows and technological processes and those dependent on these institutions.