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    مورد إلكتروني

    عناروين إضافية: Concept of terrorist war in russia during after-reform period

    المصدر: Interactive science; № 6(40); 27-42; Интерактивная наука; № 6(40); 27-42; ISSN: 2414-9411; 2414-9411; ISSN(electronic Version): 2500-2686; 2500-2686

    URL: https://interactive-plus.ru/files/Books/5d2efdc093510.jpeg?req=497050
    Monthly international scientific journal Interactive science Issue 6(40)
    Будницкий О.В. Терроризм в российском освободительном движении: идеология, этика, психология (вторая половина ХХ – начало ХХ в.). – начало ХХ в.). – М.: Политическая энциклопедия, 2016. – 383 с.
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    Щербакова Е.И. «Отщепенцы»: Путь к терроризму (60–80-е годы ХIХ века) – М.: Новый Хронограф: АИРО – ХХI, 2008. – 224 с.
    Платонов О.А. Еврейский вопрос в русском государстве. – М.: Родная страна, 2013. – 400 с.
    Книга Русской Скорби. Памятник русским патриотам, погибшим в борьбе с внутренним врагом. – М.: Институт русской цивилизации, 2013. – 1136 с.
    Солженицын А.И. Двести лет вместе. – М.: Русский путь, 2001. – 512 с.
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    Лебедев С.В. Слово и дело национальной России. Очерки истории русского патриотического движения. – М.: Институт русской цивилизации, 2007. – 576 с.
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    Стогов Д.И. Черносотенцы: жизнь и смерть за великую Россию. – М.: Институт русской цивилизации, Алгоритм, 2012. – 672 с.
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  2. 2
    مورد إلكتروني

    عناروين إضافية: New psychoactive substances: psychiatrist's view

    المصدر: Interactive science; № 6(40); 57-67; Интерактивная наука; № 6(40); 57-67; ISSN: 2414-9411; 2414-9411; ISSN(electronic Version): 2500-2686; 2500-2686

    URL: https://interactive-plus.ru/files/Books/5d2efdc093510.jpeg?req=497066
    Monthly international scientific journal Interactive science Issue 6(40)
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    United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Global Synthetic Drugs Assessment: Amphetamine-type Stimulants and New Psychoactive Substances. – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2014.
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    Uchiyama N. et al. Two new synthetic cannabinoids, AM-2201 benzimidazole analog (FUBIMINA) and (4-methylpiperazin-1-yl) (1-pentyl-1H-indol-3-yl) methanone (MEPIRAPIM), and three phenethylamine derivatives, 25H-NBOMe 3, 4, 5-trimethoxybenzyl analog, 25B-NBOMe, and 2C-N-NBOMe, identified in illegal products //Forensic Toxicology. – 2014. – Т. 32. – №. 1. – С. 105–115.
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    Schaefer N. et al. A fatal case involving several synthetic cannabinoids //Toxichem Krimtech. – 2013. – Т. 80. – №. Spec Iss. – С. 248–251.
    Savasman C. M. et al. Two fatalities due to the use of synthetic cannabinoids alone //66th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle. Denver: Publication Printers Inc. – 2014. – Т. 316.
    Patton A. L. et al. K2 toxicity: fatal case of psychiatric complications following AM2201 exposure //Journal of forensic sciences. – 2013. – Т. 58. – №. 6. – С. 1676–1680.
    Behonick G. et al. Four postmortem case reports with quantitative detection of the synthetic cannabinoid, 5F-PB-22 //Journal of analytical toxicology. – 2014. – Т. 38. – №. 8. – С. 559–562.
    Corkery J. et al. Drug-related deaths in the UK: January-December 2012 //Annual report. – 2013.
    Elliott S., Evans J. A 3-year review of new psychoactive substances in casework //Forensic science international. – 2014. – Т. 243. – С. 55–60.
    Kronstrand R. et al. Toxicological findings of synthetic cannabinoids in recreational users //Journal of analytical toxicology. – 2013. – Т. 37. – №. 8. – С. 534–541.
    Rosenbaum C. D. et al. K2 & Spice abusers: a case series of clinical and laboratory findings //CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY. – 52 VANDERBILT AVE, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA: INFORMA HEALTHCARE, 2011.-Т. 49. – №. 6. – С. 528–528.
    Wikström M. et al. An accidental fatal intoxication with methoxetamine //Journal of analytical toxicology. – 2012. – Т. 37. – №. 1. – С. 43–46.
    Gunderson E. W. et al. «Spice» and «K2» herbal highs: a case series and systematic review of the clinical effects and biopsychosocial implications of synthetic cannabinoid use in humans //The American journal on addictions. – 2012. – Т. 21. – №. 4. – С. 320–326.
    Nacca N. et al. The synthetic cannabinoid withdrawal syndrome //Journal of addiction medicine. – 2013. – Т. 7. – №. 4. – С. 296–298.
    Rominger A. et al. Effects of acute detoxification of the herbal blend «Spice Gold» on dopamine D2/3 receptor availability: a [18F] fully pride PET study //European Neuropsychopharmacology. – 2013. – Т. 23. – №. 11. – С. 1606–1610.
    Zimmermann U. S. et al. Withdrawal phenomena and dependence syndrome after the consumption of «spice gold» //Deutsches Ärzteblatt International. – 2009. – Т. 106. – №. 27. – С. 464.
    Celofiga A., Koprivsek J., Klavz J. Use of synthetic cannabinoids in patients with psychotic disorders: case series //Journal of dual diagnosis. – 2014. – Т. 10. – №. 3. – С. 168–173.
    Oluwabusi O. O. et al. Synthetic cannabinoid-induced psychosis: two adolescent cases //Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology. – 2012. – Т. 22. – №. 5. – С. 393–395.
    Papaseit E. et al. Human pharmacology of mephedrone: A dose-finding pilot study //Abstracts/Drug and Alcohol Dependence. – 2015. – Т. 146. – С. e34-e117.
    Schifano F., Corkery J., Ghodse A. H. Suspected and confirmed fatalities associated with mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone, «meow meow») in the United Kingdom //Journal of clinical psychopharmacology. – 2012. – Т. 32. – №. 5. – С. 710–714.
    Corkery J. M., Schifano F., Ghodse A. H. Mephedrone-related fatalities in the United Kingdom: contextual, clinical and practical issues //Pharmacology. – Intech Open, 2012.
    Corkery J. M. et al. «Bundle of fun or «bunch of problems»? Case series of khat-related deaths in the UK //Drugs: education, prevention and policy. – 2011. – Т. 18. – №. 6. – С. 408–425.
    Loi B. et al. Deaths of individuals aged 16–24 years in the UK after using mephedrone //Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental. – 2015. – Т. 30. – №. 4. – С. 225–232.
    Warrick B. J. et al. Lethal serotonin syndrome after methylone and butylone ingestion //Journal of Medical Toxicology. – 2012. – Т. 8. – №. 1. – С. 65–68.
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    Bosak A., LoVecchio F., Levine M. Recurrent seizures and serotonin syndrome following «2C-I» ingestion //Journal of medical toxicology. – 2013. – Т. 9. – №. 2. – С. 196–198.
    Topeff J. M. et al. A case series of symptomatic patients, including one fatality, following 2C-E exposure //Clinical Toxicology. – 52 VANDERBILT AVE, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA: INFORMA HEALTHCARE, 2011. – Т. 49. – №. 6. – С. 526–526.
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    Winstock A., Schifano F. Disorders relating to the use of ecstasy, other «party drugs» and khat //New Oxford textbook of psychiatry. – 2009. – С. 3.5.
    Corazza O. et al. Designer drugs on the internet: a phenomenon out-of-control? The emergence of hallucinogenic drug Bromo-Dragonfly //Current clinical pharmacology. – 2011. – Т. 6. – №. 2. – С. 125–129.
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    Morris H., Wallach J. From PCP to MXE: a comprehensive review of the non-medical use of dissociative drugs //Drug testing and analysis. – 2014. – Т. 6. – №. 7–8. – С. 614–632.
    Kersten B. P., McLaughlin M. E. Toxicology and management of novel psychoactive drugs //Journal of pharmacy practice. – 2015. – Т. 28. – №. 1. – С. 50–65.
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    Behonick, G. (2014). et al. Four postmortem case reports with quantitative detection of the synthetic cannabinoid, 5F-PB-22. Journal of analytical toxicology, T. 38, 8, 559-562.
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    Kronstrand, R. (2013). et al. Toxicological findings of synthetic cannabinoids in recreational users. Journal of analytical toxicology, T. 37, 8, 534-541.
    Rosenbaum, C. D. (2011). et al. K2 & Spice abusers: a case series of clinical and laboratory findings. CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, 52 VANDERBILT AVE, NEW YORK,, 49, 528-528. NY7 USA: INFORMA HEALTHCARE.
    Wikstrom, M. (2012). et al. An accidental fatal intoxication with methoxetamine. Journal of analytical toxicology, T. 37, 1, 43-46.
    Gunderson, E. W. (2012). et al. "Spice" and "K2" herbal highs: a case series and systematic review of the clinical effects and biopsychosocial implications of synthetic cannabinoid use in humans. The American journal on addictions, T. 21, 4, 320-326.
    Nacca, N. (2013). et al. The synthetic cannabinoid withdrawal syndrome. Journal of addiction medicine, T. 7, 4, 296-298.
    Rominger, A. (2013). et al. Effects of acute detoxification of the herbal blend "Spice Gold" on dopamine D2. European Neuropsychopharmacology, T. 23, 11, 1606-1610.
    Zimmermann, U. S. (2009). et al. Withdrawal phenomena and dependence syndrome after the consumption of "spice gold". Deutsches Arzteblatt International, T. 106, 27, 464.
    Celofiga, A., Koprivsek, J., & Klavz, J. (2014). Use of synthetic cannabinoids in patients with psychotic disorders: case series. Journal of dual diagnosis, T. 10, 3, 168-173.
    Oluwabusi, O. O. (2012). et al. Synthetic cannabinoid-induced psychosis: two adolescent cases. Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology, T. 22, 5, 393-395.
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    Schifano, F., Corkery, J., & Ghodse, A. H. (2012). Suspected and confirmed fatalities associated with mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone, "meow meow") in the United Kingdom. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, T. 32, 5, 710-714.
    Corkery, J. M., Schifano, F., & Ghodse, A. H. (2012). Mephedrone-related fatalities in the United Kingdom: contextual, clinical and practical issues. Pharmacology. -. Intech Open.
    Corkery, J. M. (2011). et al. "Bundle of fun or "bunch of problems"? Case series of khat-related deaths in the UK. Drugs, T. 18, 6, 408-425.
    Loi, B. (2015). et al. Deaths of individuals aged 16-24 years in the UK after using mephedrone. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, T. 30, 4, 225-232.
    Warrick, B. J. (2012). et al. Lethal serotonin syndrome after methylone and butylone ingestion. Journal of Medical Toxicology, T. 8, 1, 65-68.
    Schifano, F. (2011). et al. Mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone; "meow meow"): chemical, pharmacological and clinical issues. Psychopharmacology, T. 214, 3, 593-602.
    Bosak, A., & Levine, M. (2013). LoVecchio F., Recurrent seizures and serotonin syndrome following "2C-I" ingestion. Journal of medical toxicology, T. 9, 2, 196-198.
    Topeff, J. M. (2011). et al. A case series of symptomatic patients, including one fatality, following 2C-E exposure. Clinical Toxicology, 52 VANDERBILT AVE, NEW YORK,, 526-526. NY7 USA: INFORMA HEALTHCARE.
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    Winstock, A., & Schifano, F. (2009). Disorders relating to the use of ecstasy, other "party drugs" and khat. New Oxford textbook of psychiatry, S. 3.5.
    Corazza, O. (2011). et al. Designer drugs on the internet: a phenomenon out-of-control? The emergence of hallucinogenic drug Bromo-Dragonfly. Current clinical pharmacology, T. 6, 2, 125-129.
    Bersani, F. S. (2014). et al. 25C-NBOMe: preliminary data on pharmacology, psychoactive effects, and toxicity of a new potent and dangerous hallucinogenic drug. BioMed Research International, T..
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    Sanders, B. (2008). et al. "Research chemicals": tryptamine and phenethylamine use among high-risk youth. Substance use and misuse, T. 43, 3, 389-402.
    Arunotayanun, W. (2013). et al. An analysis of the synthetic tryptamines AMT and 5-MeO-DALT: emerging "novel psychoactive drugs'. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters, T. 23, 11, 3411-3415.
    Collins, M. (2011). Some new psychoactive substances: Precursor chemicals and synthesis-driven end-products. Drug testing and analysis, T. 3, 7, 404-416.
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    Lyttle, T., Goldstein, D., & Gartz, J. (1996). Bufo toads and bufotenine: fact and fiction surrounding an alleged psychedelic. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, T. 28, 3, 267-290.
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    Morris, H., & Wallach, J. (2014). From PCP to MXE: a comprehensive review of the non-medical use of dissociative drugs. Drug testing and analysis, T. 6, 7, 614-632.
    Kersten, B. P. (2015). McLaughlin M. E. Toxicology and management of novel psychoactive drugs. Journal of pharmacy practice, T. 28, 1, 50-65.
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