يعرض 1 - 8 نتائج من 8 نتيجة بحث عن '"Engineering"', وقت الاستعلام: 1.40s تنقيح النتائج
  1. 1

    المصدر: Psychological Thought, Vol 11, Iss 2, Pp 148-173 (2018)
    Psychological thought 2018, vol. 11, no. 2, p. 148-173.

    الوصف: Career education is a very important part of general/comprehensive education. One of the main components of this process is proper students’ preparation for professional choice (professional self-determination). Thus, it is important to know objective and subjective factors determining young persons’ professional self-determination. Such awareness is important and necessary for the school, which accepts responsibility for the formation of students’ professional purposefulness and professional self-determination maturity. Lithuanian gymnasium students have to make an early decision concerning future professional activity. At the beginning of 2018, a complex research was carried out, comprising qualitative and quantitative approaches. Formulating research aim is to analyse Lithuanian gymnasium students’ professional self-determination context. A total of 643 Lithuanian gymnasium 11-12 grade students took part in the research. Apart from the main research instrument (questionnaire) in the research, the researchers presented four open-ended questions. Qualitative data were processed using a quantitative content analysis. Research results revealed that the majority of female and male students thought that to properly choose a career was important, because this was a self-realisation warranty. Regardless of this, choosing a future career, both male and female students most frequently experience personal difficulties. Choosing a future career, one needs information support, different person support and self-awareness help. It has been stated that choosing a career external factors have a greater influence on both female and male students than internal ones. Choosing a career, personality character features have a bigger influence on female students, and a desire to improve, to realise oneself has a greater impact on male students.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

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    المؤلفون: Natalia Długosz

    المصدر: Slavia Meridionalis, Vol 10, Iss 0, Pp 69-85 (2015)

    الوصف: Intracommunitary compositas – compounds with евро- particle in BulgarianFrom the observation of a contemporary Bulgarian word formation system results that the number of compounds which significant part is developed basing on new productive models is constantly increasing. Therefore the subject of this article constitute Bulgarian compounds with a disintegrated particle евро- that are thematically connected with the process of European Integration. I begin the analysis from the description of compositas’ word formation construction. Then I go to semantic dissertation (I make an attempt to classify all mentioned structures thematically and I create a dictionary definition of the евро- particle) and on to stylistic ones (I pay special attention to the functioning of the discussed units both in a text, and in a lexical system).

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    المصدر: Psychological Thought, Vol 10, Iss 1, Pp 190-205 (2017)

    الوصف: Настоящето изследване цели да опише взаимовръзките между процеса на сепарация/индивидуация и степента на преживяването за самота при хора с интелектуални затруднения и хора с психични разстройства над 18 години. Клиничната извадка се състои от 33 души с лека и умерена степен на интелектуално затруднение и 30 души с шизофрения и биполярно афективно разстройство. Те са изследвани със скала за самота на Университета в Калифорния, Лос Анджелос (UCLA Loneliness Scale, Version 3) и Въпросник за сепарация-индивидуация (Separation – Individuation Process Inventory). Резултатите сочат, че стойностите по двете променливи (степен на самота и сепарация-индивидуация) и при двете групи изследвани лица са над средните за нормата. Също така между двете променливи съществува правопропорционална причинно-следствена връзка, т.е. проблемите в процеса на сепарация-индивидуация водят до високи степени на самота.

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    المؤلفون: Irena Stramljič Breznik

    المصدر: Slavia Meridionalis, Vol 13, Iss 0, Pp 97-107 (2015)

    الوصف: Word-formational productivity of onomatopoeic interjections imitating machine sounds in Slovene The article presents partial results of a wider study about the lexical potential of interjections in Slovene from the functional and lexicographical perspectives. The study focuses on interjections imitating machine sounds which are presented as entries from a to ž in the Slovenian Ortography (2001). On the basis of examples found, interjections were classified into more homogenous groups according to the type of machine. Each category was further analyzed by using corpus analysis, which was carried out on the trial version of the billion-word corpus of the Slovene language called Gigafida. The analysis focused on the existence of words created from interjections whose base comes from one of the subcategories of onomatopoeic interjections presented here. The results of the analysis have confirmed that this type of interjections and words formed from them are relatively frequent in expressive discourse. The most prominent are the interjections typically used for imitating the sound of musical instruments and their parts (brenk), tools (svrk, skrt), weapons (pok, svist) and transportation devices (puh). The results also showed that the interjections which are the base for forming verbs give rise to more extensive word families. Verbs formed from interjections can also form complex words of a higher order according to established word-formational patterns. Produktywnośc slowotworcza slowenskich wtrącen onomatopeicznych naśladujących dźwieki maszyn Niniejszy artykul jest cześcią wiekszego projektu, badającego potencjal leksykalny wtrącen w jezyku slowenskim z perspektywy funkcjonalnej oraz leksykograficznej – w pracy przedstawione zostaną jedynie wyniki badan nad tymi wtrąceniami, ktore naśladują dźwieki maszyn. Material do badania, tj. konkretne wtrącenia, zostal zaczerpniety ze slownika ortografii slowenskiej (Slovenski pravopis, 2001). Znalezione przyklady zostaly nastepnie pogrupowane w zalezności od typu maszyn, ktorych dźwieki naśladują. Kolejny etap to poglebiona analiza kazdej grupy za pomocą testowej wersji korpusu jezyka slowenskiego Gigafida (korpus ten zawiera okolo miliarda slow). Analiza ta miala na celu zbadanie, czy istnieją slowa utworzone na bazie wtrącen nalezących do jednej z omawianych tutaj grup. Badanie wykazalo, iz tego typu wtrącenia oraz slowa od nich utworzone stosunkowo czesto wystepują w dyskursie o charakterze ekspresywnym. Ze wszystkich wtrącen najcześciej wystepowaly te, ktore naśladują dźwiek instrumentow muzycznych lub ich cześci (brenk), narzedzi (svrk, skrt), broni (pok, svist) oraz środkow transportu (puh). Co wiecej, wtrącenia, od ktorych tworzone są czasowniki, dają początek bardziej rozbudowanym rodzinom wyrazowym. Takie czasowniki mogą rowniez wchodzic w sklad bardziej zlozonych slow, tworzonych za pomocą typowych dla jezyka slowenskiego mechanizmow slowotworczych.

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    المؤلفون: Antonín Věžník, Hana Svobodová

    المصدر: Journal of Central European Agriculture, Vol 12, Iss 4, Pp 726-736 (2012)
    Journal of Central European Agriculture
    Volume 12
    Issue 4

    الوصف: Czech Republic entered into the EU in 2004 and had to adopt conditions of the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU. Impacts of the Common Agricultural Policy on Czech agriculture are numerous – both positive and negative. Positive impacts are evident mainly in growth of financial sources for farmers (however, not still as high as in old member countries) but this is connected also with more requirements on administrative. The most striking impact of the Common Agricultural Policy is fall of the livestock production. The aim of the paper is confirmation of these and also other theses on base of results of questionnaire survey among agricultural subjects in model region. Above mentioned situation sets farmers into complicated situation – they have to find new alternative way of farming and development for their survival.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

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    المؤلفون: Veronika Kampf, Björn Wiemer

    المصدر: Slovene, Vol 1, Iss 2, Pp 5-38 (2012)

    الوصف: Статья посвящена условиям, при которых происходит попеременная актуализация то эвиденциального, то эпистемического компонента в семантическом потенциале эвиденциальных показателей болгарского языка. Сосредоточиваясь на сентенциальных наречиях с инферентивными функциями, мы опираемся на следующие предпосылки: (i) для каждой единицы следует отличать её устойчивое семантическое значение от прагматического потенциала, выявлению которого способствуют (или препятствуют) те или иные коммуникативные условия; (ii) эвиденциальные и эпистемические компоненты значения довольно легко вытесняют друг друга из позиции доминанты, причём процесс подавления то одного, то другого компонента обусловлен действием обоюдных или однонаправленных импликатур; (iii) однонаправленные импликатуры происходят с определёнными показателями репортивных значений, эпистемические импликатуры которых могут быть подведены под категорию обобщённой коммуникативной импликатуры (Generalized Conversational Implicatures, GCIs). На этом основании мы показываем, что (iv) GCIs срабатывают также в значении инферентивных показателей; они могут быть классифицированы в соответствии с тем, какой из компонентов (инферентивный или эпистемический) больше подвержен по давлению. Существенным фактором, способствующим выдвижению на передний план инферентивного компонента, является перцептивная основа инференции. В общем и целом, (v) чем сложнее реконструкция когнитивной (или коммуникативной) основы, ведущей к инференции, тем ярче на переднем плане укрепляется эпистемическая функция, тогда как эвиденциальная (инферентивная) функция остаётся в тени, и наоборот. Наше исследование можно признать экспериментально-эвристическим, и оно содержит попытку классификации условий микрои макроконтекста, которые способствуют или препятствуют высвечиванию эвиденциальной функции.
    The article deals with tip effects between evidential and epistemic components in the meaning potential of evidential markers in Bulgarian, the focus being on sentential adverbs with inferential functions. We justify (and start with) the following assumptions: (i) for any unit we should distinguish its stable semantic meaning from its pragmatic potential which can be favored (or disfavored) by appropriate discourse conditions; (ii) there is a trade off between evidential and epistemic meaning components that are related to each other on the basis of mutual or one-sided implicatures; (iii) one-sided implicatures occur with certain hearsay markers whose epistemic implicatures can be captured as Generalized Conversational Implicatures (GCIs). On this basis, we show that (iv) GCIs work also with inferential markers; they can be classified depending on which component (the inferential or the epistemic one) can be downgraded more easily. A crucial factor favoring the inferential meaning is a perceptual basis of the inference. In general, (v) the more complicated the reconstruction of the cognitive (or communicative) basis leading to an inference, the clearer the epistemic function emerges while the evidential function remains in the background, and vice versa. The study is corpus-driven and also includes an attempt at classifying microand macro-contextual conditions that (dis)favor a highlighting of the evidential function.

    وصف الملف: text/html

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    المصدر: Psychological Thought, Vol 5, Iss 2, Pp 150-165 (2012)

    الوصف: This paper deals with different aspects of self-realisation – related to the health status, to the self-actualization, to some skills and abilities (especially mechanical and technical ones), to the self-determinism, and to the students’ adaptation and professional self-realisation. Three studies were conducted in 2011 and 2012 in Bulgaria. 73 students were studied about their need for self-actualization by means of a modified scale from Gercheva-Nestorova’s questionnaire for needs based on Maslow’s theory. More than a half of them strived for self-actualization in a medium and high degree. 55 students were studied by means of MTA – a computerized method for measuring mechanical and technical abilities that is a part of Vienna Test System. The low and medium results prevailed. 42 students were studied about their adaptation to the educational process. 1/3 of the students’ responses indicated their maladaptation in the educational process concerning their professional self-realisation (undesired subject, problems with the exams and with the lecturers, lack of desire for study). The satisfied students who studied a desired subject were better adapted. More than a half of the students in this sample strived for professional self-realisation through the specialty they studied in, independent on their initial professional orientation. Language: Bulgarian

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    المصدر: Journal of Central European Agriculture, Vol 11, Iss 1, Pp 73-82 (2010)

    الوصف: This study outlines the long-term trends of fertilizers consumption in the Czech Republic and Poland and their impact on actual yield development of main crops for the period 1986-2005. In both countries dynamics of N, P, K fertilizers use showed analogical trends. Based on amounts and nutrient ratio of consumed fertilizer, as expressed as P2O5:N and K2O:N ratios, there were distinguished three phases of fertilizers use: i) high ii) collapse and iii) restoration/stagnation. The stagnation phase was attributed for P and K in the Czech Republic. The observed yield depressions since the 1990s reflect changes in farmer’s long-term fertilization and has been termed a temporary yield gap (TYG). However, its long-term existence negatively affects crop production stability. The development of new, country specific strategies in the management of P and K, i.e. adopted to natural soil fertility conditions, is a main goal of present agriculture of both countries, compared in the presented study.