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  1. 1


    المصدر: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Practice & Research in Private & Public Sector; May2011, p117-124, 8p

    Abstract (English): This article examines the state of strategic planning and the assumptions about its improvement in the public sector of the country. Strategic planning in the public sector is a legally regulated and formalized process which consists of a complex chain of interconnected elements, from strategic analysis to the monitoring of the action plan implementation. The elements of this process are linked by the search of a solution regarding a rational financial resources allocation. The solution of the main strategic planning tasks is based on the financing requirements programs of the institutions, including the implementation of strategic goals. The analysis of the issues of strategic planning in the institutions tends to concentrate on the individual aspects of the process, but such analysis of separate elements, and not the analysis of them as a whole, does not provide an opportunity to really ensure the effectiveness of the strategic planning process. The aim of this research is to make a thorough analysis of the elements of strategic planning and to provide assumptions about improvements of this process in the public sector. In this study the methods of systematic and logical analysis as well as methods of synthesis, analogy and comparison were applied. The legal regulation of strategic planning enables to ensure the flexibility of strategic planning in an institution without restricting the institution in its choice of its internal factors and the schemes of problem solving according to the situation, as well as specific problem solving methods. In order to ensure a more rational and effective strategic planning in an institution, this is not enough. The legal provisions set common strategic planning principles of the institutions and these principles are not elaborated at the level of separate strategic planning functions in the institutions. Solving strategic planning tasks of an institution based on separate principles and not on them as a whole does not allow to legitimately determining possibilities of the compatibility of the activity of an institution with its environment, to effectively use such possibilities and to develop them in a targeted way. Such planning is not meaningful as a measure to justify the needed budget funds, as well as an effective distribution and rational use of them. Such methodology of strategic planning, which is based on a fragmented view, is not a sufficiently authoritative landmark, which would indicate the most relevant directions of long-term development of an activity of a public sector institution and well-founded means and methods of their implementation. In order to ensure efficient planning of the activity of a public sector institution, based on perspective, it is important to comprehend the need to apply strategic planning principles as a whole and to envisage their implementation specifics at the level of every function of effective strategic planning. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    Abstract (Lithuanian): Straipsnyje nagrinejama strateginio planavimo būkle ir jos gerinimo prielaidos šalies viešajame sektoriuje. Sistemiškai analizuojama ir kritiškai vertinama viešojo sektoriaus instituciju strateginiu sprendimu bazes formavimo, strateginiu sprendimu rengimo ir priemimo bei viešojo sektoriaus instituciju strateginio fono detalizavimo situacija akcentuojant lešu poreikio strateginiams sprendimams igyvendinti grindimo ir ju gavimo aspektus. Be to, pateikiamos viešojo sektoriaus instituciju strateginio planavimo uždaviniu sprendimo priemones bei salygos. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    : Copyright of Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Practice & Research in Private & Public Sector is the property of Mykolas Romeris University and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)

  2. 2
    دورية أكاديمية


    المصدر: Agricultural Sciences / Zemès ukio Mokslai; Mar2009, Issue 1/2, p87-95, 9p, 2 Charts, 5 Graphs

    مصطلحات جغرافية: LITHUANIA

    Abstract (English): The authors have carried out a research in order to analyse how the income from sold dairy products distributes among farmers, processors and retailers. The research is based on the data from the International Farm Comparison Network (IFCN), Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), Department of Statistics to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, Lithuanian Agriculture and Food Market Information System (ZUMPRIS) and milk processing companies. The research contains two aspects: • assessment of price margins for liquid milk in different countries (the shares of the retail price going to each sector along the supply chain: farmer, processing and retail trade as well as government taxes; • assessment of the distribution of the income within the market participants for the five most popular Lithuanian dairy products. On the basis of the IFCN information about milk production in the world in 2007, data on the farmers' share in the consumer price are analyzed. The authors have made their choice to analyse the data from reports of 38 countries (including 23 EU member states). Comparing price margins for liquid milk in Lithuania and other countries, the authors have found that the farmers' share in the consumer price differs significantly. In 2007, the highest level was observed in India, Canada and Portugal, and the lowest level in Romania, Italy and Australia. For Lithuania, the farmers' share in the consumer price is about 39%, the margin for the processor and the retailer being about 46% and the VAT charge about 15%. Within the EU member states, the farmers' share in the consumer price in Lithuania is almost the same as the EU average. The grouping of countries according to special indicators (volume of production, exports, farm gate price and consumer price) has permitted to assess some general tendencies in the formation of the farmers' share in the consumer price. The authors have analyzed the distribution of income among the market participants for liquid milk, sour cream, butter, Tilsit and cottage cheeses. Calculating the price margins, the direct support and marketing service income has been taken into account. The results indicate that direct support slightly increases the farmers' share, and the marketing service income slightly increases the retailers' share in the consumer price. The farmers' share in the consumer price for sour cream, butter and Tilsit cheese is higher than for liquid milk and cottage cheese. Since about 50% of all milk produced in Lithuania is used for the production of exportable dairy products, the analysed dairy chain permits to assess only the dairy products sold in the domestic market. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    Abstract (Lithuanian): Straipsnyje nagrinėjama, kaip už parduotus pieno produktus gaunamos pajamos pasi-skirsto tarp pieno gamintojų, perdirbėjų ir prekybininkų. Tyrimas atliktas dviem kryptimis: geriamojo pieno mažmeninės kainos pasiskirstymo tarp rinkos dalyvių įvairiose pasaulio šalyse palyginimas bei dažniausiai Lietuvoje vartojamų penkių pieno produktų verčių pasidalijimo tarp rinkos dalyvių vertinimas. Tyrime analizuojami IFCN (International Farm Comparison Network - Tarptautinis ūkių palyginimo tinklas) Pieno sektoriaus 2008 m. ataskaitos duomenys apie pieno gamintojų dalį mažmeninėje geriamojo pieno kainoje. Pasirinktinai išanalizuoti 38 pasaulio šalių (iš jų 23 priklauso ES) duomenys. Palyginus mažmeninės pieno kainos struktūrą Lietuvoje su analogiška struktūra kitose šalyse, nustatyta, kad pieno gamintojams tenkanti dalis įvairiose šalyse yra labai skirtinga. 2007 m. didžiausia pieno gamintojų dalis buvo Indijoje, Islandijoje, Kanadoje ir Portugalijoje, o mažiausia - Rumunijoje, Italijoje, Australijoje. Lietuvoje 2007 m. mažmeninė pieno kaina pasiskirstė tokiomis dalimis: pieno gamintojams teko 39 %, perdirbėjams ir prekybininkams - 46 %, PVM - 15 %. Tarp ES šalių Lietuvos pieno gamintojams tenkanti pieno mažmeninės kainos dalis yra artima ES šalių vidurkiui. Šalių grupavimas pagal daugelį požymių (pieno produktų gamybos apimtis, eksporto apimtis, pieno pardavimo kainą) leido nustatyti kai kurias bendras pieno gamintojų dalies mažmeninėje pieno kainoje formavimosi tendencijas. Tyrime nagrinėjamas pajamų iš geriamojo pieno, grietinės, sviesto, „Tilsit‟ tipo sūrio ir varškės sūrio pasidalijimas tarp rinkos dalyvių Lietuvoje. Skaičiavimuose įvertintos tiesioginių išmokų pajamos ir rinkodaros paslaugų vertės persiskirstymas. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad minėtų produktų vertėje tiesioginės išmokos nežymiai didina pieno gamintojų dalį, o pajamos, gautos iš perdirbėjų už prekybos papildomas rinkodaros paslaugas - prekybos įmonių dalį, atitinkamai sumažindamos perdirbėjų dalį. Pieno gamintojų santykinė pajamų dalis iš grietinės, sviesto ir „Tilsit‟ tipo sūrio pardavimų yra didesnė nei iš pieno ir varškės sūrio pardavimų. Tyrime atliktas tik Lietuvos rinkoje parduodamų šalies pieno perdirbėjų pagamintų pieno produktų vertės pasiskirstymas, kadangi nėra duomenų apie į įvairias šalis eksportuojamų gaminių (o jų gamybai sunaudojama daugiau kaip pusė viso supirkto pieno) mažmenines kainas. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    : Copyright of Agricultural Sciences / Zemès ukio Mokslai is the property of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Publishers and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)

  3. 3
    دورية أكاديمية

    Alternate Title: Income inequality in Lithuania. (English)

    المؤلفون: Skučienė, Daiva

    المصدر: Filosofija, Sociologija; 2008, Vol. 2008 Issue 4, p22-33, 12p, 4 Charts, 1 Graph

    مصطلحات جغرافية: LITHUANIA

    الشركة/الكيان: EUROPEAN Union

    Abstract (English): The article is divided into three main parts. The first part offers a theoretical background of income inequality on the basis of society structure, welfare, value princples and measurement. The second part is devoted to exploring previous researches to find out why income inequality analysis is important. Finally, trends of income inequality during 1996-2006 are assessed. Secondary data analysis is applied to get the findings of the research. The main conclusions are: income is one of the dimensions of the status in society. Income also determines personal possibilities. Income distribution is defined using various measurements, but the evaluation always depends on the choice of values. During ten years (1996-2006), income inequality in Lithuania increased, but also the risk of poverty was one of the highest in Europe. Income inequality in Lithuania was one of the highest in the European Union. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    Abstract (Latvian): Straipsnio tikslas - išanalizuoti pajamų nelygybės šalyje mastus ir kryptis. Straipsnis sudarytas iš šių dalių: pirmoje apžvelgiama pajamų nelygybės samprata, remiantis keletu teorinių pjūvių - visuomenės struktūros, gerovės, normatyviniu ir matavimų. Antroje dalyje ieškoma argumentų atliktų tyrimų pagrindu, kodėl reikia kalbėti apie pajamų nelygybę. Trečioje dalyje įvertinama pajamų nelygybės situacija Lietuvoje 1996-2007 m. Tyrimo metodas - pakartotinė duomenų analizė. Pagrindinės straipsnio išvados; pajamos yra viena iš struktūrinimosi dimensijų, gerovės išraiška, apibrėžianti asmens galimybes. Pajamų nelygybės didėjimas visuomenėje siejamas su mirtingumo, nusikalstamumo didėjimu, kai kurių gyventojų sluoksnių mažėjančiu politiniu dalyvavimu ir kt. Pajamų pasiskirstymo būklei apibrėžti yra taikomi įvairūs matavimai, bet kuriuo atveju vertinimas priklauso nuo vertybinio apsisprendimo. 1996-2006 m. pajamų nelygybė Lietuvoje didėjo ir buvo viena didžiausių Europos Sąjungoje, skurdo rizikos rodiklis buvo vienas didžiausių šalyje, lyginant su kitomis Europos Sąjungos šalimis. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    : Copyright of Filosofija, Sociologija is the property of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Publishers and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)

  4. 4
    دورية أكاديمية


    المصدر: Business: Theory & Practice; 2004, Vol. 5 Issue 3, p100-108, 9p, 10 Charts, 1 Graph

    Abstract (English): The problems of distribution resources are very important in the management economic systems. Finances, raw materials, materials, human, time and other recourses are limited and they must be used optimally in economic activity. The problems of distribution resources can be classified by distribution methods, recourses type, structure of system and time periods. Heuristic methods are current in solving problems of distribution recourses according to some value or procured level. Optimal distribution is done under-way using the algorithm of optimal problems. Recourses are always distributed in a definite organizational system. By structure organizational systems can be one level or hierarchic. In hierarchic systems the number of levels is not limited, so the principals of solving the problems of optimal distribution recourses in systems with a fixed number of levels can be used in systems with different levels. The distribution of financial resources by subjects and periods is presented in the article. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    Abstract (Lithuanian): Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas finansavimo paskirstymas pagal objektus ir finansavimo periodus. Išteklių paskirstymo uždaviniai yra patys svarbiausi valdant ekonomines sistemas. Finansai, žaliavos, medžiagos, žmonės, laikas ir kt. yra riboti ištekliai, kurie turi būti optimaliai naudojami ekonominėje veikloje. Išteklių paskirstymo uždaviniai gali būti klasifikuojami pagal paskirstymo metodus, išteklių tipą, sistemos struktūrą ir laiko periodus. Euristiniai metodai yra plačiai paplitę sprendžiant išteklių paskirstymo uždavinius pagal priimtas taisykles, pavyzdžiui, proporcingai kokiam nors dydžiui arba pasiektam lygiui. Optimaliai paskirstoma naudojant optimizavimo uždavinių sprendimo algoritmus. Ištekliai visada skirstomi apibrėžtoje organizacinėje sistemoje. Struktūros požiūriu organizacinės sistemos gali būti vieno lygio ir hierarchinės. Hierarchinėse sistemose lygių skaičius nėra ribojamas, todėl optimalaus išteklių paskirstymo uždavinių sprendimo sistemose su nurodytu lygių kiekiu principai gali būti taikomi ir įvairių lygių hierarchinėse sistemose. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    : Copyright of Business: Theory & Practice is the property of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)