يعرض 31 - 40 نتائج من 78 نتيجة بحث عن '"DISTRIBUTION (Economic theory)"', وقت الاستعلام: 1.77s تنقيح النتائج
  1. 31
    كتاب إلكتروني

    الوصف: Die Autorin dieses Buches greift unter vielen Formen von Mobbing unter Verwendung von neuen Medien eine spezielle Form des Mobbings heraus, nämlich die mit dem Handy gefilmte Vergewaltigung und anschließende Verbreitung des Films. Dieses sogenannte „Happy Raping“ ist durch die Diffamierung der Opfer in Verbindung mit der Verbreitung der Aufnahmen als eine extreme Form des Mobbing anzusehen. Auswirkungen und Folgen für die Opfer werden ebenso beschrieben wie die möglichen Motive der Täter. Eine alarmierende Untersuchung, die sich mit einem ganz neuen Phänomen beschäftigt.

    المؤلفون: Brand, Gönül

    نوع المادة: eBook.

  2. 32
    كتاب إلكتروني

    الوصف: While the Occupy movement faces many strategic and organizational challenges, one of its major accomplishments has been to draw global attention to the massive disparity of income, wealth and privilege held by 1% of the population in nations across the world. In The 1% and the Rest of Us, Tim Di Muzio explores what it means to be part of a socio-economic order presided over by the super-rich and their political servants.Incorporating provocative and original arguments about philanthropy, social wealth and the political role of the super-rich, Di Muzio reveals how the 1% are creating a world unto themselves in which the accumulation of ever more money is really a symbolic drive to control society and the natural environment.

    المؤلفون: Tim Di Muzio

    نوع المادة: eBook.

    الموضوعات: Wealth, Distribution (Economic theory)

  3. 33
    كتاب إلكتروني

    الوصف: El aumento de las desigualdades generadas por un capitalismo ávido es el gran tema de este libro. ¿Por qué un grupo de ricos herederos debería disponer de unos ingresos vedados a los que sólo cuentan con su fuerza de trabajo y sus talentos? Thomas Piketty está sacudiendo con sus propuestas el mundo del análisis y el pensamiento económico y social. A partir de una base de datos monumental y en constante actualización, y tomando distancia de las posiciones tradicionales tanto de derecha como de izquierda, Piketty muestra que la desigualdad se ha intensificado durante las últimas tres décadas a causa de diferentes reformas impositivas que aliviaron las cargas tributarias sobre los sectores más ricos de la sociedad. Analiza las brechas en la apropiación del excedente entre capitalistas y trabajadores, las diferencias históricas y entre países, las particularidades de la profunda inequidad en el mundo del trabajo y los efectos de las diversas estrategias de redistribución. El mensaje central es que, más allá de principios abstractos de justicia social, es necesario redistribuir mejor porque la desigualdad es un obstáculo para el desarrollo de los países y las sociedades. Para eso, no basta mirar quién paga, o cuán moderada o ambiciosa resulta en sus alcances una política redistributiva: hay que considerar también su incidencia en el conjunto del sistema económico, y discutir ventajas y desventajas de cada medida. Así, Piketty evalúa la eficacia de los gastos sociales en salud y educación, los aportes patronales y las cargas sociales, los sistemas de retiro, la fijación de un salario mínimo, el rol de los sindicatos, el abismo salarial entre los directivos y los trabajadores con baja calificación, el acceso al crédito y el impulso keynesiano de la demanda. Y avanza con ideas novedosas para entender cómo se gestan las inequidades y elegir las mejores herramientas de redistribución de la riqueza.

    المؤلفون: Thomas Piketty

    نوع المادة: eBook.

  4. 34
    كتاب إلكتروني

    الوصف: The concept of predistribution is increasingly setting the agenda in progressive politics. But what does it mean? The predistributive agenda is concerned with how states can alter the underlying distribution of market outcomes so they no longer rely solely on post hoc redistribution to achieve economic efficiency and social justice. It therefore offers an effective means of tackling economic and social inequality alongside traditional welfare policies, emphasising employability, human capital, and skills, as well as structuring markets to promote greater equity. This book examines the key debates surrounding the emergence and development of predistributive thought with contributions from leading international scholars and policy-makers.

    المؤلفون: Patrick Diamond, Claudia Chwalisz

    نوع المادة: eBook.

    تصنيفات: PHILOSOPHY / Political

  5. 35
    كتاب إلكتروني

    الوصف: Inequality is the defining issue of our time. But it is not just a problem for the rich world. It is the global 1% that now owns fully half the world's wealth—the true measure of our age of inequality. In this historical tour de force, Simon Reid-Henry rewrites the usual story of globalization and development as a story of the management of inequality. Reaching back to the eighteenth century and around the globe, The Political Origins of Inequality foregrounds the political turning points and decisions behind the making of today's uneven societies. As it weaves together insights from the Victorian city to the Cold War, from US economic policy to Europe's present migration crisis, a true picture emerges of the structure of inequality itself. The problem of inequality, Reid-Henry argues, is a problem that manifests between places as well as over time. This is one reason why it cannot be resolved by the usual arguments of left versus right, bound as they are to the national scale alone. Most of all, however, it is why the level of inequality that confronts us today is indicative of a more general crisis in political thought. Modern political discourse has no place for public reason or the common good. Equality is yesterday's dream. Yet the fact that we now accept such a world—a world that values security over freedom, special treatment over universal opportunity, and efficiency over fairness—is ultimately because we have stopped even trying in recent decades to build the political architecture the world actually requires. Our politics has fallen out of step with the world, then, and at the every moment it is needed more than ever. Yet it is within our power to address this. Doing so involves identifying and then meeting our political responsibilities to others, not just offering them the selective charity of the rich. It means looking beyond issues of economics and outside our national borders. But above all it demands of us that we reinvent the language of equality for a modern, global world: and then institute this. The world is not falling apart. Different worlds, we all can see, are colliding together. It is our capacity to act in concert that is falling apart. It is this that needs restoring most of all.

    المؤلفون: Simon Reid-Henry

    نوع المادة: eBook.

  6. 36
    كتاب إلكتروني

    الوصف: A Solution for Our Social and Economic Crisis In 1891, Pope Leo XIII wrote the groundbreaking encyclical Rerum Novarum, which featured the Catholic Church's response to the conditions of the working classes and unleashed modern Catholic social thought. Inspired by Leo's call for the law to “induce as many as possible of the people to become owners,” famed writers G.K. Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc crafted an alternative against the dispossession caused by the monopolizing ends of socialism and capitalism, which come at the expense of justice, the common good, and our natural resources. In a world obsessed with growth and globalization, Distributism is a political economy championing the sustainability of decentralized, local economies with the aim of ensuring the widest ownership of the means of production. The solution to our present socio-economic malaise is an economy as if people and God mattered. The Hound of Distributism is a collection of essays written by leading distributist authors from around the world. Given our present social and economic crisis, this timely and rich volume challenges the sterility of our present by recovering the value of the socio-economic theory of Distributism.

    المؤلفون: Richard Aleman

    نوع المادة: eBook.

    الموضوعات: Distribution (Economic theory)

  7. 37
    كتاب إلكتروني

    الوصف: In this follow up to From a Market Economy to a Finance Economy, Samli reflects on his more than half a century of economic experience and research, maintaining that financiers, the government and many decision makers in both politics and the economy, do not really the'free market.

    المؤلفون: A. Samli

    نوع المادة: eBook.

  8. 38
    كتاب إلكتروني

    الوصف: Wie entstehen die Akkumulation und die Distribution von Kapital? Welche Dynamiken sind dafür maßgeblich? Fragen der langfristigen Evolution von Ungleichheit, der Konzentration von Wohlstand in wenigen Händen und nach den Chancen für ökonomisches Wachstum bilden den Kern der Politischen Ökonomie. Aber befriedigende Antworten darauf gab es bislang kaum, weil aussagekräftige Daten und eine überzeugende Theorie fehlten. In Das Kapital im 21. Jahrhundert analysiert Thomas Piketty ein beeindruckendes Datenmaterial aus 20 Ländern, zurückgehend bis ins 18. Jahrhundert, um auf dieser Basis die entscheidenden ökonomischen und sozialen Abläufe freizulegen. Seine Ergebnisse stellen die Debatte auf eine neue Grundlage und definieren zugleich die Agenda für das künftige Nachdenken über Wohlstand und Ungleichheit. Piketty zeigt uns, dass das ökonomische Wachstum in der Moderne und die Verbreitung des Wissens es uns ermöglicht haben, den Ungleichheiten in jenem apokalyptischen Ausmaß zu entgehen, das Karl Marx prophezeit hatte. Aber wir haben die Strukturen von Kapital und Ungleichheit andererseits nicht so tiefgreifend modifiziert, wie es in den prosperierenden Jahrzehnten nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg den Anschein hatte. Der wichtigste Treiber der Ungleichheit – nämlich die Tendenz von Kapitalgewinnen, die Wachstumsrate zu übertreffen – droht heute extreme Ungleichheiten hervorzubringen, die am Ende auch den sozialen Frieden gefährden und unsere demokratischen Werte in Frage stellen. Doch ökonomische Trends sind keine Gottesurteile. Politisches Handeln hat gefährliche Ungleichheiten in der Vergangenheit korrigiert, so Piketty, und kann das auch wieder tun.

    المؤلفون: Thomas Piketty

    نوع المادة: eBook.

  9. 39
    كتاب إلكتروني

    الوصف: What new theories, evidence, explanations, and policies have shaped our studies of income distribution in the 21st century? Editors Tony Atkinson and Francois Bourguignon assemble the expertise of leading authorities in this survey of substantive issues. In two volumes they address subjects that were not covered in Volume 1 (2000), such as education, health and experimental economics; and subjects that were covered but where there have been substantial new developments, such as the historical study of income inequality and globalization. Some chapters discuss future growth areas, such as inheritance, the links between inequality and macro-economics and finance, and the distributional implications of climate change. They also update empirical advances and major changes in the policy environment. The volumes define and organize key areas of income distribution studies Contributors focus on identifying newly developing questions and opportunities for future research The authoritative articles emphasize the ways that income mobility and inequality studies have recently gained greater political significance

    نوع المادة: eBook.

  10. 40
    كتاب إلكتروني

    الوصف: Dans la plupart des démocraties avancées, les inégalités ont augmenté depuis le milieu des années 1980. Le ­Québec a en partie résisté à cette tendance, mais la pression demeure forte. Nos sociétés, en effet, tolèrent de plus en plus l'existence d'inégalités. Cette évolution est-elle inéluctable? Devrait-on au contraire favoriser davantage l'égalité? Miser sur l'égalité, c'est offrir à tous les mêmes possibilités de jouir de la vie et de contribuer à la société, et poser les bases d'une démocratie saine. Cet ouvrage présente des arguments étoffés en faveur d'une société juste et équilibrée, où ensemble les citoyens choisissent de miser sur l'égalité. Avec des textes de : Christopher P. Barrington-Leigh Axel van den Berg Bea Cantillon Jean-Michel Cousineau Julien Damon Miriam Fahmy Jane Jenson Vivian Labrie Pierre Lapointe Éloi Laurent Henry Milner Christian Nadeau Alain Noël Stéphane Paquin Hicham Raïq Marie-France Raynault Michel Venne Nicolas Zorn

    المؤلفون: Miriam Fahmy

    نوع المادة: eBook.

    تصنيفات: SOCIAL SCIENCE / General