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  1. 1
    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Georgiou, Andreas

    المساهمون: University/Department: Universitat Ramon Llull. Departament de Societat, Política i Sostenibilitat

    مرشدي الرسالة: Arenas Vives, Daniel

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: Els grups comunitaris i les empreses de base comunitària sovint han estat objecte de discussió en els estudis d'organització, gestió i emprenedoria. Es considera que representen una forma alternativa d’organitzar-se i perseguir objectius econòmics, socials i culturals, i que encarnen una lògica institucional, també coneguda com a lògica comunitària. No obstant això, a l'era de la globalització i de les transformacions socials, no s'ha de donar per fet que aquests grups i empreses no s’enfronten a tensions i que estan compromesos amb una única lògica institucional. Aquesta tesi problematitza aquest supòsit implícit i explora el següent: com s'organitzen els grups comunitaris i les empreses de base comunitària, i es relacionen amb la lògica comunitària i amb altres lògiques institucionals? Després d'un capítol introductori breu, el segon capítol fa una revisió de la literatura sobre comunitats i desglossa els principis organitzatius de diversos tipus de comunitats. El tercer capítol revela el paper de la materialitat en els processos institucionals i com els actors de la comunitat local intenten mantenir les institucions al llarg de les generacions. El quart aprofundeix en una empresa de base comunitària i analitza com respon a la complexitat institucional i assegura el compromís dels membres de la comunitat local amb el projecte comú. En conjunt, els tres capítols principals mostren que els grups comunitaris i les empreses de base comunitària estan molt involucrats en els processos institucionals i troben formes innovadores de navegar per la complexitat institucional i treballar cap al manteniment institucional, però també desenvolupen variants de les lògiques institucionals i canvien. Una perspectiva institucional sobre les comunitats proporciona implicacions per a l'organització i emprenedoria comunitaris, les relacions entre la comunitat i l'organització i la teoria de l'organització en general.

    الوصف (مترجم): Los grupos comunitarios y las empresas de base comunitaria con frecuencia han sido objeto de discusión en los estudios de organización, gestión y emprendimiento. Se considera que representan una forma alternativa de organizarse y perseguir objetivos económicos, sociales y culturales, y que encarnan una lógica institucional, también conocida como lógica comunitaria. Sin embargo, en la era de la globalización y de transformaciones sociales, no debe darse por sentado que dichos grupos y empresas no enfrentan tensiones y están comprometidos con una única lógica institucional. Esta tesis problematiza este supuesto implícito y explora lo siguiente: ¿cómo se organizan los grupos comunitarios y las empresas de base comunitaria, y se relacionan con la lógica comunitaria y otras lógicas institucionales? Después de un breve capítulo introductorio, el segundo capítulo realiza una revisión de la literatura sobre comunidades y desglosa los principios organizativos de diversos tipos de comunidades. El tercer capítulo revela el papel de la materialidad en los procesos institucionales y cómo los actores de la comunidad local intentan mantener las instituciones a lo largo de las generaciones. El cuarto profundiza en una empresa de base comunitaria y analiza cómo responde a la complejidad institucional y asegura el compromiso de los miembros de la comunidad local con el proyecto común. En conjunto, los tres capítulos principales muestran que los grupos comunitarios y las empresas de base comunitaria están muy involucrados en los procesos institucionales y encuentran formas innovadoras de navegar por la complejidad institucional y trabajar hacia el mantenimiento institucional, pero también desarrollan variantes de las lógicas institucionales y cambian. Una perspectiva institucional sobre las comunidades proporciona implicaciones para la organización y el emprendimiento comunitarios, las relaciones entre la comunidad y la organización y la teoría de la organización en general.
    Community groups and community-based enterprises have been frequently discussed in studies of organization, management and entrepreneurship. They are considered to represent an alternative way of organizing and pursuing economic, social and cultural goals, as well as to embody an institutional logic, also known as the community logic. In the era of globalization and societal transformations, however, it should not be taken for granted that such groups and enterprises do not face tensions and are committed to a single institutional logic. This thesis problematizes this implicit assumption and explores the following: how do community groups and community-based enterprises organize and relate to the community logic and other institutional logics? After a brief introductory chapter, the second chapter conducts a literature review on communities and unpacks the organizing principles of diverse types of communities. The third chapter reveals the role of materiality in institutional processes and how local community actors attempt to maintain institutions across generations. The fourth one delves into a community-based enterprise and analyzes how it responds to institutional complexity and secures the commitment of local community members to the common endeavor. Taken together, the three main chapters show that community groups and community-based enterprises are heavily involved in institutional processes and find innovative ways to navigate institutional complexity and work towards institutional maintenance, but also develop logic variants and change. An institutional perspective on communities provides implications for community organizing and entrepreneurship, community-organization relationships, and organization theory more broadly.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  2. 2
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Journal of Chemical Physics; 3/28/2024, Vol. 160 Issue 12, p1-12, 12p

    مصطلحات موضوعية: DENSITY functional theory, COMMUNITY organization

    مستخلص: We performed Monte Carlo and dynamic Monte Carlo simulations to model the diffusion of monodispersed suspensions composed of impenetrable cuboidal particles, specifically hard board-like particles (HBPs), in the presence of parallel hard walls. The impact of the walls was investigated by adjusting the size of the simulation box while maintaining constant packing fractions, fixed at η = 0.150, for systems consisting of HBPs with prolate, dual-shaped, and oblate geometries. We observed that increasing the distance between the walls led to the recovery of an isotropic bulk phase, while local particle organization near the walls remained stable. Due to their shape, oblate HBPs exhibit more efficient anchoring at wall surfaces compared to prolate shapes. The formation of nematic-like particle assemblies near the walls, confirmed by theoretical calculations based on density functional theory, significantly influenced local particle dynamics. This effect was particularly pronounced to the extent that a modest portion of cuboids near the walls tended to diffuse exclusively in planes parallel to the confinement, even more efficiently than observed in the bulk regions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    : Copyright of Journal of Chemical Physics is the property of American Institute of Physics and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)

  3. 3
    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Cuenca Silvestre, Mercedes

    المساهمون: University/Department: Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat de Filosofia

    مرشدي الرسالة: Román Maestre, Begoña, Esteban Bara, Francisco, 1975-

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: Esta investigación tiene su origen en la reflexión sobre la práctica del trabajo social comunitario durante 20 años de ejercicio profesional. El objetivo principal ha sido hacer una contribución a la disciplina en relación a la comprensión y explicitación de la dimensión ética de la profesión, específicamente en su ámbito comunitario. La tesis elabora una propuesta de marco ético, compuesto por tres teorías éticas, seleccionadas por sus significativas aportaciones para el trabajo social comunitario; cuatro principios éticos que orientan el diseño, implementación y evaluación de proyectos comunitarios; y un modelo de toma decisiones éticas que tiene en cuenta las especificidades de los contextos comunitarios. Para el último capítulo se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad a profesionales del trabajo social y la educación social del ámbito académico y de la intervención directa, así como a participantes de proyectos de trabajo social comunitario en contextos urbanos. Se quería valorar la pertinencia de nuestra propuesta con las opiniones de quienes protagonizan el trabajo social comunitario. La tesis revisa ampliamente las estructuras y herramientas de las que disponen las trabajadoras sociales para identificar y abordar problemáticas éticas que enfrentan en su quehacer diario, interpelándolas para determinar aquellas adaptaciones y actualizaciones necesarias para que resulten de utilidad al trabajo social comunitario.

    الوصف (مترجم): The research has its origin in the reflection on the practice of community social work. The main objective has been to make a contribution to the discipline in relation to the understanding and clarification of the ethical dimension of the profession, specifically in its community dimension. The study elaborates a proposal for an ethical framework, made up of three ethical theories, selected for their significant contributions to community social work; four ethical principles that guide the design, implementation and evaluation of community projects; and an ethical decision-making model that takes into account the specificities of community contexts. For the last chapter in-depth interviews were conducted with professionals in different areas, such as social work, social education in academic field and direct intervention, as well as participants in community projects developed in urban contexts today. We wanted to contrast our proposal with the opinions of those who are involved in in community social work. The thesis extensively reviews structures and tools available to social workers to identify and address the ethical issues they face in their daily work, questioning them in order to decide those adaptations and updates that can be made to be useful for community social work.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

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    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Maldonado Diez, Marta

    المساهمون: University/Department: Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat d'Educació

    مرشدي الرسالة: Gómez i Serra, Miquel, Feixa, Carles, 1962-, Trilla, Jaume

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: Aquesta tesi posa el seu focus en la participació i/o pertinença dels adolescents i joves en les conegudes com a “bandes llatines” i l'impacte sobre el procés socioeducatiu que se’n deriva, a la ciutat de Barcelona i en el període 2005-2015. Es vol valorar si existeix un determinat "perfil de jove" susceptible de formar-ne part o de poder simpatitzar amb aquests grups, identificar elements facilitadors de l’apropament o abandó dels grups i quines son les conseqüències que se'n derivarien d'aquesta participació mes o menys "activa". El treball s’estructura en tres parts. A la primera part es fa una aproximació a la bibliografia i a les diferents fonts documentals sobre el fenomen de les agrupacions juvenils de carrer i les bandes llatines. La segona part és la corresponent a l’anàlisi de dades quantitatives i qualitatives relatives a indicadors relacionats amb el procés socioeducatiu dels joves, perseguint dos objectius prioritaris: per una banda, veure quin es el perfil de jove que es pot sentir convidat a participar, i per altra banda, veure quins son els trets significatius que comparteixen els joves membres o simpatitzants relatius als indicadors que esdevenen determinants per al seu procés socioeducatiu. Els indicadors que es consideren determinants per a poder valorar aquests dos aspectes, son els que tenen a veure amb els que s'han considerat elements clau del procés socioeducatiu dels joves: família; escola; iguals; entorn socioeconòmic i cultural; altres espais de desenvolupament complementari o d'oci (esport, educació en el lleure, participació en organitzacions de caràcter cultural o religiós, musica...); la participació o no al mercat laboral i en quines condicions es dona aquesta, si es que es dona; i a que es dedica el temps lliure, entenent aquest com a temps "desocupat". En primer lloc es fa un recull de dades quantitatives relatives a aquests indicadors i a població estrangera. En segon lloc, es recull informació qualitativa relativa a aquests mateixos indicadors i elements clau que condicionen el procés de socialització. El procés d’obtenció d'aquesta informació qualitativa ha estat mitjançant la realització d'entrevistes en profunditat a professionals que intervenen, des de diferents vessants, amb aquests joves, des dels simpatitzants o susceptibles de formar-ne part, fins als membres consolidats i mitjançant l’anàlisi de com la premsa aborda el fenomen dels grups llatins i les conseqüències que se’n deriven d’aquest abordatge. Per últim, la tercera part del treball es correspon a les conclusions a les que s’ha arribat a partir de la informació obtinguda al llarg del document i que ens han de permetre obtenir eines per a la intervenció amb aquests joves.

    الوصف (مترجم): The doctoral thesis explores the phenomenon of those known as "Latin bands" in the city of Barcelona, in the period 2005-2015, based on two basic elements. First of all, we focus on the young person participating in these groups, or susceptible to participation, and on the impact that they have in their socio-educational process of belonging or relating to these groups, as well as the factors that they influence the loyalty or abandonment of them. Secondly, the study explores the different visions of this phenomenon that have the professionals who work with these guys from different professional fields. Once the previous elements have been explored, conclusions are formulated, and based on these; tools and socio-educational intervention strategies are attached to these groups. In order to reach these conclusions, as a result of the observation of these two elements, the work is structured in three parts: a first part in which we find an approach to the history, the typology and the functioning of these groups and to the characteristics of its members, in order to identify those aspects that favor the belonging and the abandonment of the group; a second part in which we find an exploration of the characteristics of the young participants or in situation of being and an exploration of the different images of the Latin groups, understanding by image the different visions of the phenomenon that exists from the agents that are working, in one way or another, with these groups; and a third part that corresponds to the conclusions reached on the basis of the information obtained throughout the work and which should allow us to obtain tools for the intervention with these young people.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

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    مورد إلكتروني

    المؤلفون: Koffel, Janine Michelle.

    مستخلص: Community coalitions have the potential to improve teen health outcomes by reducing risk and reinforcing protective factors across multiple community systems to mitigate teen pregnancy, violence, suicide, and teen substance use. This prevention work is achieved by developing multipronged action plans and employing community-level interventions to influence policies, systems, and environments in which youth live, learn, and play. In Washington State, nearly 100 coalitions target the complex issue of teen substance use prevention. These coalitions are representative of the diversity of community stakeholders for the prevention of teen substance use. An essential partnership and contractual requirement is a school-coalition agreement to address teen substance use. Working cooperatively, coalitions leverage resources and efforts to affect teen behavioral health by planning, implementing, and evaluating prevention efforts across multiple community systems. Every sector of the community has been disrupted by COVID-19, which has implications for teen substance use prevention. This explanatory mixed-methods phenomenological study explored how the pandemic affected community sectors, what barriers or challenges COVID-19 presented, and what adaptations to programs and service delivery were made to continue teen substance use prevention work. Comprehensive effects across 11 of 12 community sectors were reported, triggering shifts in priorities and negatively affecting morale. Transportation was an identified geographical barrier, while workforce issues were universally challenging regardless of location in the state. Technological infrastructure and digital literacy were highlighted as critical barriers to the successful implementation of coalition prevention interventions and detracted from the day-to-day functioning of coalitions. Deteriorating psychosocial health resulting from sustained uncertainty about the pandemic was compounded by contentious political discourse and di

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    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Sénac, ColineAff1, IDs1126602400634x_cor1, Bencherki, Nicolas

    المصدر: VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations: Official journal of the International Society for Third-Sector Research. :1-10

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    كتاب إلكتروني

    المساهمون: Goos, Gerhard, Founding EditorAff1, Hartmanis, Juris, Founding EditorAff2, Bertino, Elisa, Editorial Board MemberAff3, Gao, Wen, Editorial Board MemberAff4, Steffen, Bernhard, Editorial Board MemberAff5, Yung, Moti, Editorial Board MemberAff6, Sserwanga, Isaac, editorAff7, Joho, Hideo, editorAff8, Ma, Jie, editorAff9, Hansen, Preben, editorAff10, Wu, Dan, editorAff11, Koizumi, Masanori, editorAff12, Gilliland, Anne J., editorAff13

    المصدر: Wisdom, Well-Being, Win-Win : 19th International Conference, iConference 2024, Changchun, China, April 15–26, 2024, Proceedings, Part III. 14598:356-364

  10. 10
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report; 6/20/2024, Vol. 73 Issue 24, p558-564, 7p

    مستخلص: In September 2022, CDC funded a nationwide program, Together TakeMeHome (TTMH), to expand distribution of HIV self-tests (HIVSTs) directly to consumers by mail through an online ordering portal. To publicize the availability of HIVSTs to priority audiences, particularly those disproportionately affected by HIV, CDC promoted this program through established partnerships and tailored resources from its Let's Stop HIV Together social marketing campaign. The online portal launched March 14, 2023, and through March 13, 2024, distributed 443,813 tests to 219,360 persons. Among 169,623 persons who answered at least one question on a postorder questionnaire, 67.9% of respondents were from priority audiences, 24.1% had never previously received testing for HIV, and 24.8% had not received testing in the past year. Among the subset of participants who initiated a follow-up survey, 88.3% used an HIVST themselves, 27.1% gave away an HIVST, 11.7% accessed additional preventive services, and 1.9% reported a new positive HIVST result. Mailed HIVST distribution can quickly reach large numbers of persons who have never received testing for HIV or have not received testing as often as is recommended. TTMH can help to achieve the goal of diagnosing HIV as early as possible and provides a path to other HIV prevention and care services. Clinicians, community organizations, and public health officials should be aware of HIVST programs, initiate discussions about HIV testing conducted outside their clinics or offices, and initiate follow-up services for persons who report a positive or negative HIVST result. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    : Copyright of MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report is the property of Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)