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    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: International Journal of Emotional Education. 2024 16(1):169-184.

    Peer Reviewed: Y

    Page Count: 16

    مصطلحات جغرافية: Europe, United States

    مستخلص: Social-emotional skills are crucial for preschool children's mental health and later school success. Most school-based SEL programs originate in the United States, reflecting a robust interest in SEL curricula from preschool through secondary school. While EU Member States are increasingly integrating social and emotional skills programs into school curricula, there is a lack of uniform terminologies, frameworks, and assessment criteria, necessitating the introduction of standardized practices. This study aims to offer an overview of US and European preschool SEL programs, utilizing content analysis to showcase the diversity of these programs. The analysis focuses on programs from the "EU-Self Programs for Social and Emotional Skills Development for Early and Preschool Children Applied in European Countries" by Koltcheva et al. (2022), including impact evaluations of nine programs in total. The study analysed the programs in relation to goals and outcomes, and findings reveal that there are no remarkable differences between US and European preschool SEL programs, although certain trends highlight distinctions among programs of different origins. The study will be useful for practitioners who are interested in introducing a preschool SEL program in their institution.

    Abstractor: As Provided

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    Peer Reviewed: N

    Page Count: 10

    مستخلص: Described is the Parenting Program for the Prevention of Child Abuse which employs home visits to upgrade home environments and to prevent physical abuse of children up to 6 years of age. The program is noted to focus on four major areas: psychological support of the parent; obtaining social services (including health services, educational programs, and financial assistance) that are needed; resolution of inner conflicts which contribute to the danger of child abuse; and parent education in the area of parenting skills. Also explained are factors considered when making referrals to the Parenting Program, specific evaluation and treatment functions, and training of therapists. (SBH)

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    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Pincheira Hauck, Nataly

    المساهمون: University/Department: Universitat de Girona. Departament de Didàctiques Específiques, University/Department: Universitat de Girona. Institut de Recerca Educativa

    مرشدي الرسالة: Alsina, Àngel

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: The purpose of this research is to characterise the mathematical knowledge mobilised by future early childhood and primary pre-service teachers for algebra instruction at an early age. To achieve this purpose, we use the perspective of Ball et al. (2008) and the Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT) model as an analytical tool. The research has adopted a mixed methodological approach and a sequential exploratory design. From this perspective, two instruments have been constructed: the MKT-Early Algebra Questionnaire (3-6) and the MKT-Early Algebra Questionnaire (6-12). We have examined empirical studies carried out in relation to the instruction of algebra at an early age and the mathematical knowledge of early childhood and primary education teachers. Likewise, we have analysed the treatment given to algebra in international curricular guidelines, the textbooks corresponding to both school stages, and the mathematical tasks designed by pre-service teachers to mobilise the beginnings of algebraic thinking and the mathematical knowledge for teaching involved in such tasks. This analysis has allowed us to establish the reference meaning of the research, which forms the basis by which we have constructed and validated the two questionnaires. The MKT-Early Algebra Questionnaire (3-6) was applied to a sample of 60 pre-service teachers of early childhood education and the MKT-Early Algebra Questionnaire (6-12) was applied to a sample of 76 pre-service teachers of primary education. The results show the limitations in the mathematical knowledge of pre-service teachers to instruct algebra at an early age. These limitations were apparent both in the domain of content knowledge (common knowledge of content; specialised knowledge of content; knowledge of the mathematical horizon) and in the pedagogical knowledge of content (knowledge of content and students; knowledge of content and teaching; knowledge of the curriculum). It is worth noting that the mathematical knowledge of both pre-primary and primary school teachers is characterised by fewer limitations with respect to common knowledge of the content and greater difficulties in the knowledge of the mathematical horizon. From the data obtained, it is concluded that it is necessary to offer training programmes for teachers to strengthen and develop the different subdomains of mathematical knowledge for the instruction of algebra at an early age

    الوصف (مترجم): El propòsit de la recerca és caracteritzar el coneixement matemàtic que mobilitzen els futurs professors d'educació infantil i primària per a l'ensenyament de l'àlgebra en edats primerenques. Per a aconseguir aquest propòsit ens situem des de la perspectiva de Ball et al. (2008) i utilitzem com a eina d’anàlisi el model Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT). La recerca ha adoptat un enfocament metodològic mixt per mitjà d'un disseny exploratori seqüencial. Sota aquesta mirada s'ha dut a terme el procés de construcció de dos instruments: Qüestionari MKT - àlgebra primerenca (3-6) i Qüestionari MKT- àlgebra primerenca (6-12). Per a això, en primer lloc, s'ha indagat en els estudis empírics que s'han dut a terme en relació amb l'ensenyament de l'àlgebra en les primeres edats i el coneixement matemàtic del professorat d'educació infantil i primària. Així mateix, s'ha analitzat el tractament atorgat a l’àlgebra en les orientacions curriculars internacionals, així com els llibres de text corresponent a totes dues etapes escolars. A més, s’ha aprofundit en les tasques matemàtiques que dissenya el professorat en formació per a mobilitzar els inicis del pensament algebraic i els coneixements matemàtics per a l'ensenyament involucrats en aquestes tasques. Aquesta anàlisi ha permès establir el significat de referència de la recerca, que conforma la base sobre la qual hem construït i validat els qüestionaris esmentats. El Qüestionari MKT - àlgebra primerenca (3-6) ha estat aplicat a una mostra de 60 futurs mestres d'educació infantil i el Qüestionari MKT-àlgebra primerenca (6-12) a una mostra de 76 futurs mestres d'educació primària. Els resultats obtinguts mostren les limitacions en el coneixement matemàtic del professorat, tant en el domini del coneixement del contingut (coneixement comú del contingut; coneixement especialitzat del contingut; coneixement de l'horitzó matemàtic), com en el coneixement pedagògic del contingut (coneixement del contingut i els estudiants; coneixement del contingut i l'ensenyament; coneixement del currículum), per a fer front a l’ensenyament de l'àlgebra en les primeres edats. Cal destacar que, el coneixement matemàtic del professorat tant d'infantil com primària, es caracteritza per presentar menors limitacions respecte del coneixement comú del contingut i majors dificultats en el coneixement de l'horitzó matemàtic. A partir de les dades obtingudes, es conclou que és necessari oferir programes de formació que permetin enfortir i desenvolupar els diferents subdominis del coneixement matemàtic del professorat per a l'ensenyament de l'àlgebra en edats primerenques
    Programa de Doctorat en Educació

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

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    المصدر: UNICEF Innocenti - Global Office of Research and Foresight. 2024.

    Peer Reviewed: N

    Page Count: 102

    مستخلص: Early childhood education (ECE) is becoming a global policy priority, especially in the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) where there is commitment to invest in the youngest learners. Building on system-level mappings in 2015 and 2017, this report delves into the status of ECE systems in the Pacific region as of 2022. Based on a comprehensive desk review and primary data collection involving ECE focal points from the ministries of education across the 15 PICTs, this research report highlights key strengths, gaps, and opportunities for enhancing ECE service delivery. Explore the findings and recommendations to see how these insights can inform advancements in early childhood education systems in the region.

    Abstractor: As Provided

    URL الوصول: https://www.unicef.org/innocenti/reports/early-childhood-education-systems-15-pacific-island-countries-and-territories

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    المصدر: Administration for Children & Families. 2024.

    Peer Reviewed: N

    Page Count: 20

    مستخلص: High-quality, stable child care and early education (CCEE) can have lasting, positive impacts on children. However, there are ongoing challenges in recruiting, supporting, and retaining a qualified, stable CCEE workforce that provides high-quality care. CCEE educators typically have low levels of compensation; limited opportunities for education, training, and professional development; inconsistent working conditions; and high levels of stress and burnout. There are also high rates of job turnover, which can diminish the quality of care by straining remaining educators. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these issues. While several states and localities are taking steps to build and stabilize their CCEE workforce, important questions remain about how to best strengthen the workforce to meet the needs of children and families, particularly those who experience poverty or who are racially, ethnically, and linguistically diverse. The "Building and Sustaining the Child Care and Early Education Workforce" (BASE) project team completed a literature review and an environmental scan that were designed to identify and document existing knowledge about the CCEE workforce and develop strategies to strengthen it. The literature review synthesized research on factors that shape CCEE workforce dynamics, defined here as how educators enter, advance in, and exit out of different roles, settings, and types of care. The literature review predominantly focused on studies conducted between 2017 and 2021 and examined the effectiveness of strategies that were implemented to build a sustained, qualified workforce. The environmental scan identified and reviewed the range of strategies currently being used across the country to build, advance, and sustain the CCEE workforce. The team also completed a data scan that assessed the strengths and weaknesses of several potential data sources that could be used to examine workforce dynamics and address key gaps in existing research.

    Abstractor: ERIC

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    المصدر: Administration for Children & Families. 2024.

    Peer Reviewed: N

    Page Count: 36

    Laws, Policies and Program Identifiers: Head Start

    Assessment and Survey Identifiers: Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey

    مستخلص: High-quality, stable child care and early education (CCEE) can have lasting, positive impacts on children. However, the challenges of recruiting, strengthening, and retaining the CCEE workforce are well documented. CCEE educators typically have low levels of formal education and compensation; limited opportunities for education, training, and professional development; inconsistent working conditions; and high levels of stress and burnout. Additionally, the CCEE sector is well known for high turnover rates, which can strain remaining educators and decrease the quality of care they offer. Turnover can also lead to diminishing returns on an organization's professional development investments. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these issues. The Building and Sustaining the Child Care and Early Education Workforce (BASE) project conducted an environmental scan and a literature review to identify and document existing knowledge about the CCEE workforce and strategies to strengthen it. One of the main themes identified from this effort was a need for more and better data on the workforce dynamics of CCEE educators. In particular, data are needed on who enters, advances in, stays in, and exits different roles, settings, and types of CCEE care or leaves the field altogether--as well as when, how, and why they do. This information is important for understanding workforce dynamics and informing the development, evaluation, and improvement of strategies that effectively build and sustain a qualified and stable CCEE workforce. For this reason, the BASE project team conducted a data scan to summarize the landscape of existing data sources that may address these gaps and identify areas where future data collection may be most useful. This brief summarizes the findings from the data scan.

    Abstractor: ERIC

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    المصدر: Administration for Children & Families. 2024.

    Peer Reviewed: N

    Page Count: 20

    مستخلص: The challenges of recruiting, strengthening, and retaining the child care and early education (CCEE) workforce are well documented. Members of the CCEE workforce typically have low levels of formal education and compensation; limited opportunities for education, training, and professional development; inconsistent working conditions; and high levels of stress and burnout. The Building and Sustaining the Child Care and Early Education Workforce (BASE) project conducted an environmental scan to identify and review strategies that are currently being implemented across the country to build, advance, and sustain the CCEE workforce in the face of these challenges. In particular, the research team sought to understand the context in which these strategies are implemented and how that might influence their operation. The team also examined how strategies reach or are tailored to prospective and current CCEE educators. This brief summarizes important themes that emerged from the environmental scan, which was conducted between March 2021 and January 2022. The conclusions presented draw from a combination of activities, including a review of the literature, assessment of recommended sources and materials submitted in response to an open call for information, as well as interviews with key informants from the agencies responsible for putting strategies into place. [This report was written with Lisa Rau.]

    Abstractor: ERIC

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    المصدر: Administration for Children & Families. 2024.

    Peer Reviewed: N

    Page Count: 25

    مستخلص: To develop a deeper understanding of who Child Care and Early Education (CCEE) educators are--and what influences impact the entry, retention, turnover, and advancement (that is, the workforce dynamics) in this industry--the Building and Sustaining the Child Care and Early Education Workforce (BASE) research team identified and documented existing literature about the CCEE workforce and strategies that are intended to strengthen it. The team conducted a literature review (among several other research activities) to identify, review, and synthesize relevant literature and the evidence base on both multilevel influences that may shape CCEE workforce dynamics and the effectiveness of strategies that aim to build a sustained, qualified CCEE workforce. The team also conducted an environmental scan--a review to identify strategies currently being implemented to build, advance, and sustain the CCEE workforce. This annotated bibliography contains a comprehensive list of the publications that were formally included in the literature review to provide researchers, practitioners, and policymakers with a quick guide to understanding the recent research landscape of the CCEE workforce. This annotated bibliography details the methods that were used to review the published literature and summarizes elements of the publications.

    Abstractor: ERIC

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    المصدر: Administration for Children & Families. 2024.

    Peer Reviewed: N

    Page Count: 28

    مستخلص: Child care and early education (CCEE) are essential resources for families and children across the country. Yet qualified educators are choosing to leave their positions, and young professionals are choosing not to enter the field. This instability has been a long-lasting issue and is thought to be driven largely by structural and systemic forces that shape the everyday experiences of the CCEE workforce. These issues have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This report lays out a conceptual framework to serve as a guide for researchers, policymakers, and administrators who are conducting research on the CCEE workforce and who are designing and implementing strategies to improve entry, retention, turnover, and advancement of the workforce. This report is also intended to inform how the field can work to build and sustain this critical workforce. The conceptual framework consists of three main components that are intended to provide a clear understanding of factors that can disrupt the stability of the CCEE workforce pipeline. By articulating the main components, the conceptual framework encourages researchers, policymakers, and administrators to consider a range of multilevel influences on workforce dynamics when designing strategies and when evaluating whether strategies are working as intended. This framework also aims to underscore that the individuals who make up the workforce--many of whom have been marginalized due to race, ethnicity, social class, and gender--interact with broader social, political, and cultural contexts that shape economic and educational policies, structures, and opportunities.

    Abstractor: ERIC

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    المصدر: FPG Child Development Institute. 2024.

    Peer Reviewed: N

    Page Count: 79

    Sponsoring Agency: Burroughs Wellcome Fund

    مصطلحات جغرافية: North Carolina

    مستخلص: Despite increased attention to racial disparities in health, wellbeing, and academic outcomes--especially for Black, Latine, and Native American children and children from low-income households--little progress has been made in identifying the root causes of those disparities and, more importantly, identifying equitable policies and strategies to mitigate centuries of oppression and systemic inequities. There is a need to ensure that policies are developed with a racial equity and economic justice lens to activate and support transformation during children's early years, especially for those populations that have been historically marginalized and underrepresented. For this report, researchers conducted a landscape analyses and engaged with grassroots and grasstops early education partners to identify policies and strategies that show effect or promise in mitigating racial and economic disparities in early care and education (ECE). The research also focused on how policies can be more effectively enacted and implemented to advance equity. Its findings are presented in three core sections: (1) Child Opportunity Index (COI); (2) Disproportionality Analyses; and (3) Voices from the ECE Field. [The report was funded by the Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation.]

    Abstractor: ERIC