يعرض 1 - 10 نتائج من 1,405 نتيجة بحث عن '"HISTORICAL libraries"', وقت الاستعلام: 1.69s تنقيح النتائج
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    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Thorpe, Kirsten1 (AUTHOR) Kirsten.Thorpe@uts.edu.au

    المصدر: Archival Science. Jun2024, Vol. 24 Issue 2, p125-142. 18p.

    مصطلحات جغرافية: New South Wales

    مستخلص: This paper explores the holistic needs of First Nations people in the archives to control their cultural heritage materials with dignity and respect. It highlights the importance of the archives supporting Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing. Indigenous people's spiritual and emotional needs are addressed by considering the support for Indigenous people's wellbeing in the archives. Models of social, emotional and cultural wellbeing are presented as alternatives to discussing the need for Indigenous cultural safety in the archives. A definition of Indigenous wellbeing, sovereignty and archival sovereignty provides an approach to caring for historical records with dignity and respect and a framework for the local care and protection of Indigenous people's knowledge into the future. The concept of Returning Love to Ancestors Captured in the Archives (Thorpe 2022), extending the work of (Harkin 2019) and Baker et al. (2020), is offered as a significant reform needed in the approaches to managing historical archives. The paper concludes by sharing a case study of the In Living Memory photographic exhibition, drawn on images created by the former New South Wales Aborigines Welfare Board to demonstrate archival approaches supporting principles of trust, benefit sharing and reciprocal relationships. Combined, they respond to the pressing need for designing respectful archiving approaches for future generations that do not reproduce harm. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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    المؤلفون: Lemley, Samuel V. (AUTHOR), Curtis, Neal D. (AUTHOR), Zehnder, Madeline (AUTHOR)

    المصدر: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America. Mar2024, Vol. 118 Issue 1, p79-101. 23p.

    الشركة/الكيان: University of Virginia

    مستخلص: This article describes four types of historical shelf mark—a letter, number, or other symbol in or on a book that signals the book-press, -case, or -shelf to which that book belonged—that survive from the University of Virginia's first library, a collection of approximately eight thousand volumes that first opened to students in 1826. While shelf marks can serve as evidence of ownership and provenance, they can also facilitate efforts to reconstruct a historical library's architecture and arrangement. From the evidence of the University of Virginia's early shelf marks, we propose a timeline dating each mark to a particular period in the library's history, establish that significantly more books survive from the university's first library than previously accepted, and show how these shelf marks inform our work to reconstruct the layout, size, and location of the university's earliest bookshelves. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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    المؤلفون: Gut, Paweł1 (AUTHOR) pawel.gut@usz.edu.pl, Gaziński, Radosław1 (AUTHOR)

    المصدر: Archival Science. Mar2024, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p1-20. 20p.

    مصطلحات جغرافية: Szczecin (Poland)

    مستخلص: The article is devoted to the historical archives of the city of Szczecin (Stettin), lost at the end of World War II. The authors try to recreate the circumstances of the disappearance of the Szczecin records, their internal structure, as well as indicate the limitations that the loss of these materials poses for contemporary historians. The paper also shows the process of shaping the municipal archives in Szczecin, as well as the reasons and conditions in which the municipal authorities transferred their historical records to the State Archives in Szczecin. The issue is considered against the background of changes taking place in Prussian archival science in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and taking into account the history of other selected municipal archives in Germany. The most important achievement of the presented material is the description of the lost historical archive of Szczecin. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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    المؤلفون: Avery, Joshua M.1 (AUTHOR)

    المصدر: Library Quarterly. Jul2022, Vol. 92 Issue 3, p316-318. 3p.

    الشركة/الكيان: Google Inc.

    مستخلص: The authors also return to the book's leitmotif: determining whether Google could have created a "universal library of published record", by which they mean "a single coordinated program to provide digital access for the entire intellectual and cultural record that is easy to use and ubiquitously accessible" (191). How Google would try to create a universally available digital library, some of the reasons it failed, and how libraries responded are the subjects of I Along Came Google: A History of Library Digitization i by Deanna Marcum and Roger C. Schonfeld. [Extracted from the article]

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    Alternate Title: Book and Library: A Life with Books, A Gift to Mustafa Vedat SÖNMEZ.

    المؤلفون: ŞENAY, Burcu AYDEMİR1 burcua04@gmail.com

    المصدر: Information World / Bilgi Dünyası. Jun2023, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p99-107. 9p.

    مصطلحات موضوعية: *Historical libraries, *Libraries, Turks

    Abstract (English): There are 27 articles under four different sections: "Historical Libraries", "Republican Period Libraries", "World Libraries" and "Books in Turks Throughout History", including an article including Mustafa Vedat SÖNMEZ's interview, and an evaluation of libraries over different periods, as well as history. The work titled "Book and Library: A Life with Books, A Gift to Mustafa Vedat SÖNMEZ", in which the book and book culture among Turks was discussed throughout the period, was prepared by evaluating it as an introductory article. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    Abstract (Turkish): "Tarihi Kütüphaneler", "Cumhuriyet Dönemi Kütüphaneleri", "Dünya Kütüphaneleri" ve "Tarih Boyunca Türklerde Kitap" olmak üzere dört farklı bölüm altında 27 yazı ile Mustafa Vedat SÖNMEZ röportajını da iceren bir yazının da bulunduğu, farklı dönemler üzerinden kütüphanelerin değerlendirildiği aynı zamanda tarih boyunca Türklerde kitap ve kitap kültürünün de ele alındığı "Kitap ve Kütüphane: Kitaplar ile Gecen Bir Ömür Mustafa Vedat SÖNMEZ'e Armağan" başlıklı eser tanıtım yazısı olarak değerlendirilerek hazırlanmıştır. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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    المؤلفون: KEKEC, NATAŠA MAJERIČ1 natasa.majeric@arhiv-ptuj.si

    المصدر: Arhivi. 2023, Vol. 46 Issue 1, p117-126. 10p.

    Abstract (English): The article deals with the arrangement and digitisation of the Collection of posters from the Historical Archives in Ptuj. A large part of the collection was acquired from the City Museum in Ptuj when the archive was established in 1955. The collection was first arranged and described in 1980 and then accrued in 2004 and 2021, when it was also digitised to facilitate the use of posters and protect them from damage. The digitisation of archival material has become an indispensable step in the preservation of historical heritage and enables the general public to access valuable resources. The article discusses the benefits and challenges of the digitisation process and its implementation. It also emphasises the role of digital technologies in preserving history and promoting research and education in the modern digital world. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    Abstract (Slovenian): Članek obravnava ureditev in digitalizacijo Zbirke plakatov Zgodovinskega arhiva na Ptuju. Velik del zbirke je bil prevzet ob nastanku arhiva v letu 1955 od Mestnega muzeja v Ptuju. Zbirka je bila prvič urejena in popisana leta 1980 ter nato dopolnjena v letih 2004 in 2021, ko je bila tudi digitalizirana zaradi lažje uporabe plakatov in varovanja teh pred poškodbami. Digitalizacija arhivskega gradiva je postala nepogrešljiv korak v ohranjanju zgodovinske dediščine in omogoča širši javnosti dostop do dragocenih virov. V članku so predstavljene koristi in izzivi v procesu digitalizacije ter njena izvedba. Poudarjena je tudi vloga digitalnih tehnologij pri ohranjanju zgodovine in spodbujanju raziskovanja ter izobraževanja v sodobnem digitalnem svetu. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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    Alternate Title: The Historical Journey of the Library of the Institute of Archaeology in Belgrade through the Work of Librarians.

    المؤلفون: Никић, Сања З.1 s.slankamenac@ai.ac.rs, Миловановић, Милан Б.1 m.milovanovic@ai.ac.rs

    المصدر: Citaliste: The Scientific Journal on Theory & Practice of Librarianship. maj2023, Vol. 22 Issue 42, p45-53. 9p.

    مصطلحات جغرافية: Belgrade (Serbia)

    Abstract (English): This paper discusses the historical development of the Library of the Institute of Archaeology in Belgrade through the work of its librarians. The Library is a specialized research library designed for researchers at the Institute. It is one of the largest special libraries in the region, with literature in the fields of archaeology, history, art history, architecture, anthropology, and other related sciences. From its foundation to the present day, Library's work and development have been marked by its employees. The paper describes the formation and work tasks of the Library in the first part and the transition from a card catalogue to a local electronic catalogue in the second part. A new development in the Library's work is establishing the RAI repository and the ongoing transition from WINISIS to the COBISS catalogue. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    Abstract (Serbian): Библиотека Археолошког института у Београду је научноистраживачка библиотека намењена истраживачима Археолошког института. Једна је од највећих специјалних библиотека са литературом из области археологије, историје, историје уметности, архитектуре, антропологије и осталих сродних наука на овим просторима. Њени запослени недавно су обележили седамдесет пет година постојања Библиотеке. Циљ овог рада је да представи развој Библиотеке кроз рад библиотекара. У првом делу историјата описани су формирање и радни задаци. Осавремењивање и прелазак са лисног на локални електронски каталог део је друге етапе. Новина у раду Библиотеке је свакако успостављање репозиторијума РАИ и транзиција са локалног електронског каталога WINISIS на национални библиотечко-информациони систем, односно узајамни каталог COBISS, која је у току. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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    Alternate Title: Formation and Development of Holdings of the Library of the Historical Institute in Belgrade.

    المؤلفون: Јованчићевић, Милица1 milica.jovancicevic@iib.ac.rs, Мереник, Славица1 slavica.merenik@iib.ac.rs

    المصدر: Citaliste: The Scientific Journal on Theory & Practice of Librarianship. maj2023, Vol. 22 Issue 42, p24-30. 7p.

    مصطلحات جغرافية: Serbia, Belgrade (Serbia), Balkan Peninsula

    Abstract (English): The Historical Institute was founded in 1947 under the auspices of the Serbian Academy of Sciences, with the task of studying the economic, social, political and cultural history of Serbian people, as well as its connections with the South Slavic and other Balkan nations. Until 1961, the Institute of History was a part of the Serbian Academy of Sciences, and then, by the decision of the Government of Serbia, it was separated as an indepedent institution. The Library of the Historical Institute in Belgrade, one of the best-equipped libraries for the history of Serbia and the Balkan Peninsula, celebrates its 75th anniversary. It started working in 1947, shortly after the establishment of the Institute. The main part of the library collection are publications related to the history of the Serbian people in the period from the immigration of the Slavs to the Balkan Peninsula until the beginning of the Second World War. There are also a lot of books and journals from related scientific disciplines: ethnology, archaeology, history of art, philology, history of literature. The beginnings of the library holdings were personal libraries of Jovan Tomić, Stanojе Stanojević, Viljem Bukšek, and Mihailo Ristić. In addition to these purchased libraries, the fund was enlarging by bequests from former associates of the Historical Institute. Today, the Library has a collection of about 68,000 library items. The fund is growing by exchanges with 54 domestic and 64 foreign institutions. The Library has a collection of old and rare books and historical-geographical maps. The Library of the Historical Institute is a special type of library, primarily serving associates of the Historical Institute. Domestic and foreign scientists use it, too, as well as other individuals looking for rare editions that are difficult to find. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    Abstract (Serbian): Библиотека Историјског института је специјална библиотека затвореног типа намењена првенствено сарадницима ове установе, али се њоме користе домаћи и страни научни радници, као и други појединци у потрази за ретким издањима до којих се тешко долази. Почела је са радом 1947. године, убрзо по оснивању Института. Зачетак библиотечког фонда чиниле су библиотеке Станоја Станојевића и Јована Н. Томића, откупљене од њихових наследника. Поред тога, фонд се увећавао и завештањима некадашњих сарадника Историјског института, куповином нових књига и разменом. Библиотека поседује и збирку старих и ретких књига, референсну и картографску збирку, као и велики број домаћих и страних часописа. У овом раду покушали смо да представимо фонд Библиотеке Историјског института у Београду на основу књига инвентара монографских публикација и часописа, као и извештаја о раду Историјског института објављених у Историјском часопису и Годишњаку САН. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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    Alternate Title: Quantitative Economic Models for Business Evaluation of Special Libraries.

    المؤلفون: Дрманац, Мирко1 drmanac@gmail.com

    المصدر: Citaliste: The Scientific Journal on Theory & Practice of Librarianship. maj2023, Vol. 22 Issue 42, p14-23. 10p.

    Abstract (English): In a time when artificial intelligence technologies, such as ChatGPT, are becoming a fundamental concept of the Semantic Web development, libraries face serious challenges of how to prove their value in the global information market, not only in the abstract, philosophical but also in the economic sense. This question is especially related to special libraries - information services that have to prove their contribution to accomplishing the goals of their parent organization and whose results represent groundwork for development plans and strategic decisions. This essay will show the evaluation of activities performed by special libraries in the historical context not only as a factor of development but also as a factor of persistence in the national library and information system. The paper presents how the two most important methods, Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) and Return On Investment (ROI), are applied in the evaluation of the success of special libraries, with examples of calculations. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    Abstract (Serbian): У времену када технологије вештачке интелигенције попут ChatGPT постају фундаментални концепт развоја семантичког веба, библиотеке се налазе пред све већим изазовом да на глобалном информационом тржишту потврде своју вредност - не само у апстрактном, филозофском смислу већ и у економском. Ово питање посебно се дотиче специјалних библиотека као информационог сервиса који стално мора да доказује свој допринос циљевима организације у оквиру које послује, а чији рад руководиоцима представља основу за планирање развоја и доношење стратешких одлука. У овом раду приказаће се евалуација пословања специјалних библиотека у историјском контексту као све важнији чинилац не само развоја него и опстанка у националном библиотечко-информационом систему. Биће представљени CBA (cost-benefit analysis), ROI (return on investment) и CV (contingent valuation) као најважније методе које се могу користити за процену успешности специјалних библиотека, са примерима израчунавања. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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    المؤلفون: Wang, Linxu, Wang, Jun, Wei, Tong

    المصدر: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities; Apr2024, Vol. 39 Issue 1, p423-429, 7p

    مستخلص: Temporal information plays a crucial role in historical research, as it enables scholars to gain insights into the events and processes that have shaped the past. However, the complexity and diversity of temporal descriptions found in Chinese historical texts pose significant challenges for analyzing and interpreting this information. This article addresses these challenges by introducing the traditional Chinese time ontology (TCT Ontology), which integrates relevant concepts and different timing methods into an ontology. The TCT Ontology comprises four classes, including the TCT Record class, Chinese Calendar class, Historical Interval class, and Person class, to represent time descriptions in Chinese texts. By separating time records and the traditional Chinese calendar, the ontology provides a reference model for understanding time information in Chinese historical archives and serves as a basis for converting those time records to the Gregorian calendar. This accurate conversion is critical for humanistic research in Chinese history, as it enables scholars to engage in meaningful reading, studying, and research of the historical record. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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