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  1. 1
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Tarja Alatalo

    المصدر: Nordic Journal of Literacy Research, Vol 9, Iss 2 (2023)

    الوصف: Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om läsförståelseundervisning i svenskämnet i mellanstadiet. Material från en observationsstudie i två klasser i årskurs 6 analyseras för att förstå och beskriva hur lärare undervisar i läsförståelse utifrån skönlitterära böcker som eleverna valt själva, så kallade tystläsningsböcker, respektive ett läromedel i svenskämnet. Genom innehållsanalys synliggörs vad som kan vara undervisning för att förstå ett specifikt textinnehåll respektive förståelsestrategier. Trots olika utgångspunkter vad gäller texter och läsaktiviteter ställer båda lärarna frågor och genererar diskussioner på hög nivå. De utmanar även eleverna att tänka om textens innehåll, form och budskap, men undervisar i låg grad om strategier för att förstå och komma ihåg textinnehåll. Ingen av lärarna påpekar explicit för eleverna att det sätt som de tar sig an läsaktiviteterna hjälper dem att förstå textinnehåll och att liknande strategier kan användas vid all läsning. En slutsats är att lärare behöver bli medvetna om att det inte räcker med att låta elever träna på att synliggöra textinnehåll eller att knyta textinnehåll till sig själva, utan det behövs också direkt undervisning om det. Potential att undervisa explicit om när och hur olika strategier kan användas för att stötta elever att bli självständiga läsare diskuteras. English abstract Teaching Reading Comprehension in Grade 6 Using Fiction and a Textbook in Swedish This article aims to contribute to knowledge about the teaching of reading comprehension in the subject Swedish in middle school. Material from an observational study in two grade six classes is analysed to learn about and describe how teachers teach reading comprehension using fiction books chosen by students (so-called silent reading books) and a Swedish textbook, respectively. A content analysis makes visible teaching that supports students in understanding the content of a text, as well as teaching that provides students with reading strategies. Despite differences in their use of texts and reading activities, the teachers in both classrooms ask questions and initiate high-level discussions. They also challenge students to think about the content, form, and message of texts. However, strategies for understanding and remembering text content are taught to a low degree. None of the teachers explicitly point out to students that the way they approach reading activities can help them understand text content and that similar strategies can be used for all reading. One conclusion is that teachers need to become aware that it is not enough to let students practice making text content visible or to connect text content to themselves; explicit teaching about comprehension strategies is also needed. The article also discusses when and how different strategies can be used to support students to become independent readers.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

  2. 2
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Nordic Journal of Literacy Research, Vol 9, Iss 2 (2023)

    الوصف: This study investigated teachers’ self-reported read-aloud practices in multilingual early childhood education and care (ECEC) classrooms in Finland, Norway, and Sweden. A total of 170 ECEC teachers participated in a survey about read-aloud practices. Data on literacy practices were analyzed quantitatively, and reasons for read-aloud approaches were qualitatively analyzed. The results showed that the ECEC teachers reported overall similar read-aloud practices regardless of the number of multilingual children in their classrooms; still, some degree of difference in didactic choices was found. Thirty-eight percent of the teachers chose a different book when reading to multilingual rather than monolingual children. Their reasons included a view of multilingual children as having different reading needs than monolingual children, such as simpler books with more illustrations. Choosing simpler books might be beneficial early in second-language development, especially when using a dialogic reading style for making the book accessible to more children. On the other hand, these reasons might indicate an underlying perception of all multilingual children as in more need of a teaching tone with explanations and instructions and less of an exchange tone with an active exchange of knowledge in read-aloud practice. The overall results point to read-alouds as an important early literacy activity in ECEC classrooms.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

  3. 3
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol 12 (2022)

    الوصف: In this study, we accessed information about the university credits of all teachers born after 1971 in Sweden as a means of ascertaining the development of their subject knowledge. We examined the university credits they earned during pre-service and in-service training. Data comes from registers Gothenburg Educational Longitudinal Database (GOLD) and the teacher register. We linked GOLD to the teacher register in order to describe the knowledge development of teachers in compulsory school 1998–2014. Special focus was on Swedish language and mathematics. Multiple regression and multilevel growth modeling were used as our main methods. Results show an increase in pre-service credits during the time period and more credits in Swedish language than in mathematics. To analyze teachers’ in-service training, we followed the development of their university credits over time. Teachers with higher prerequisites in terms of grade point average tended to gain more credits in-service. The study included discussions on ideas and the implications for future research.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

  4. 4
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Tarja Alatalo, Annie-Maj Johansson

    المصدر: Nordic Journal of Literacy Research, Vol 5, Iss 3, Pp 63-81 (2019)

    الوصف: I den här studien är syftet att utveckla kunskap om läs- och skrivutvecklande sociala praktiker i teknikundervisning i en förskoleklass. Fyra tekniklektioner observerades med fokus på lärarens läs- och skrivutvecklande undervisning. Det teoretiska ramverket utgörs av Freebodys och Lukes resursmodell som beskriver läs- och skrivkunnighet som en uppsättning sociala praktiker. Dessutom analyseras huruvida läs- och skrivundervisningen är formaliserad, funktionaliserad eller om den är balanserad, det vill säga genomförs i sammanhang där formaliserad och funktionaliserad undervisning är i samspel med varandra. Resultatet visar att teknikundervisningen skapar rikliga möjligheter för elever att medverka i de sociala praktikerna i Freebodys och Lukes modell. Undervisningen är funktionaliserad och läraren undervisar inte explicit om språkets formaspekter eller om hur texters kommunikativa delar samspelar, utan det är oftast underförstått. Studien öppnar för en diskussion om förskoleklassens möjligheter att skapa läs- och skrivundervisning i balanserade sammanhang, för att stödja elevers läs- och skrivutveckling även när undervisningen har fokus på ämnesområden som teknik.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

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  6. 6
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Stefan Johansson (ORCID 0000-0002-2051-7248), Jan-Eric Gustafsson (ORCID 0000-0003-2612-0329), Åse Hansson, Tarja Alatalo (ORCID 0000-0002-2130-4797)

    المصدر: Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. 2024 68(4):717-734.

    Peer Reviewed: Y

    Page Count: 18

    مصطلحات جغرافية: Sweden

    مستخلص: There is consensus that, for student achievement, teachers matter. However, providing reliable research evidence for the effects of observable teacher characteristics, such as qualification measures, has been difficult. The current study uses panel data based on register information from teachers and students to estimate effects of teacher characteristics on student achievement in mathematics and Swedish in Grade 6. Applying fixed-effects regression to a large sample of schools, we observed significant positive effects of several teacher characteristics. Having a teaching license was found to be one of the most important qualification measures, but teachers' level of experience was also important for student achievement. The effects of teacher qualifications were generally stronger for mathematics than for Swedish.

    Abstractor: As Provided

  7. 7
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Tarja Alatalo (ORCID 0000-0002-2130-4797), Åse Hansson, Stefan Johansson (ORCID 0000-0002-2051-7248)

    المصدر: European Journal of Teacher Education. 2024 47(1):60-80.

    Peer Reviewed: Y

    Page Count: 21

    مصطلحات جغرافية: Sweden

    مستخلص: The difficulty recruiting competent teachers is widespread, and the status of the teaching profession is on the decline. Sweden is just one country with these problems. Using longitudinal register data for every teacher in Sweden born between 1972 and 1998, the present study investigates changes in teachers' own school grades to clarify patterns of recruitment to the teaching profession. The main methods were regression analysis and descriptive statistics. Results showed a significant decline in teachers' grade average between 1996 and 2016, with certified teachers having a higher grade average than uncertified teachers throughout this period. Grades of primary school teachers were lower compared with those of secondary school teachers. Higher grade average for secondary school teachers of natural science subjects compared with teachers of other subjects was also observed. The decline in teachers' grades is a factor characterising changed recruitment patterns and one likely to affect teacher quality.

    Abstractor: As Provided

  8. 8
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Tarja Alatalo (ORCID 0000-0002-2130-4797), Martina Norling (ORCID 0000-0002-3486-7986), Maria Magnusson (ORCID 0000-0002-5806-4475), Sofie Tjäru (ORCID 0000-0001-5564-5226), Hanne Naess Hjetland (ORCID 0000-0002-8072-402X), Hilde Hofslundsengen (ORCID 0000-0001-7092-7387)

    المصدر: Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. 2024 68(3):588-603.

    Peer Reviewed: Y

    Page Count: 16

    مصطلحات جغرافية: Finland, Norway, Sweden

    مستخلص: Preschool teachers' read-aloud and writing practices were investigated using a questionnaire about how activities were planned and organized, and what their purpose was. The results indicate that early literacy practices were not planned systematically. Most of the preschool teachers (77%) reported having storybook read-alouds at least three times per week. A large minority (45.5%) reported never or seldom using writing activities, and rarely in play. The main aims of read-alouds were to promote learning and development, create a sense of community, and regulate group activities. The main aims of writing practices were to learn about letters, understand the function of print, and arouse interest in writing. We discuss the implications of these findings in relation to a need for a didactic approach, where play is the core of early literacy practices.

    Abstractor: As Provided

  9. 9
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Tarja Alatalo

    المصدر: Nordic Journal of Literacy Research, Vol 3, Iss 0, Pp 1-18 (2017)

    الوصف: Den här studien tar sin utgångspunkt i ett kompetensutvecklingsprojekt där lärare i förskoleklass gavs möjlighet att genom erfarenhet i handling samt reflektion stärka sina ämneskunskaper inom skriftspråksområdet. Sju lärare i förskoleklass intervjuades om sina erfarenheter i samband med bedömning av elevers skriftspråksutveckling. Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilket meningsskapande som enligt lärarna sker i samband med bedömningsaktiviteten. Fokus riktades mot lärarnas beskrivningar av det egna, men också elevernas meningsskapande. Studiens grund i sociokulturell teori och pragmatismens begrepp, erfarenhet och meningsskapande som centrala analysverktyg, synliggjorde lärarnas fördjupade förståelse för elevers skriftspråksutveckling. I materialet framträder en bild av att tidigare erfarenheter omvärderades och användes tillsammans med nya erfarenheter för att skapa ny kunskap hos både lärare och elever. Exempelvis beskriver lärare hur elever i samband med bedömningsaktiviteten upptäckte att de kunde läsa. I mötet mellan projektets ämnesfokus och praktisk handling kunde lärarna omvärdera tidigare erfarenheter och upptäcka att elever i förskoleklassen läser, hur de läser och hur de själva kan stimulera eleverna vidare. Studiens avsikt är att öppna för en diskussion om hur kompetensutveckling om skriftspråksutveckling kan öka förskoleklasslärares möjligheter att stimulera elever vidare och öka elevernas förutsättningar att utvecklas i riktning mot skolans kunskapskrav.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

  10. 10

    المصدر: Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. :1-18

    الوصف: There is consensus that teachers matter for student achievement. However, still, research has had difficulties to provide reliable evidence for the effects of observable teacher characteristics, like qualification measures. The current study uses panel data based on register information from teachers and students to estimate effects of teacher characteristics on student achievement in mathematics and Swedish in Grade 6. Applying fixed-effects regression to a large sample of schools, we observed significant positive effects of several teacher characteristics. Having a teaching license was found to be one of the most important qualification measures, but also the teachers’ level of experience mattered for student achievement. The effects of teacher qualifications were generally stronger in mathematics than for Swedish.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf