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  1. 1
    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Alcalde González, Verna

    المساهمون: University/Department: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Internet Interdisciplinary Institut (IN3)

    مرشدي الرسالة: Gálvez Mozo, Ana

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: En esta tesis tomamos como caso el movimiento de Las Kellys para estudiar el fenómeno del activismo interseccional, a caballo entre el sindicalismo y el feminismo, protagonizado por trabajadoras en oficios feminizados, estigmatizados y precarizados. El núcleo de la tesis lo forman tres artículos publicados en revistas Q1 y Q2 de JCR: en el primero analizamos las tácticas de subversión de Las Kellys para dignificar el oficio de camarera de pisos y exploramos su incidencia en los ámbitos ocupacional, organizacional y sociopolítico; en el segundo examinamos el papel de Facebook en la construcción y politización de la identidad colectiva de Las Kellys y la interrelación de este proceso con otros factores de movilización, tales como los agravios, el arraigo social y la eficacia; y en el tercero describimos las prácticas y disputas interseccionales de Las Kellys y exploramos sus relaciones de difusión con los ciclos de protesta antiausteridad y feminista.

    الوصف (مترجم): For this thesis we conducted a case study on the Las Kellys movement to look into the phenomenon of intersectional activism, halfway between unionism and feminism, led by women in feminized, stigmatized, precarious jobs. The core of the thesis is made up of three articles published in Q1 and Q2 journals (JCR): in the first one we analyze the Las Kellys' subversion tactics for dignity in hotel housekeeping and we explore their impact on the occupational, organizational and sociopolitical realms; in the second we examine the role of Facebook in the construction and politicization of the Las Kellys' collective identity and the interrelationship of this process with other mobilization factors, such as grievances, social embeddedness and efficacy; and in the third we describe the Las Kellys' intersectional practices and disputes and explore their dissemination relationships with the anti-austerity and feminist protest cycles.
    En aquesta tesi prenem com a cas el moviment de Las Kellys per estudiar el fenomen de l'activisme interseccional, a cavall entre el sindicalisme i el feminisme, protagonitzat per treballadores en oficis feminitzats, estigmatitzats i precaritzats. El nucli de la tesi el formen tres articles publicats a revistes Q1 i Q2 de JCR: al primer analitzem les tàctiques de subversió de Las Kellys per dignificar l'ofici de cambrera de pisos i explorem la seva incidència en els àmbits ocupacional, organitzacional i sociopolític; al segon examinem el paper de Facebook en la construcció i politització de la identitat col·lectiva de Las Kellys i la interrelació d'aquest procés amb altres factors de mobilització, com ara els greuges, l'arrelament social i l'eficàcia; i al tercer descrivim les pràctiques i disputes interseccionals de Las Kellys i explorem les seves relacions de difusió amb els cicles de protesta antiausteritat i feminista.
    Societat de la informació i el coneixement

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

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    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Academy of Management Perspectives; May2024, Vol. 38 Issue 2, p165-176, 12p, 1 Chart

    مستخلص: The market power of monopolies can severely restrict citizens' freedom of choice. In the case of utilities, often portrayed as natural monopolies, such power may result in high prices and unreliable or absent services, especially in marginalized communities such as low-income neighborhoods or remote rural villages. While government regulation has been the traditional remedy to curb natural monopolies' power, in this paper, we address a different solution: monopoly bypassing through collective action. We present two types of monopoly bypassing—partial and complete—through the lens of civic wealth creation (CWC): the generation of social, economic, and communal endowments that benefit communities. Through our analysis of three water and sanitation utility services cases, we demonstrate howCWC is used to catalyze the collective action of engaged citizens to effectively bypass monopoly power. The cases highlight the three stakeholder categories involved in CWC initiatives—communities, enterprises, and regimes of support—and illustrate how they act collectively to provide credible market-based solutions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    : Copyright of Academy of Management Perspectives is the property of Academy of Management and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)

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    رسالة جامعية

    مرشدي الرسالة: Piper Shafir, Isabel, Tirado Serrano, Francisco Javier, Montenegro Martínez, Marisela

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: Aquesta investigació indaga en la construcció de memòries col·lectives al voltant de les lluites migrants a Barcelona i els sentits que produeixen aquestes memòries sobre la pràctica política i l’exercici de drets. A través de la metaanàlisi de set Narratives de memòria produïdes amb activistes d’aquestes lluites, s’assenyala que les memòries polítiques de les lluites migrants disputen els marcs hegemònics de reconeixement que promouen la marginació dels col·lectius migrats dels sistemes de protecció social. En aquest marc, les memòries produïdes en aquesta investigació estableixen esquemes d’intel·ligibilitat alternatius que constitueixen subjectes col·lectius amb agència dignes de ser protegits. Per això, reelaboren el temps i l’espai social, inscrivint múltiples inicis i presències a través de les memòries de les accions col·lectives. Alhora, construeixen un lloc d’enunciació política que comprèn la categoria migrant com a efecte d’una matriu de dominació que produeix la precarietat. La reinterpretació de la violència a través de la memòria configura una comunitat política que té al centre l’heterogeneïtat i la lluita per la justícia social, promovent accions col·lectives que vinculen diverses esferes de la vida. Aquesta investigació és una aportació a la intersecció dels estudis sobre memòries col·lectives i migracions en considerar l’acció col·lectiva migrant com a objecte de record, la categoria migrant com a efecte de la memòria i productora d’aquesta, i a les lluites migrants com a espai de commemoració que produeix altres passats en què reconèixer-nos.

    الوصف (مترجم): Esta investigación indaga en la construcción de memorias colectivas en torno a las luchas migrantes en Barcelona y los sentidos que estas memorias producen sobre la práctica política y el ejercicio de derechos. A través del meta-análisis de siete Narrativas de memoria producidas con activistas de estas luchas, se señala que las memorias políticas de las luchas migrantes disputan los marcos hegemónicos del reconocimiento que promueven la marginación de los colectivos migrados de los sistemas de protección social. En este marco, las memorias producidas en esta investigación establecen esquemas de inteligibilidad alternativos que constituyen sujetos colectivos con agencia dignos de ser protegidos. Para ello, reelaboran el tiempo y el espacio social, inscribiendo múltiples inicios y presencias a través de las memorias de las acciones colectivas. A su vez, construyen un lugar de enunciación política que comprende la categoría migrante como efecto de una matriz de dominación que produce la precariedad. La reinterpretación de la violencia a través de la memoria configura una comunidad política que tiene en su centro la heterogeneidad y la lucha por la justicia social, promoviendo acciones colectivas que vinculan diversas esferas de la vida. Esta investigación es un aporte a la intersección de los estudios sobre memorias colectivas y migraciones al considerar la acción colectiva migrante como objeto de recuerdo, la categoría migrante como efecto de la memoria y productora de ésta, y a las luchas migrantes como espacio de conmemoración que produce otros pasados en los que reconocernos.
    This research explores the construction of collective memories around migrant struggles in Barcelona and the meanings that these memories produce on political practice and the exercise of rights. Through the meta-analysis of seven Narratives of memory produced with activists of these struggles, this research points out that the political memories of migrant struggles dispute the hegemonic frames of recognition that promote the marginalization of migrant collectives from social protection systems. In this framework, the memories produced in this research establish alternative intelligibility schemes that constitute collective subjects with agency worthy of protection. To this end, they rework time and social space, inscribing multiple beginnings and presences through the memory of collective actions. At the same time, they construct a place of political enunciation that understands the migrant category as the effect of a matrix of domination that produces precariousness. The reinterpretation of violence through memory configures a political community that has at its core heterogeneity and the struggle for social justice, promoting collective actions that link diverse spheres of life. This research is a contribution to the intersection of collective memory and migration studies by considering migrant collective action as an object of memory, the migrant category as an effect of and producer of collective memory, and migrant struggles as a space of commemoration that shapes a community of belonging by promoting other pasts in which to recognize ourselves.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

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    المصدر: Harvard Business Review; Spring2024 Special issue, p20-25, 6p, 1 Color Photograph

    مستخلص: As organizations become more global, matrixed, and complex, they are requiring employees to collaborate with more internal colleagues and external contacts than ever before. According to research, most managers now spend 85% or more of their work time on email, in meetings, and on the phone. And although greater collaboration has benefits, it also leaves significantly less time for focused individual work, careful reflection, and sound decision-making. Organizational solutions are, of course, necessary to eradicate collaborative overload across the board. But research shows that with some strategic self-management, individuals can also tackle the problem on their own, clawing back 18% to 24% of their collaborative time. The first step is to understand why you take on too much work for and with others; this often involves challenging your identity as a “helper,” a “team player,” or a “star performer.” Next, figure out how you add—and from where you derive—the most value and eliminate any collaborations that distract from that work. Last, ensure that the collaboration you continue with is as productive as possible. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    : Copyright 2024 Harvard Business Publishing. All Rights Reserved. Additional restrictions may apply including the use of this content as assigned course material. Please consult your institution's librarian about any restrictions that might apply under the license with your institution. For more information and teaching resources from Harvard Business Publishing including Harvard Business School Cases, eLearning products, and business simulations please visit hbsp.harvard.edu. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)

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    كتاب إلكتروني
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    دورية أكاديمية
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    المؤلفون: Ma, Yiwen, Chen, Hao, Du, Meihan

    المصدر: 2023 10th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC) Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC), 2023 10th International Conference on. :1-6 Oct, 2023

    Relation: 2023 10th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC)

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    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Kolbjørnsrud, Vegard

    المصدر: California Management Review; Feb2024, Vol. 66 Issue 2, p44-64, 21p

    مستخلص: This article presents principles and practical guidelines for how managers can succeed in growing the intelligence of their organizations by harnessing the complementary strengths of humans and artificial intelligence (AI). Organizational intelligence is the ability of collectives of intelligent human and digital actors to solve problems and adapt. Six principles for human-AI collaboration in organizations are explored—addition, relevance, substitution, diversity, collaboration, and explanation—and how they play out in leading organizations is discussed. Finally, practical guidelines are outlined for how leaders can enable their organizations to successfully make the change. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    : Copyright of California Management Review is the property of California Management Review and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)

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    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Academy of Management Perspectives; Feb2024, Vol. 38 Issue 1, p132-143, 12p

    مستخلص: Have stakeholders increased their influence over firms' behavior in the digital age? In a recent article in this journal, Barnett, Henriques, and Husted (2020) suggested that, contrary to expectations, digital media has limited the influence of stakeholders on firms as information overload and heterogeneous demands make it difficult for stakeholders to synchronize their interests and achieve one coherent and persistent voice. In this exchange we contend that, while the evolution of digital media has made it harder for stakeholders to achieve synchronicity, it has made it easier for them to achieve what we refer to as heterogeneous convergence. Heterogeneous convergence entails the progressive coming together of heterogeneous stakeholders around a broader demand for change while maintaining different identities and views. We argue that, through heterogeneous convergence, secondary stakeholders can exert strong pressure over firms. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    : Copyright of Academy of Management Perspectives is the property of Academy of Management and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)

  10. 10
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Academy of Management Review; Jan2024, Vol. 49 Issue 1, p107-134, 28p

    مستخلص: We develop a stakeholder theory of corporate governance grounded in classical property rights theory, adopting the view that governance should help free individuals to maximize their collective welfare. In contrast to the agency view of corporate governance, we submit that the central problem in corporate governance is to devise coalitional contracting solutions to the collective action problems inherent in team production and team innovation. Agency problems and other contracting problems resulting from shirking, hold-up, market power, and externalities are best understood in this context. We develop design principles for the allocation of property rights to mitigate each of these contracting problems by reducing stakeholders' vulnerabilities to opportunistic behaviors. We extend earlier efforts to build a stakeholder theory of corporate governance by considering a more comprehensive set of transaction problems and analyzing the comparative efficiency of different governance arrangements for different types of firm–stakeholder relationships and different economic contexts. One conclusion from our theory is that giving primacy to shareholders, or any other group of stakeholders, is a comparatively inefficient solution to governing the modern global and knowledge-driven corporation. We discuss the implications of our theorizing for the debate about the purpose of the firm. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    : Copyright of Academy of Management Review is the property of Academy of Management and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)