يعرض 1 - 10 نتائج من 51 نتيجة بحث عن '"ENGLISH language"', وقت الاستعلام: 1.91s تنقيح النتائج
  1. 1
    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Tort Cots, Irene

    المساهمون: University/Department: Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat d'Educació

    مرشدي الرسالة: Palou Sangrà, Juli, Granena, Gisela

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: Programa de Doctorat en Didáctica de les Ciències, les Llengües, les Arts i les Humanitats

    الوصف (مترجم): [cat] Aquest estudi investiga quines són les creences de tres professores d’anglès en relació amb la interacció oral en l’ensenyament i l’aprenentatge de l’anglès com a llengua estrangera en el camp de la formació d’adults. Es du a terme mitjançant l’exploració i la interpretació dels records d’aprenentatge i de la projecció docent actual de les professores per mitjà de l’anàlisi de narrativa multimodal i del discurs escrit i oral provinent de tasques escrites, de converses semi estructurades, d’observació d’aula, d’autoconfrontació i de trobades de focus grup. D’aquesta manera, es pretén descobrir com s’interpreta la interacció oral considerant el pes essencial que té i el conjunt de veus que en parlen en la bibliografia i li atorguen importància en el camp de la didàctica de la llengua estrangera. Aquest estudi vol ser un espai de reflexió per poder prendre consciència de la importància i l’impacte de les creences en l’ensenyament i l’aprenentatge de l’anglès i contribuir a la millora de la formació del futur professorat.
    [eng] This research aims to investigate the beliefs of three English as a foreign language teachers in connection with the oral interactive processes in the context of language teaching for adults. It is approached through the exploration and interpretation of the teachers’ own memories on their foreign language learning process and their current teaching projection through the analysis of multimodal narrative and oral and written discourse from written tasks, from semi-structured conversations, from class observation, from self-confrontation and from focus group meetings. There will be an analysis and study of the teachers’ beliefs in order to discover the interpretation of oral interaction processes due to their influence in the literature voices and because of their importance in the teaching of English as a foreign language field. In sum, this study aims to contribute to the improvement of language teacher training and to build a reflexive space that promotes awareness of the importance of beliefs in language teaching and learning.
    [spa] Este estudio investiga las creencias de tres profesoras de lengua inglesa como lengua extranjera en relación con la interacción oral en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del inglés en el campo de la formación de adultos. Se desarrolla mediante la exploración e interpretación de los propios recuerdos de aprendizaje y de la proyección docente actual de las profesoras a través del análisis de narrativa multimodal y del discurso escrito y oral proveniente de tareas escritas, de conversaciones semiestructuradas, de observación de aula, de autoconfrontación y de encuentros de grupo foco. De esta manera, se pretende descubrir cómo se interpreta la interacción oral por el peso esencial que tiene y por el conjunto de voces que hablan de ella en la bibliografía y que le otorgan importancia en el campo de la didáctica de la lengua extranjera. En resumen, este estudio pretende ser un espacio de reflexión para poder tomar consciencia de la importancia y el impacto de las creencias en la enseñanza y en el aprendizaje del inglés y contribuir a la mejora de la formación del futuro profesorado.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  2. 2
    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Mora Plaza, Ingrid

    المساهمون: University/Department: Universitat de Barcelona. Departament de Llengües i Literatures Modernes i d'Estudis Anglesos

    مرشدي الرسالة: Mora Bonilla, Joan Carles, Gilabert Guerrero, Roger

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: Programa de Doctorat en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge

    الوصف (مترجم): [eng] Second language (L2) pronunciation learning in foreign language instructional contexts is particularly challenging due to insufficient quantity and quality of L2 input. Decades of L2 speech acquisition research have demonstrated that L1 phonology exerts a strong influence in L2 phonological learning (Best & Tyler, 2007; Flege & Bohn, 2021). One way to mitigate the effects of L1 phonological interference may be to raise learners’ awareness of the relevant L2 pronunciation targets through tasks that encourage attention to pronunciation within meaning-based interaction. Although form-focused communicative approaches have been gaining interest in pronunciation teaching research (Darcy & Rocca, 2023), few investigations have applied task-based language teaching (TBLT) principles, which involve real-world processes of language use, to L2 pronunciation learning (Gurzynski-Weiss et al., 2017a). So far, none have assessed gains in L2 vowel perception, lexical encoding and production for the same participants after a pedagogical intervention. Furthermore, studies investigating whether the predictions of the Cognition Hypothesis (Robinson, 2011b) can extend to L2 phonology are relatively scarce. This doctoral dissertation seeks to contribute to task-based pronunciation teaching (TBPT) research by (1) examining the effectiveness of task design manipulation and (2) exploring the effects of increased task complexity on the pronunciation of two difficult English vowel contrasts (/iː-ɪ/, /æ-ʌ/); (3) assessing to what extent individual differences may mediate L2 vowel performance and gains; and (4) obtaining learners’ perceptions of TBPT and L2 vowel learning. A total of 92 bilingual Catalan/Spanish learners of English were divided into two experimental groups and a control group. Sixty-three experimental learners carried out 20 dyadic problem-solving tasks over 7 weeks. Participants were assigned to either simple (N=31) or complex (N=32) cognitive task complexity groups depending on the number of reasoning demands along resource-directing dimensions the tasks involved. Task completion required the distinction of the target minimal pairs (e.g., bean-bin, cat-cut), which learners were exposed to during the pre-task and consolidated in the post-task. Improvement in L2 vowel perception and lexical encoding was gauged through ABX discrimination and forced lexical choice and lexical decision tasks (accuracy and reaction time) respectively, and in production though delayed word and sentence repetition tasks (Mahalanobis distances between contrastive vowels and between non-native and native speakers’ productions). Additionally, we calculated the occurrence of pronunciation- focused language related episodes (P-LRE) and assessed learners’ individual differences in L2 experience, L2 proficiency, working memory and auditory selective attention. Results showed that the TBPT intervention enhanced the discrimination and lexical encoding of L2 vowel contrasts, and resulted in significantly more distinct and accurate vowel productions when they were elicited in words in isolation and sentences. Gains in vowel discrimination and vowel quality generalized to untaught lexical contexts and were retained 11 weeks after the intervention. Although simple and complex task groups improved L2 pronunciation after the TBPT intervention, performing cognitively demanding tasks led to greater long-term gains in the discrimination, lexical encoding and production of L2 vowels than performing simple tasks. However, increased task complexity did not have a significant impact on the frequency and duration of P-LRE. As for individual differences, working memory and selective attention explained larger inter- individual variation in L2 vowel performance than English experience, but learner factors were only weakly associated to L2 vowel gains. Last, learners expressed a general sense of enjoyment and learning after the TBPT intervention, but self-perceived L2 pronunciation improvement was especially evident in the complex group. Globally, the present study suggests that orienting learners’ attention to phonological form during oral communication is beneficial for L2 pronunciation development, and paves the way for further research in task design and manipulation so as to promote pedagogical practices for pronunciation learning in foreign language classrooms.
    [cat] L’objectiu principal de la tesi doctoral és examinar l'efectivitat de manipular el disseny de tasques i els efectes de l'increment de la complexitat de les tasques en la pronunciació de dos contrastos vocàlics difícils de l'anglès (/iː-ɪ/, /æ-ʌ/) com a segona llengua (L2). També pretén investigar en quina mesura les diferències individuals poden interferir en la percepció/producció i en els guanys de les vocals de la L2, i obtenir les percepcions dels aprenents sobre l'aprenentatge de la pronunciació a través de tasques comunicatives (TBPT). Noranta-dos aprenents d’anglès bilingües català/castellà es van dividir en dos grups experimentals i un grup de control. Seixanta-tres aprenents experimentals van completar 20 tasques en parelles durant 7 setmanes i es van assignar a grups de complexitat cognitiva simple (N=31) o complexa (N=32). Millores en la percepció de les vocals de la L2 i la codificació lèxica es van mesurar mitjançant tasques de discriminació ABX i de decisió lèxica, respectivament, i millores en producció a través de tasques de repetició de paraules i frases amb demora. També es van avaluar les diferències individuals dels aprenents en relació a l’experiència en L2 i factors cognitius. Els resultats van mostrar que la intervenció TBPT va millorar la discriminació i la codificació lèxica dels contrastos vocàlics en L2, i va generar produccions vocàliques significativament més dissemblants i precises tant en paraules aïllades com en frases. Aquest aprenentatge es va generalitzar a nous contextos lèxics i es va mantenir 11 setmanes després de la intervenció. A més, realitzar tasques cognitivament exigents va produir més guanys a llarg termini en la discriminació, codificació lèxica i producció de les vocals de la L2 que realitzar tasques simples. Els factors cognitius van explicar una major variabilitat interindividual en la percepció/producció de les vocals de la L2 que l’experiència en anglès, però no van estar associats als guanys obtinguts a partir de la intervenció. Finalment, els estudiants van manifestar la seva percepció d'haver gaudit i après amb la intervenció TBPT. L’estudi conclou amb suggeriments per a futures investigacions i recomanacions pedagògiques per a l’ensenyament de la pronunciació a les aules de llengua estrangera.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  3. 3
    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Vallejo Balduque, Beatriz

    المساهمون: University/Department: Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat d'Educació

    مرشدي الرسالة: Pujolà, Joan-Tomàs

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: Programa de Doctorat en Didàctica de les Ciències, les Llengües, les Arts i les Humanitats

    الوصف (مترجم): La presente investigación expone un estudio multicaso basado en el uso de la gamificación para incrementar el engagement en la enseñanza de vocabulario de inglés como lengua adicional en alumnos adultos. Para desarrollar el estudio, diseñamos una experiencia didáctica gamificada destinada a incrementar el engagement con la actividad académica y mejorar los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de vocabulario de una lengua adicional. Esta experiencia se implementó, a lo largo de tres cursos académicos consecutivos, en seis grupos diferentes de alumnos adultos de nivel A2 en una Escuela Oficial de Idiomas. Con el fin de analizar el posible efecto distintivo de los elementos que componían la propuesta gamificada, se introdujeron ligeras modificaciones en el diseño de las propuestas implementadas en cada grupo. Para analizar la incidencia de la experiencia gamificada, se recogieron datos cuantitativos, por medio de cuestionarios, y cualitativos, por medio de entrevistas, que después se analizaron conjuntamente siguiendo un modelo de investigación mixto. Para evaluar el aprendizaje de vocabulario se midió la diversidad y sofisticación léxica en las muestras de producciones orales y escritas recogidas durante el desarrollo de la actividad. Los resultados muestran un incremento general significativo en los niveles de engagement obtenidos, destacando especialmente los aspectos relacionados con el engagement de tipo afectivo así como una mejora en algunos aspectos negativos relacionados con el aprendizaje de la lengua adicional. También se han reportado mayor participación y esfuerzo derivados del deseo de tomar parte en actividades cooperativas. En cuanto a las diferencias introducidas en el diseño, no se han encontrado divergencias significativas entre los grupos participantes atribuibles a estas modificaciones, ni en los niveles de engagement ni en la diversidad y sofisticación léxica. Esta investigación ofrece el valor añadido de ser un ejemplo real de diseño y aplicación de gamificación en el aula de idiomas, que puede servir de guía de futuras aplicaciones didácticas similares. Además, arroja luz sobre los efectos que esta metodología produce en el tipo de alumnado específico del contexto del estudio y, en consecuencia, puede contribuir a construir futuras propuestas gamificadas que asistan el aprendizaje de lenguas adicionales.
    This investigation shows the results of a multicase study based on the use of gamification to increase the levels of engagement in teaching vocabulary of English as an Additional Language to adult students. In order to accomplish this research, we designed a gamified didactic experience devised to increase engagement with the learning activity and improve the processes involved in teaching and learning vocabulary of an additional language. Six different groups of adult A2 level students in an Official School of Languages were involved in the research over a period of three consecutive academic years. The design of the experience was slightly modified in each group, so as to analyse the potential effects of the different elements of the gamified system. Using questionnaires and interviews we collected qualitative and quantitative data that was, subsequently, analysed in combination, following a mixed method approach. To evaluate the effects on vocabulary learning we collected written and oral productions and we analysed the lexical diversity and sophistication, establishing comparisons between groups. The results show a significant increase in the levels of engagement, especially on those aspects related to affective engagement as well as a decrease of some negative aspects of the process of learning an additional language. We have also observed higher participation and effort related to the desire to take part in cooperative activities. We didn’t find significant differences in the levels of engagement, lexical diversity or lexical sophistication between groups that could be ascribed to design differences in the gamified experience. This research offers a valuable insight into the planning, design and application of a real gamified didactic experience that could be used as a guide for further similar proposals. It also sheds light on the effects of this type of activity on the specific type of students and environment and, therefore, it can contribute to building future applications of gamification to assist the process of teaching and learning additional languages.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  4. 4
    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: de Salvador de Arana, Núria

    المساهمون: University/Department: Universitat de Barcelona. Departament de Cognició, Desenvolupament i Psicologia de l'Educació

    مرشدي الرسالة: Rochera Villach, Ma. José, Remesal Ortiz, Ana

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    Time: 159.9

    الوصف: This study aims at improving English as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing instruction at secondary level by implementing a blended instructional design that may foster self-regulation through public online learning diaries (Diaries) and formative feedback in a wiki device in combination with face-to-face (F2F) instruction. Also, all elements are interwoven in the assessment program strongly supported by personalised feedback. In Part I, comprehending chapters 1 to 4, we provide the general theoretical framework for this research, which is based on a competence approach to compulsory education that the countries in the EU have adopted. Our aim is helping students to improve in three of the eight key competences (European Parliament, 2006): Learning Foreign Languages, ICT and Learning to Learn. First, we have reviewed and contextualised what the literature says about EFL writing and different approaches to teaching it and discussed the role of grammar, vocabulary and multimodality pathways in learning to write in a foreign language. Then, we have reviewed the literature on self-regulation for learning (SRL) and self-efficacy and the effects that a public design can have on vicarious learning. We have appraised the role of Diaries, feedback and assessment to improve SRL. Subsequently, we have discussed Diaries in EFL writing in a blended design, and how they can help us improve the students’ autonomy in learning. This literature review leads us to formulate our basic assumptions for the instructional design that we will put to the test. From this review, we conclude that a Diary which integrates cognitive, metacognitive and free writing tasks is a suitable tool for EFL writing instruction and ongoing authentic assessment activities with interactive formative feedback to observe and improve self-regulation strategies. Additionally, a public design can act as a basic form of dialogic feedback, even if what students do is lurking at what other students are doing. In Part II, comprehending chapters 5 to 7, we state the three goals of our research to evaluate an instructional design grounded on literature findings that we developed to improve English as a foreign language (EFL) writing instruction in context. We describe the three main components of the learning diary (Diary) and the writing assignments. We study an EFL class of 10thgraders, aged 15 to 16, at a working-class state school in Barcelona and their English teacher, who was a long-experienced professional, newly arrived at that school. There were 26 students in this class (15 boys and 11 girls), of which we selected six (two strong, two average and two weak ones) for close observation. The instructional design combined face-to-face (F2F) teaching following a textbook with an online platform (a wiki) where students completed the Diary and a variety of writing assignments, with the online supervision of the teacher who provided personalised on-site feedback. In the Diary, and mostly as homework, students had to show their capacity to manage learning strategies and writing competence. In the first place, students had to file F2F instruction and produce examples of use of grammar and vocabulary in the form of sentences (cognitive tasks). Secondly, they had to monitor and correct their writing productions (metacognitive assignments) after the teacher had provided personalised feedback on them. She also developed a system of engagement rewards to incentive correct procedures and participation. In part III (Chapters 7-10) we present the results to our research questions. In Chapter 7 we depict the results concerning goal 1. We observe the activity in the online PWS and the students’ and teacher’s perception of it. In the first place, we consider the temporal dimension of the Diary. Then we move on to study how well the students completed it by task, student and term. Next, we study the writing assignments completion by task and term. Fourthly, we consider the positive and negative effects of the online platform. Finally, we deal with the teacher and students’ views of the PWS. Chapter 8 is devoted to feedback. We analyse the amount and characteristics of the teacher’s feedback depending on the task, as well as its timing for both the Diary and the writing assignments. We also consider the nature of conversations in the PWS. To conclude, we focus on the students’ views on feedback Results for goal 3 are exposed in chapter 9, which analyses in which ways the students’ actions and perceptions in the PWS evolved. In the first place, we ask ourselves which improvements can be reported in the Diary. Secondly, we look at the connections between the Diary and the writing assignments. Thirdly, we observe improvements in the writing assignments, comparing the teacher’s marks to external control measures, such as the state exam and the Write & Improve tool. Finally, we consider the teacher and students’ views. A final chapter 10 gathers a panoramic interpretive reading of each of the selected students and the teacher as to draw their learning profiles. For each of the six selected students, we consider their views on the PWS and the writing and feedback impact on them. In part IV we discuss our findings. About the PWS (goal 1), online designs can set students in action, but the technical problems some students face may cause frustration. It also confirms that stronger students are better at SRL, but their agency may not always be directed towards learning. If weaker students are more SRL focused, the chance is that they will advance more. Scarce metacognitive knowledge, low self-efficacy and lack of motivation make progress slow. Students will favour cognitive tasks over metacognitive, which are not adequate in compulsory education when they were based in understanding what the teacher said instead of in what they understood. Teachers need to plan supervising controls to ensure that students do not leave everything for the last minute, and can pay attention to the teacher’s corrections at different moments. Students did not like that the Diary was compulsory, and they did not like that it was public either, but their perceptions concerning the latter improved significantly, and they used each other’s productions as guidance. The Diary was a threat to average and weak students because it was hard work which, if not done, meant failing the term. The wiki’s lack of popularity was strengthened by technical problems. For goal 2, the teacher’s strategy to provide unfocused, indirect, personalised feedback was not appropriate because it meant a lot of work and did not make some of the students respond to it. The fact that it was timely could not solve the design flaw that it was delivered at the end of the term. These students were the same that show low interest for the design (Darío(a)) or weak students with low metacognitive strategies and linguistic knowledge. So, the students who needed it more (although Mariana(a) became an exception) were the ones who used it less. The students’ perception of feedback was positive enough, but somehow unconscious of the effort it meant to the teacher. For goal 3, when we study the students’ performance in the Diary in some depth, we observe that some students used agency for purposes other than learning, and this behaviour is not related to their linguistic knowledge, but bears relation to how much they make sense of a task and the characteristics of the assessment program. Students did not make sense of the cognitive part of the Diary because the sentences they wrote were not connected with the writing assignments. Furthermore, feedback that focuses only in WCF or sentences rather than paragraphs is not appropriate to teach EFL writing, because such input only addresses one aspect of the overall writing ability. Students value the sentences they wrote in the vocabulary task significantly worse at the end than they did at the beginning of the year. However, they value significantly better that the Diary is an efficient tool to learn English. As for its metacognitive part of the Diary, results were poor when the students were not capable of noticing for themselves what they had learnt, but depended on metacognitive explanations from the teacher which they often did not understand. Students expressed that they liked writing more when they could freely choose what to write about, and this perception improved significantly at the end of the school year. But results show that when students are free to write what they please, the use of translators increases. For this reason, designing tasks that makes them use the vocabulary and grammar they have just been taught would give more meaning to instruction and avoid the dangers of technical cheating. Rich environments where students are exposed to a lot of input (such as films in English subtitled in English) promote EFL writing, especially when the students are asked to carry out a diversity of tasks that stretch for some time.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  5. 5
    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Ortega Duran, Mireia

    المساهمون: University/Department: Universitat de Barcelona. Departament de Llengües i Literatures Modernes i d'Estudis Anglesos

    مرشدي الرسالة: Celaya Villanueva, Ma. Luz (María Luz), 1962-

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: The study of crosslinguistic influence (CLI), a phenomenon that emerges due to the interaction of different languages in the learners’ mind, has attracted the attention of SLA researchers since the emergence of the field. It is nowadays clear that learners rely on their previously acquired languages when acquiring and when attempting communication using the target language. However, the extent to which previously acquired knowledge percolates into the language being acquired might depend on varied factors, which have been a fundamental concern in CLI research. A great amount of research in the last decades has focused on the study of the factors of language typology, recency of use, L2 status and proficiency (e.g. Ringbom, 1987, 2001, 2005; Cenoz, 1997, 2001; Williams & Hammarberg, 1998; Jarvis, 2001; De Angelis & Selinker, 2001; Hammarberg, 2001; Odlin & Jarvis, 2004; Navés et al 2005; Sánchez, 2011). Other variables, such as input and cognitive language learning abilities, which might also be relevant in the appearance of CLI, are under-researched. The purpose of the present study is, therefore, to contribute to the discussion about the factors that promote or prevent CLI. More precisely, it aims at exploring the role that the factors cognitive language learning abilities and amount and type of input have on the appearance of both lexical and grammatical CLI by analysing 107 Catalan/Spanish learners of EFL. On the one hand, the variable cognitive language learning ability considers the learners’ WMC, attention span, language aptitude as measured by the Llama F test (Meara, 2005b), as well as their lexical access. On the other hand, the variable amount and type of input considers the learners’ length of language exposure, measured in relation to number of hours of instruction, exposure in naturalistic settings through SA programmes, and cumulative hours of contact outside the classroom. Lexical and grammatical CLI occurrences were identified from an oral task (a film retelling), and they were further classified according to their type. Following Jarvis (2009), lexical CLI occurrences were classified into lexemic and lemmatic. Moreover, three cases of grammatical CLI –i.e. null subjects, word order and use of articles- were considered in the present study. The analysis of the data revealed that CLI can occur at advanced stages of proficiency. However, the learners’ level of proficiency is indeed an important factor to take into consideration, as it appeared to significantly influence the appearance of transferred items in the data. Regarding the effects of cognitive language learning abilities and input on the occurrence of CLI, the former did not appear to affect CLI much as compared to the latter. The analysis only showed one statistically significant correlation between language switches and the lexical access factor. Input, on the other hand, seems to explain CLI occurrence to a greater extent, as several statistically significant correlations were obtained in the quantitative analysis of the data. From the input indexes used, the one that had a major effect was ‘time spent abroad’, since it correlated with the total amount of CLI, the amount of lexical CLI, especially the lemmatic type, language switches and transfer of word order. Additionally, instruction in a classroom setting seemed to have an influence on the amount of lexemic CLI and subcategorization CLI (the type that involves choice of the wrong complement), and cumulative hours of contact with English on the number of semantic extensions produced by the learners. Finally, the analysis of the interaction of cognitive language learning abilities and input revealed that those learners with high WM and high input produced fewer cases of CLI than those with low WM and low input. However, no statistically significant differences were found among the other groups.

    الوصف (مترجم): L’estudi de la influència interlingüística ha atret l’atenció dels investigadors en segones llengües des de l’aparició d’aquesta área d’estudi. Els aprenents es recolzen en les llengües que han adquirit prèviament a l’hora d’aprendre i comunicar-se en la llengua meta. No obstant això, el grau en què les llengües adquirides prèviament es filtra en la llengua que s’està aprenent pot dependre de diversos factors, com la tipologia lingüística, l’ús recent de les llengües, l’estatus de la L2 i la proficiència. Altres variables, com l’input i les habilitats cognitives per l’aprenentatge de llengües han estat poc investigades. L’objectiu del present estudi és, per tant, contribuir a la discussió sobre aquests factors. Es pretén explorar el paper que les habilitats cognitives i la quantitat i tipus d’input té en l’aparició de la influència entre llengües de tipus lèxic i gramatical mitjançant l’anàlisi de 107 aprenents d’anglès com a llengua. Les ocurrències d’influència interlingüística de tipus lèxic i gramatical van ser identificades a partir d’una tasca oral. L’anàlisi de les dades ha demostrat que la influència interlingüística pot ocórrer en nivells avançats de proficiència. Pel que fa referència als efectes de les habilitats cognitives i l’input i l’aparició de la influència entre llengües, el primer no sembla afectar significativament la influència interlingüística en comparació amb el segon. L’anàlisi de les dades només va mostrar una correlació significativa entre els préstecs i el factor de l’accés lèxic. L’input, d’altra banda, sembla explicar l’aparició de la influència entre llengües en major mesura. El “temps a l’estranger” va correlacionar significativament amb la quantitat total d’ocurrències, el nombre d’ocurrències de influència lèxica, expecialment del tipus lemàtic, préstecs i transferència de l’ordre de les paraules. A més a més, la instrucció a l’aula va tenir una influència sobre la quantitat de transferència de tipus lexèmic i subcategorització (del tipus que implica l’elecció del complement erroni), i les hores de contacte amb l’anglès fora de l’aula sobre el nombre de extensions semàntiques produïdes pels alumnes. Finalment, l’anàlisi de la interacció de les habilitats cognitives en l’aprenentatge de llengües i l’input, ha demostrat que aquells aprenents amb una alta memòria operativa i més input produeixen menys casos d’influència entre llengües.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  6. 6
    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Delgado Costa, María Jesús

    المساهمون: University/Department: Universitat de Barcelona. Departament de Didàctica de la Llengua i la Literatura

    مرشدي الرسالة: Llobera, Miquel

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: Las estrategias de aprendizaje son muy importantes en el proceso de aprendizaje de las lenguas. Hay gran cantidad de estudios que demuestran su influencia sobre el proceso de aprendizaje y su repercusión en el aprendizaje de las lenguas extranjeras. Pero las estrategias de aprendizaje están influenciadas por factores tanto individuales como sociales que afectan al aprendiz. Y entre estos factores encontramos las creencias de los individuos, que tanto los alumnos como los profesores tienen sobre su realidad y sobre las propias estrategias de aprendizaje. En la literatura que versa respecto a los temas de las estrategias y de las creencias constatamos que no hay una definición común compartida por los autores que los han estudiado, lo cual en muchas ocasiones ha llevado a confusiones terminológicas que no permiten comparar estudios llevados a cabo sobre ambos temas. Nuestro propósito era saber qué presencia y uso había de las estrategias de aprendizaje en las aulas de primaria de inglés. Para hacerlo acudimos a los profesores que trabajaban en esa especialidad e indagamos sobre sus creencias en relación con las estrategias de aprendizaje, para comprender un poco más su situación actual en nuestro entorno educativo cercano, los centros públicos de enseñanza primaria de Barcelona. Complementamos esa información con el análisis de libros de texto de quinto de primaria, buscando constatar la presencia de las estrategias en los mismos. Durante el estudio hemos podido comprobar que en el discurso espontáneo de los profesores hay una carencia manifiesta de explicitaciones sobre las estrategias, tanto de las que usan los alumnos para aprender inglés como de las que ellos fomentan en sus aulas. Además no parece que las estrategias que fomentan los docentes sean las que el alumnado usa para aprender inglés, por lo que se evidencia un desfase entre la transmisión que dice llevar a cabo el profesorado y la manera de aprender del alumnado. Esta diferencia se hace presente en el estudio y nos conduce a pensar que es necesaria más formación por parte de los maestros para hacer visibles las estrategias de aprendizaje en las aulas y más presencia de las mismas en los manuales que usan los alumnos para aprender inglés, puesto que la carencia manifiesta en el discurso espontáneo de los maestros también la encontramos en las referencias explícitas en los libros de texto.

    الوصف (مترجم): Learning strategies (LS) are really important to learn languages. We can infer this importance from the great amount of studies devoted to them. But what most of these studies really deal with are the beliefs about the strategies that participants declare. There isn't an agreed definition of learning strategies or beliefs and sometimes studies can't be compared because of these terminological differences. Through our research we investigate about how learning strategies are reflected in English as a foreign language lessons in Barcelona Primary schools. We have done it through analyzing induced teachers' statements and currently used textbooks. We have found that the mention of LS in teachers' discourses is poor, as it is the presence of reference to explicit activities to work on LS in the textbooks. We have also found that the strategies that teachers say to promote are not the same that the ones they believe their students use to learn English. So there's a discrepancy between strategies promoted by teachers and strategies used by students. There's a need to overcome the current latency of LS in teachers' discourse and textbooks in order to increase the use of teaching and learning strategies in the EFL lessons.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  7. 7
    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Palomeque Kovacs, Cristina

    المساهمون: University/Department: Universitat de Barcelona. Departament de Didàctica de la Llengua i la Literatura

    مرشدي الرسالة: Pujolà, Joan-Tomàs, Perera i Parramon, Joan

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: Este estudio investiga los recursos interaccionales que una profesora utiliza con sus estudiantes en un contexto de enseñanza de inglés para fines específicos en un entorno virtual multiusuario de Second Life y de como los diferentes modos disponibles en Second Life son usados para crear significado y una comunicación efectiva con los estudiantes. Trece estudiantes universitarios del grado de Turismo se ofrecieron voluntariamente para participar en clases de inglés en Second Life durante un curso académico. La comunicación en este mundo virtual se analizó a través de un sistema de anotación en el que se transcribió el comportamiento verbal y no verbal de los participantes, así como también las acciones que llevó a cabo la profesora sobre la interficie del programa. El análisis de las transcripciones muestra que la profesora usó estrategias transaccionales e interaccionales para conseguir una comunicación efectiva y crear un entorno de aprendizaje cómodo. Se encontraron estrategias adaptivas a las características del mundo virtual como adresividad visual, comprobaciones de recepción de un mensaje o comprobaciones de canal. Este estudio también muestra que la profesora utilizó modificaciones interaccionales como estrategias de negociación o repeticiones para asegurarse de que los estudiantes estaban siguiendo la clase, así como también para evitar o arreglar problemas comunicativos. La profesora también usó diferentes canales para dar retroalimentación correctiva en la clase, evidenciándose el uso de retroalimentación correctiva bimodal. En último lugar, el análisis de las transcripciones ilustra que los participantes usaron los modos visual y verbal en la creación de significado, así como para conseguir una comunicación más efectiva en este entorno multimodal.

    الوصف (مترجم): This study investigates the interactional devices that a teacher used with her students in an English for Specific Puposes (ESP) setting in the Multi-User Virtual Environment (MUVE) of Second Life and how the different modes available in this environment were used to create meaning and communicate effectively with students. Thirteen undergraduate students of Tourism volunteered to take part in additional ESP classes in Second Life throughout an academic year. MUVE communication was analyzed through a multimodal notation system that recorded the verbal and non-verbal participant behavior as well as the interface actions the teacher performed on the program. Analysis of the transcripts revealed that the teacher made use of a range of transactional and interactional discursive strategies to achieve effective communication and create a comfortable learning environment. There were strategies found that were adaptive to the features of the MUVE environment such as visual addressivity, reception checks or channel checks. This study also shows that the teacher made use of interactional modifications such as negotiation strategies or self-repetitions to ensure that students were following as well as to avoid or deal with communication breakdowns. Some of these strategies made use of different communication channels. The teacher also used different channel to provide corrective feedback during the lessons and there was evidence of bimodal corrective feedback. Finally, the analysis of the transcripts also revealed that participants made use of the visual and the verbal mode to create meaning and make communication more effective in this online environment.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  8. 8
    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Marsol Jornet, Anna

    المساهمون: University/Department: Universitat de Barcelona. Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya

    مرشدي الرسالة: Tragant Mestres, Elsa

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: This dissertation examines the English language learning experience of primary school learners in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom settings. It focuses, on the one hand, on learners' oral language production during whole class and pair/group work and, on the other hand, it also explores the amount and type of teacher corrective feedback to address language form in each instructional setting. The data include audio and video recordings of the implementation of a CLIL and an EFL teaching unit in two classes of 5th year primary education students with the same teacher teaching both subjects in two different schools. The main findings show there is not a big gap between the oral production of learners in the CLIL context and the EFL context in the two schools, but there is a subtle tendency for learners in the CLIL context to produce longer strings of language in both schools. In addition, it has been shown that this learner production is predominantly based on the pre-defined model sentences presented by the teacher as language support in the two instructional contexts in both schools. Therefore, there is little room for spontaneous learner-created L2 production in the two instructional contexts. It has also been shown that the presence of the Ll production is greater in the CLIL context than in the EFL context in the two schools but bearing in mind that the role of the Ll is rather different. As for the provision of teacher feedback, the present results also indicate that there is space to focus on form not only in the EFL context but also in the CLIL context in the two schools under investigation. Different types of teacher corrective feedback have been identified throughout the implementation of the CLIL and the EFL teaching units. Recasts have been shown to outnumber prompts in the two learning contexts though the number of prompts is greater in the EFL context than in the CLIL content. Differences across instructional settings have been examined in relation to variables like teaching approach, context familiarity and teacher profile. This investigation sheds some new light on what is actually going on in CLIL and EFL classes with evidence to be used in teacher training schemes to make the most of the two instructional contexts in order to provide a rich English language learning experience.

    الوصف (مترجم): Aquesta tesi estudia l'experiència d'aprenentatge de l'anglès d'aprenents en l'etapa de l'educació primària en contextos d'aprenentatge integrat de continguts curriculars i llengua estrangera (AICLE; en anglès Content and Language Integrated Learning, CLIL) i en contextos d'aprenentatge de l'anglès com a assignatura de llengua (en anglès English as a Foreign Language, EFL). La investigació se centra, per una banda, en la producció oral dels aprenents en els intercanvis mestre/a-alumne/a durant el treball com a grup-classe o per parelles/grups; d'altra banda, també explora la quantitat i la tipologia de la retroalimentació proporcionada per la mestra, és a dir, la informació sobre la correcció de la pròpia producció en cadascun dels contextos d'aprenentatge. L'estudi es basa en dos classes d'aprenents de 5è d'educació primària amb el/la mateix/a mestre/a en ambdós contextos en dues escoles d'educació primària. La base de dades de l'estudi inclou una sèrie d'enregistraments en format àudio i vídeo de la implementació d'una unitat didàctica en cadascun dels contextos d'aprenentatge. Els resultats indiquen que els aprenents en el context CLIL tendeixen a generar produccions més llargues que els alumnes en el context EFL. Tanmateix, la producció oral en ambdós contextos es basa majoritàriament en les frases model definides per la mestra i presentades com a suport lingüístic. Els resultats també indiquen que les produccions orals en la llengua materna són més nombroses en el context AICLE a les dues escoles. Pel que fa a l'atenció a la forma a través de la retroalimentació correctiva proporcionada per el/la mestre/a, s'han identificat diferents tipus de correccions retroactives al llarg de les unitats didàctiques investigades en ambdós contextos. Aquesta tesi aporta noves evidències a la recerca sobre el que realment passa a les classes que segueixen cadascun dels enfocaments. Aquesta informació pot ser útil en el disseny de programes de formació del professorat amb l'objectiu d'aprofitar al màxim el que ofereix cada context d'aprenentatge i poder així oferir una experiència d'aprenentatge de la llengua anglesa rica i profitosa.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  9. 9
    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Solís Parejo, Víctor

    المساهمون: University/Department: Universitat de Barcelona. Departament de Didàctica de la Llengua i la Literatura

    مرشدي الرسالة: Pujolà, Joan-Tomàs, Fullana Rivera, Natalia, Perera i Parramon, Joan

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: Esta tesis doctoral investiga la incidencia que tienen diferentes tipos de actividad interactiva en el aprendizaje de vocabulario de estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera de segundo curso de Educación Primaria. La interactividad se entiende como la respuesta que el aprendiz genera al tocar algún elemento de la pantalla. Los participantes fueron divididos en dos grupos, en los cuales trabajaron con un tipo concreto de actividad interactiva: abierta o cerrada. Las primeras permitían libertad de creación por parte del usuario, mientras que las segundas requerían cumplir un objetivo concreto. Tras el trabajo de tres unidades didácticas se analizó el aprendizaje del vocabulario productivo y receptivo a nivel oral para observar qué grupo obtuvo mejores resultados. Asimismo, se estudió la naturaleza de los encounters de vocabulario de cada tipo de actividad con el fin de comprobar su relación con el aprendizaje. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el grupo de actividades cerradas presenta un mayor aprendizaje y el grupo de actividades abiertas muestra una mayor tendencia a un aprendizaje con menos diferencias entre sus unidades y una correlación entre el aprendizaje productivo y receptivo. Además, se concluyó que el aprendizaje de los alumnos del estudio es independiente del número de veces que ven los elementos de vocabulario y de su nivel de interactividad.

    الوصف (مترجم): This PhD dissertation investigates the effect of different types of interactive activity on the vocabulary learning of elementary second graders in an English as a foreign language class. Interactivity is understood as the response generated by the learner in relationship to an element on a screen. Participants in this study were distributed in two groups, where they worked on a specific type of interactive activity: open or closed. The former type gave the learner freedom in his creative process; however, the latter required the learner to accomplish a specific target. Oral productive and receptive vocabulary learning was analyzed with the aim of observing what group scored better results after working through three unit lessons. In addition, the nature of vocabulary encounters in each type of activity was analyzed to find out its relationship with learning. The results revealed that the closed activities group achieved better results and the open activities group, a higher tendency toward less difference between the units and one correlation between the productive and receptive learning. Moreover, it was concluded that the learning of participants in the study was independent of the number of encounters and their level of interactivity.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  10. 10
    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Grau Perejoan, Maria

    المساهمون: University/Department: Universitat de Barcelona. Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya

    مرشدي الرسالة: Alonso Breto, Isabel, Phillips, William Charles

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: This study revolves around the figure of Caribbean writer Earl Lovelace. The thesis demonstrates that the emphasis on the deterritorialisation of the Caribbean region and the focus on transnationalism has meant that what is produced within its geographical boundaries is sidelined in favour of what is produced beyond them. The study argues that even though Western academia holds transnationalism as the most appropriate and encompassing approach to deal with Caribbean literature, its applicability is limited to those writings produced in metropolitan spaces. In fact, due to the transnational nature of the Caribbean region itself, it is possible to see the Caribbean as both an intercultural and transcultural space and to recognise that the nation-state is a reality. The figure of Trinidadian writer Earl Lovelace serves to reclaim the importance of Caribbean-based narratives. Lovelace’s alternative journey distinguishes him from the majority of West Indian writers. To start with, he has made the extremely political choice of staying in Trinidad and has thus rejected the pull towards migrating, which is still a staple for the West Indian artist. However, his choice is not without consequences. Because of his decision to stay in the region he has been labelled a regional and national writer, since his work is not tailored for a Western readership and offers context-based narratives in which Creole language is present. As a result, his writings have been excluded from the mainstream postcolonial literary field. This thesis foregrounds Lovelace’s writings as an extremely important intervention in the Caribbean, as they prove that the Caribbean nation is also a place where people can build a life. In his writings Lovelace contests the representations which establish the perceived impossibility of residing in the Caribbean and the pervading idea of the region as a non-place populated by non-people who have created nothing – a construct which ultimately contributes to maintaining the region dependant on Western approval and tutelage. Like many other West Indian creative writers, Lovelace has theorised on Caribbean culture and literature. Aware of the historic roots of the ills of the region but optimistic about the possibilities of constructing a new culture, he has emphasised that the heterogeneity of the region is its most enriching characteristic and one that allows for the creation of a new future together. Lovelace has argued that the diverse and heterogeneous nature of the region, as its real heritage, not only needs to be valued, but it needs to be seen as a precondition which allows for the creation of a New World. While the Trinidadian author argues that the construction of a New World for the region can only be accomplished through the collective involvement of the different communities, this study argues that in order to reverse the trend that sidelines non-diasporic Caribbean writing, a similar collective endeavour is needed. This collective endeavour includes a variety of cultural agents: writers, intellectuals, activists, publishers, critics, scholars and translators alike. Indeed, ethically and politically motivated translations of West Indian literary texts can also participate in the critical network that contributes to the collective dimension of social struggles. Through their artistic renditions of a source text, literary translators can help spread these narratives’ symbolic force.

    الوصف (مترجم): Aquesta tesi doctoral explora la figura de l’escriptor de Trinidad i Tobago Earl Lovelace. Actualment el món de la literatura postcolonial està dominat, en gran mesura, per obres literàries que s’estudien des de teories transnacionals i post-nacionals. L’estudi subratlla la necessitat de recuperar narratives caribenyes situades al Carib i escrites per autors no diaspòrics; autors que són definits com a locals o nacionals des d’un punt de vista hegemònic, i als que no se’ls dóna cabuda en el panorama literari mundial. De fet, els textos de Lovelace són de gran importància en el context de les lletres caribenyes perquè no només se situen sempre a l’illa de Trinidad, microcosmos del Carib, sinó que a més el Carib es presenta com un lloc amb una rica cultura pròpia i on és possible construir-hi una vida. És a dir, els textos de Lovelace ofereixen una visió del Carib que pretén contrarestar construccions freqüentment utilitzades per referir-se a la regió i que en última instància contribueixen a mantenir la regió sota tutela del món occidental. Així com Lovelace manté que la construcció d’un nou inici per al Carib – New World – només és possible amb la participació col·lectiva de les diferents comunitats de la regió, aquesta tesi defensa que per tal de revertir la tendència actual que menysté els textos d’autors no diaspòrics, és necessària una implicació col·lectiva d’escriptors, editors, crítics, acadèmics i traductors. D’aquesta manera, l’estudi posa en relleu la figura del traductor literari com un agent amb la capacitat de contribuir, amb les seves traduccions de textos literaris caribenys, a oferir una visió del Carib més plural i rica que no menystingui autors com Earl Lovelace.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf