يعرض 1 - 10 نتائج من 897 نتيجة بحث عن '"Bh, Chen"', وقت الاستعلام: 1.26s تنقيح النتائج
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    المؤلفون: Green JB, Bethel MA, Armstrong PW, Buse JB, Engel SS, Garg J, Josse R, Kaufman KD, Koglin J, Korn S, Lachin JM, McGuire DK, Pencina MJ, Standl E, Stein PP, Suryawanshi S, Van de Werf F, Peterson ED, Holman RR, Josse RG, Califf RM, Goldstein BJ, Shapiro DR, Silverman R, Bethel A, Green J, Hayden S, Hannan K, Quintero K, Rorick T, Berdan L, Leloudis D, Califf S, Wilson M, McFarron D, Trollinger K, Pesarchick J, Eskenazi L, Campbell C, Townes O, Tolsma D, Keenan J, Milton J, Athwal R, Darbyshire J, Doran Z, Kennedy I, Gregory V, Lokhnygina Y, Prather K, Wolfley A, Usman M, Tajjar A, Gray R, Pfeffer MA, Gerstein HC, Groop L, McMurray JJ, Pocock SJ, Clayton T, Sinay I, Brieger D, Stranks S, Scheen A, Lopes R, Tankova T, Hramiak I, Grado CR, Wenying Y, Ge J, Aschner P, Skrha J, Ambos A, Strandberg T, Travert F, Hanefeld M, Riefflin A, Chan JC, Ofner P, Reddy NK, Christopher J, Mathur A, Arambam P, Mittal S, Manchanda M, Wainstein J, Ambrosio G, Pirags V, Jakuboniene N, Mohamed M, Scott R, White H, Cornel J, Halvorsen S, Tykarski A, Veresiu IA, Dreval AV, Misinkova I, Tai E, Krahulec B, Distiller L, Park Y, Rovira A, Alversson M, Chuang LM, Delibasi T, Adler A, Rodbard HW, Marre M, Goff D, Chacra A, DeVore A, Beaven A, Shah B, Hirsch B, Batch B, Bushnell C, Patel C, Melloni C, Henshaw C, Kong D, Bernecki G, Tillman H, Kang HJ, Hawes J, Strickler J, Piccini J, Wilder J, Alexander K, Mahaffey K, Patel K, Hyland K, Newby K, Jackson L, Cooper L, Armaganijan L, Szczeh L, Koshizaka M, Roe M, Morse M, Guimaraes P, Hess P, Tricoci P, Mehta R, Mathews R, Kociol R, Harrison R, Mentz R, Pokorney S, Leblanc T, Lazzarini V, Eapen Z, Truffa A, Fosbol E, Brito F, Katz M, Bahit M, Santos M, Barros P, Bernardez S, Alvarisqueta AF, Arias P, Cagide AL, Calella PR, Cantero MC, Canella JP, Cipullo MA, de Loredo L, Gelersztein ES, Gorban de Lapertosa SB, Klyver MI, Maffei LE, Maldonado N, Oviedo AI, Piskorz DL, Ridruejo MC, Saavedra SS, Sessa HA, Sinay IR, Sposetti GD, Ulla MR, Vico ML, Waitman JN, Binnekamp M, Carroll P, Cheung W, Colman P, Davis T, De Looze F, dEmden M, Fulcher G, Gerstman M, Hamilton A, Lehman S, Moses R, Proietto J, Roberts A, Shaw J, Simpson R, Sinha A, Tan Y, Topliss D, Vora P, Waites J, Crenier L, Descamps O, Keymeulen B, Mathieu C, Nobels F, Van den Bruel A, Van Gaal L, Borges JL, Costa e Forti A, Eliaschewitz FG, Felício JS, Griz LH, Hissa MN, Leite S, Panarotto D, Pimentel Filho P, Rassi N, Saraiva JK, Sgarbi JA, Silva RP, Tambascia M, Weber Silva DM, Bobeva R, Bostandzhieva R, Cinlikov I, Georgieva M, Iliev D, Ilieva E, Kovacheva S, Liubenova L, Nikitov Z, SHeinikova G, Slavcheva A, Spasova V, Temelkova-Kurktschiev T, Velichka D, Yakov A, Carpentier A, Chiasson JL, Constance C, Dumas R, Filteau P, Garceau C, Huynh T, Kaiser S, Kornder J, Leiter L, Mereu L, Miller D, Pandey S, Punthakee Z, Rabasa-Lhoret R, Robitaille Y, Saunders K, Sigal R, Sigalas J, Vizel S, Weisnagel S, Woo V, Yale JF, Yared K, Zinman B, Bunster Balocchi LB, Escobar Cerda EE, Garces Flores EE, Lanas Zanetti FT, Larrazabal Miranda Adel P, Morales Alvarado JM, Olivares Cañon CM, Potthoff Cárdenas SH, Raffo Grado CA, Rodriguez Venegas ME, Saavedra Gajardo VA, Westerberg Maldonado BH, Chen LL, Dong J, Guo X, Li QM, Shi B, Tang XL, Yang T, Yang WY, Zheng SX, Aschner Montoya P, Botero Lopez R, Coronel Arroyo JA, Cure CA, Gómez Medina AM, Molina DI, Perez Amador GA, Reyes Rincon A, Urina Triana MA, Valenzuela Rincon A, Vélez Pelaez S, Yupanqui Lozno H, Brabec T, Brychta T, Hasalova Zapletalova J, Havelkova J, Hejnicova K, Hola O, Hornackova M, Hrdina T, Kafkova D, Kellnerova I, Krystl T, Kutejova V, Mikulkova I, Nevrla J, Pantlikova C, Petr M, Racicka E, Sarbochova R, Smolenakova K, Turcinek R, Urbancova K, Vejvodova J, Vondrakova M, Zachoval R, Alt I, Kaasik Ü, Kiiroja K, Lanno R, Märtsin K, Past M, Vides H, Viitas L, Kantola I, Nieminen S, Perhonen M, Strand J, Valle T, Clergeot A, Couffinhal T, Courreges JP, Gouet D, Moulin P, Ziegler O, Badenhoop K, Behnke T, Bender G, Braun M, Dshabrailov J, Hamann A, Himpel-Boenninghoff A, Kamke W, Kasperk C, Luedemann J, Mayr P, Merkel M, Oerter EM, Ohlow MA, Ott P, Overhoff U, Paschen B, Remppis R, Rose L, Schumm-Draeger PM, Segiet T, Strotmann HJ, Stuchlik G, Stürmer W, Thinesse-Mallwitz M, Tytko A, Wendisch U, Wurziger J, Ho AY, Kam G, Kong AP, Lam YY, Lau EY, Lee S, Siu SC, Tomlinson B, Tsang CC, Yeung VT, Dezső E, Dudás M, Földesi I, Fülöp T, Késmárki N, Koranyi L, Nagy K, Oroszlán T, Pécsvárady Z, Ples Z, Taller A, Agarwal P, Ambulkar S, Aravind S, Balaji V, Kalra S, Kesavadev J, Kudalkar H, Kumar A, Misra A, Mithal A, Mohan V, Pitale S, Ramu M, Reddy N, Shah S, Shamanna P, Sharda A, Sharma A, Shunmugavelu M, Srikanta S, Suryaprakash G, Abramov G, Adawi F, Bashkin A, Darawsha M, Fuchs S, Harman-Boehm I, Hayek T, Jaffe A, Knobler H, Minuchin O, Mosseri M, Shechter M, Shimon I, Stern N, Tsur A, Vishlitzky V, Alfonsi F, Cavalot F, Del Vecchio L, Frisinghelli A, Gambardella S, Lauro D, Lembo G, Leotta S, Mondillo S, Novo S, Pedrinelli R, Piatti P, Salvioni A, Tritto I, Zavaroni DZ, Ahn KJ, Choi KM, Chung C, Han SJ, Kim DM, Kim IJ, Kim MH, Lee IK, Nam M, Park IeB, Park KS, Park TS, Rhee EJ, Yoo SJ, Andersone I, Balode A, Eglite R, Gersamija A, Kakurina N, Jegere B, Leitane I, Pastare S, Stalte V, Teterovska D, Baltramonaitiene K, Barsiene L, Ceponis J, Lasiene J, Levinger A, Sirutaviciene A, Sulskiene M, Urbanaviciene L, Valius L, Varanauskiene E, Velickiene D, Mahendran KA, Abu Hassan MR, Aziz NA, Hussein Z, Ismail IS, Kamaruddin NA, Nordin Z, Nayar SK, Ramanathan GR, Sothiratnam R, Beijerbacht H, Breedveld R, Cornel JH, Den Hartog F, Hermans W, Kietselaer B, Kooy A, Lenderink T, Nierop P, Remmen J, Rojas Lingan G, Ronner E, Van der Heijden R, Van Hessen M, van Kempen W, Voors-Pette C, Westendorp I, Baker J, Benatar J, Cutfield R, Krebs J, Leikis R, Lunt H, Manning P, Williams M, Birkeland K, Claudi T, Istad H, Karlsson T, Ossum Gronert J, Arciszewska M, Artemiuk E, Blach E, Blicharski T, Cypryk K, Dabrowska M, Górny G, Górska M, Jakubowska I, Jazwinska-Tarnawska E, Karczmarczyk A, Kitowska-Koterla J, Koltowski L, Krzyzagorska E, Pasternak D, Pentela-Nowicka J, Piesiewicz W, Przekwas-Jaruchowska M, Rajzer M, Salamon-Ferenc A, Sawicki A, Skowron T, Śmiałowski A, Albota A, Alexandru C, Crisan C, Dumitrescu A, Ferariu IE, Lupusoru DA, Munteanu M, Negru D, Nicolau A, Pintiliei E, Popescu A, Serban G, Voitec M, Babenko A, Barbarash O, Bondar I, Chizhov P, Demin A, Dora S, Dreval A, Ershova O, Gratsiansky N, Ketova G, Kotelnikov M, Levashov S, Morugova T, Mustafina S, Pekarskiy S, Raskina T, Rechkova E, Samoylova Y, Sazonova O, Sherenkov A, Shilkina N, Stetsyuk O, Tretyakova T, Turova E, Valeeva F, Zadionchenko V, Dalan R, Tan RS, Tay L, Buganova I, Fabry J, Jan C, Toserova E, Zak R, Zimanova J, Badat A, Bester F, Burgess L, De Jong D, Ellis G, Fouche L, Govender P, Govind U, Naidoo V, Nieuwoudt G, Nortje H, Rheeder P, Robertson L, Siddique N, Stapelberg AM, Trinder Y, Van Der Merwe A, Van Zyl L, Viljoen M, Wilhase A, Botella M, Civeira Murillo F, de Teresa L, Del Cañizo FJ, Extremera BG, Gimeno EJ, Martin-Hidalgo A, Morales C, Nubiola A, Tinahones Madueño F, Tranche S, Trescolí Serrano C, Alvarsson M, Eizyk E, Gillblad A, Johansson P, Löndahl M, Ohlsson-Önerud Å, Rautio A, Sundström U, Torstensson I, Chen JF, Chou CW, Ho LT, Hsieh IC, Huang BH, Huang CL, Huang CN, Lai WT, Lo PH, Pei D, Sheu WH, Wang SY, Araz M, Bakiner O, Comlekci A, Guler S, Sahin I, Sarac F, Tarkun I, Ukinc K, Yilmaz M, Abdulhakim E, Abraham P, Adamson K, Blagden M, Bundy C, Daly M, Davies M, Deshpande M, Gillings S, Harvey P, Horvathova V, Hristova D, Jaap A, Johnson A, Jones H, Kerrane J, Kilvert A, Ko T, Kumar J, Lindsay R, Litchfield J, McCrimmon R, McKnight J, Millward B, Oyesile B, Purewal T, Ravikumar C, Robinson A, Sathyapalan T, Simpson H, Thomas H, Turner W, Weaver J, Wilding J, Wiles P, Adkins K, Akpunonu B, Albu J, Anagnostis G, Anastasi L, Argoud G, Aroda V, Azizad M, Banerji MA, Bartkowiak A Jr, Bays H, Behn P, Bergenstal R, Bhargava A, Bias D, Bolster E, Buchanan P, Busch R, Chadha C, Chang M, Cheng C, Cohen A, Cohen J, Cole B, Connery L, Cooperman M, Cushman W, DAgostino R, Dayamani P, De Lemos J, De Meireles M, Dean J, DeHart D, Detweiler R, Donovan D, Dugano-Daphnis P, Dulin M, Dunn F, Eaton C, Erickson B, Estevez R, Feinglos M, Fonseca V, Force R, Forker A, Fox D, Gabriel J, Garcia R, Garvey T, Gaudiani L, Getaneh A, Goldberg A, Goldman S, Hairston K, Harris R, Haught W, Hidalgo H Jr, Higgins A, Houchin V, Ison R, Jacobs G, Jaffrani N, Jafry B, Kapsner P, Kaye W, Labroo A, Levinson L, Lewis S, Lillestol M, Luttrell L, Madu I, McNeill R, Merrick B, Metzger F, Nadar V, Nagelberg S, Nash S, Oparil S, Osei K, Papademetriou V, Patel N, Pedley C, Prentiss A, Radbill M, Raisinghani A, Rassouli N, Reddy R, Rees P, Rendell M, Robbins D, Rodbard H, Rohlf J, Roseman H, Rudolph L, Sadler L, Schnall A, Schramm R, Schubart U, Seneviratne T, Shanik M, Snyder H, Sorli C, Stich M, Sweeney ME, Tsao J, Ukwade P, Viswanath D, Vo A, Vogel C, Voyce S, Weintraub H, White J, Wood M, Wu P, Wysham C, Zimmerman R

    المساهمون: Pathology/molecular and cellular medicine, Diabetes Pathology & Therapy, Green JB, Bethel MA, Armstrong PW, Buse JB, Engel SS, Garg J, Josse R, Kaufman KD, Koglin J, Korn S, Lachin JM, McGuire DK, Pencina MJ, Standl E, Stein PP, Suryawanshi S, Van de Werf F, Peterson ED, Holman RR, Holman RR, Peterson ED, Holman RR, Peterson ED, Armstrong PW, Buse JB, Josse RG, Kaufman KD, Koglin J, Korn S, Lachin JM, McGuire DK, Standl E, Stein PP, Suryawanshi S, Van de Werf F, Engel SS, Califf RM, Goldstein BJ, Shapiro DR, Silverman R, Bethel A, Green J, Hayden S, Hannan K, Quintero K, Rorick T, Berdan L, Leloudis D, Califf S, Wilson M, McFarron D, Trollinger K, Pesarchick J, Eskenazi L, Campbell C, Townes O, Tolsma D, Keenan J, Milton J, Athwal R, Darbyshire J, Doran Z, Kennedy I, Gregory V, Garg J, Lokhnygina Y, Prather K, Wolfley A, Usman M, Tajjar A, Gray R, Pfeffer MA, Gerstein HC, Groop L, McMurray JJ, Pocock SJ, Clayton T, Sinay I, Brieger D, Stranks S, Scheen A, Lopes R, Tankova T, Hramiak I, Grado CR, Wenying Y, Ge J, Aschner P, Skrha J, Ambos A, Strandberg T, Travert F, Hanefeld M, Riefflin A, Chan JC, Ofner P, Reddy NK, Christopher J, Mathur A, Arambam P, Mittal S, Manchanda M, Wainstein J, Ambrosio G, Pirags V, Jakuboniene N, Mohamed M, Scott R, White H, Cornel J, Halvorsen S, Tykarski A, Veresiu IA, Dreval AV, Misinkova I, Tai E, Krahulec B, Distiller L, Park Y, Rovira A, Alversson M, Chuang LM, Delibasi T, Adler A, Rodbard HW, Marre M, Goff D, Chacra A, DeVore A, Beaven A, Shah B, Hirsch B, Batch B, Bushnell C, Patel C, Melloni C, Henshaw C, Kong D, McFarron D, Bernecki G, Tillman H, Kang HJ, Green J, Hawes J, Strickler J, Piccini J, Wilder J, Alexander K, Mahaffey K, Patel K, Hyland K, Newby K, Jackson L, Cooper L, Armaganijan L, Szczeh L, Koshizaka M, Roe M, Morse M, Guimaraes P, Hess P, Tricoci P, Mehta R, Lopes R, Mathews R, Kociol R, Harrison R, Mentz R, Pokorney S, Leblanc T, Lazzarini V, Eapen Z, Truffa A, Fosbol E, Brito F, Katz M, Bahit M, Santos M, Barros P, Bernardez S, Alvarisqueta AF, Arias P, Cagide AL, Calella PR, Cantero MC, Canella JP, Cipullo MA, de Loredo L, Gelersztein ES, Gorban de Lapertosa SB, Klyver MI, Maffei LE, Maldonado N, Oviedo AI, Piskorz DL, Ridruejo MC, Saavedra SS, Sessa HA, Sinay IR, Sposetti GD, Ulla MR, Vico ML, Waitman JN, Binnekamp M, Carroll P, Cheung W, Colman P, Davis T, De Looze F, dEmden M, Fulcher G, Gerstman M, Hamilton A, Lehman S, Moses R, Proietto J, Roberts A, Shaw J, Simpson R, Sinha A, Stranks S, Tan Y, Topliss D, Vora P, Waites J, Crenier L, Descamps O, Keymeulen B, Mathieu C, Nobels F, Scheen A, Van den Bruel A, Van Gaal L, Borges JL, Costa e Forti A, Eliaschewitz FG, Felício JS, Griz LH, Hissa MN, Leite S, Panarotto D, Pimentel Filho P, Rassi N, Saraiva JK, Sgarbi JA, Silva RP, Tambascia M, Weber Silva DM, Bobeva R, Bostandzhieva R, Cinlikov I, Georgieva M, Iliev D, Ilieva E, Kovacheva S, Liubenova L, Nikitov Z, SHeinikova G, Slavcheva A, Spasova V, Tankova T, Temelkova-Kurktschiev T, Velichka D, Yakov A, Carpentier A, Chiasson JL, Constance C, Dumas R, Filteau P, Garceau C, Hramiak I, Huynh T, Kaiser S, Kornder J, Leiter L, Mereu L, Miller D, Pandey S, Punthakee Z, Rabasa-Lhoret R, Robitaille Y, Saunders K, Sigal R, Sigalas J, Vizel S, Weisnagel S, Woo V, Yale JF, Yared K, Zinman B, Bunster Balocchi LB, Escobar Cerda EE, Garces Flores EE, Lanas Zanetti FT, Larrazabal Miranda Adel P, Morales Alvarado JM, Olivares Cañon CM, Potthoff Cárdenas SH, Raffo Grado CA, Rodriguez Venegas ME, Saavedra Gajardo VA, Westerberg Maldonado BH, Chen LL, Dong J, Guo X, Li QM, Shi B, Tang XL, Yang T, Yang WY, Zheng SX, Aschner Montoya P, Botero Lopez R, Coronel Arroyo JA, Cure CA, Gómez Medina AM, Molina DI, Perez Amador GA, Reyes Rincon A, Urina Triana MA, Valenzuela Rincon A, Vélez Pelaez S, Yupanqui Lozno H, Brabec T, Brychta T, Hasalova Zapletalova J, Havelkova J, Hejnicova K, Hola O, Hornackova M, Hrdina T, Kafkova D, Kellnerova I, Krystl T, Kutejova V, Mikulkova I, Nevrla J, Pantlikova C, Petr M, Racicka E, Sarbochova R, Skrha J, Smolenakova K, Turcinek R, Urbancova K, Vejvodova J, Vondrakova M, Zachoval R, Alt I, Ambos A, Kaasik Ü, Kiiroja K, Lanno R, Märtsin K, Past M, Vides H, Viitas L, Kantola I, Nieminen S, Perhonen M, Strand J, Strandberg T, Valle T, Clergeot A, Couffinhal T, Courreges JP, Gouet D, Moulin P, Travert F, Ziegler O, Badenhoop K, Behnke T, Bender G, Braun M, Dshabrailov J, Hamann A, Hanefeld M, Himpel-Boenninghoff A, Kamke W, Kasperk C, Luedemann J, Mayr P, Merkel M, Oerter EM, Ohlow MA, Ott P, Overhoff U, Paschen B, Remppis R, Riefflin A, Rose L, Schumm-Draeger PM, Segiet T, Strotmann HJ, Stuchlik G, Stürmer W, Thinesse-Mallwitz M, Tytko A, Wendisch U, Wurziger J, Ho AY, Kam G, Kong AP, Lam YY, Lau EY, Lee S, Siu SC, Tomlinson B, Tsang CC, Yeung VT, Dezső E, Dudás M, Földesi I, Fülöp T, Késmárki N, Koranyi L, Nagy K, Ofner P, Oroszlán T, Pécsvárady Z, Ples Z, Taller A, Agarwal P, Ambulkar S, Aravind S, Balaji V, Christopher J, Kalra S, Kesavadev J, Kudalkar H, Kumar A, Misra A, Mithal A, Mohan V, Pitale S, Ramu M, Reddy N, Shah S, Shamanna P, Sharda A, Sharma A, Shunmugavelu M, Srikanta S, Suryaprakash G, Abramov G, Adawi F, Bashkin A, Darawsha M, Fuchs S, Harman-Boehm I, Hayek T, Jaffe A, Knobler H, Minuchin O, Mosseri M, Shechter M, Shimon I, Stern N, Tsur A, Vishlitzky V, Wainstein J, Alfonsi F, Cavalot F, Del Vecchio L, Frisinghelli A, Gambardella S, Lauro D, Lembo G, Leotta S, Mondillo S, Novo S, Pedrinelli R, Piatti P, Salvioni A, Tritto I, Zavaroni DZ, Ahn KJ, Choi KM, Chung C, Han SJ, Kim DM, Kim IJ, Kim MH, Lee IK, Nam M, Park IeB, Park KS, Park TS, Park Y, Rhee EJ, Yoo SJ, Andersone I, Balode A, Eglite R, Gersamija A, Kakurina N, Jegere B, Leitane I, Pastare S, Pirags V, Stalte V, Teterovska D, Baltramonaitiene K, Barsiene L, Ceponis J, Jakuboniene N, Lasiene J, Levinger A, Sirutaviciene A, Sulskiene M, Urbanaviciene L, Valius L, Varanauskiene E, Velickiene D, Mahendran KA, Abu Hassan MR, Aziz NA, Hussein Z, Ismail IS, Kamaruddin NA, Mohamed M, Nordin Z, Nayar SK, Ramanathan GR, Sothiratnam R, Beijerbacht H, Breedveld R, Cornel JH, Den Hartog F, Hermans W, Kietselaer B, Kooy A, Lenderink T, Nierop P, Remmen J, Rojas Lingan G, Ronner E, Van der Heijden R, Van Hessen M, van Kempen W, Voors-Pette C, Westendorp I, Baker J, Benatar J, Cutfield R, Krebs J, Leikis R, Lunt H, Manning P, Scott R, Williams M, Birkeland K, Claudi T, Halvorsen S, Istad H, Karlsson T, Ossum Gronert J, Arciszewska M, Artemiuk E, Blach E, Blicharski T, Cypryk K, Dabrowska M, Górny G, Górska M, Jakubowska I, Jazwinska-Tarnawska E, Karczmarczyk A, Kitowska-Koterla J, Koltowski L, Krzyzagorska E, Pasternak D, Pentela-Nowicka J, Piesiewicz W, Przekwas-Jaruchowska M, Rajzer M, Salamon-Ferenc A, Sawicki A, Skowron T, Śmiałowski A, Tykarski A, Albota A, Alexandru C, Crisan C, Dumitrescu A, Ferariu IE, Lupusoru DA, Munteanu M, Negru D, Nicolau A, Pintiliei E, Popescu A, Serban G, Veresiu IA, Voitec M, Babenko A, Barbarash O, Bondar I, Chizhov P, Demin A, Dora S, Dreval A, Ershova O, Gratsiansky N, Ketova G, Kotelnikov M, Levashov S, Morugova T, Mustafina S, Pekarskiy S, Raskina T, Rechkova E, Samoylova Y, Sazonova O, Sherenkov A, Shilkina N, Stetsyuk O, Tretyakova T, Turova E, Valeeva F, Zadionchenko V, Dalan R, Tan RS, Tay L, Buganova I, Fabry J, Jan C, Krahulec B, Toserova E, Zak R, Zimanova J, Badat A, Bester F, Burgess L, De Jong D, Distiller L, Ellis G, Fouche L, Govender P, Govind U, Naidoo V, Nieuwoudt G, Nortje H, Rheeder P, Robertson L, Siddique N, Stapelberg AM, Trinder Y, Van Der Merwe A, Van Zyl L, Viljoen M, Wilhase A, Botella M, Civeira Murillo F, de Teresa L, Del Cañizo FJ, Extremera BG, Gimeno EJ, Martin-Hidalgo A, Morales C, Nubiola A, Rovira A, Tinahones Madueño F, Tranche S, Trescolí Serrano C, Alvarsson M, Eizyk E, Gillblad A, Johansson P, Löndahl M, Ohlsson-Önerud Å, Rautio A, Sundström U, Torstensson I, Chen JF, Chou CW, Chuang LM, Ho LT, Hsieh IC, Huang BH, Huang CL, Huang CN, Lai WT, Lo PH, Pei D, Sheu WH, Wang SY, Araz M, Bakiner O, Comlekci A, Delibasi T, Guler S, Sahin I, Sarac F, Tarkun I, Ukinc K, Yilmaz M, Abdulhakim E, Abraham P, Adamson K, Adler A, Blagden M, Bundy C, Daly M, Davies M, Deshpande M, Gillings S, Harvey P, Horvathova V, Horvathova V, Hristova D, Jaap A, Johnson A, Jones H, Kerrane J, Kilvert A, Ko T, Kumar J, Lindsay R, Litchfield J, McCrimmon R, McKnight J, Millward B, Oyesile B, Purewal T, Ravikumar C, Robinson A, Sathyapalan T, Simpson H, Thomas H, Turner W, Weaver J, Wilding J, Wiles P, Adkins K, Akpunonu B, Albu J, Anagnostis G, Anastasi L, Argoud G, Aroda V, Azizad M, Banerji MA, Bartkowiak A Jr, Bays H, Behn P, Bergenstal R, Bhargava A, Bias D, Bolster E, Buchanan P, Busch R, Chadha C, Chang M, Cheng C, Cohen A, Cohen J, Cole B, Connery L, Cooperman M, Cushman W, DAgostino R, Davies M, Dayamani P, De Lemos J, De Meireles M, Dean J, DeHart D, Detweiler R, Donovan D, Dugano-Daphnis P, Dulin M, Dunn F, Eaton C, Erickson B, Estevez R, Feinglos M, Fonseca V, Force R, Forker A, Fox D, Gabriel J, Garcia R, Garvey T, Gaudiani L, Getaneh A, Goff D, Goldberg A, Goldman S, Hairston K, Harris R, Haught W, Hidalgo H Jr, Higgins A, Houchin V, Ison R, Jacobs G, Jaffrani N, Jafry B, Kapsner P, Kaye W, Labroo A, Levinson L, Lewis S, Lillestol M, Luttrell L, Madu I, McNeill R, Merrick B, Metzger F, Nadar V, Nagelberg S, Nash S, Oparil S, Osei K, Papademetriou V, Patel N, Pedley C, Prentiss A, Radbill M, Raisinghani A, Rassouli N, Reddy R, Rees P, Rendell M, Robbins D, Rodbard H, Rohlf J, Roseman H, Rudolph L, Sadler L, Schnall A, Schramm R, Schubart U, Seneviratne T, Shanik M, Snyder H, Sorli C, Stich M, Sweeney ME, Tsao J, Ukwade P, Viswanath D, Vo A, Vogel C, Voyce S, Weintraub H, White J, Wood M, Wu P, Wysham C, Zimmerman R

    المصدر: New England Journal of Medicine. 373:232-242

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    المؤلفون: Bartolomucci A; Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.; Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma, Parma, Italy., Kane AE; Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, Washington, USA.; Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA., Gaydosh L; Department of Sociology, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA., Razzoli M; Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA., McCoy BM; School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA.; Center for Evolution and Medicine, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA., Ehninger D; German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Bonn, Germany., Chen BH; California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute, Sutter Health, San Francisco, CA, 94143, USA., Howlett SE; Departments of Pharmacology and Medicine (Geriatric Medicine), Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada., Snyder-Mackler N; School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA.; Center for Evolution and Medicine, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA.

    المصدر: The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences [J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci] 2024 Sep 01; Vol. 79 (9).

    نوع المنشور: Journal Article; Review

    بيانات الدورية: Publisher: published on behalf of the Gerontological Society of America by Oxford University Press Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 9502837 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1758-535X (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 10795006 NLM ISO Abbreviation: J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci Subsets: MEDLINE

    مواضيع طبية MeSH: Biomarkers* , Aging*/physiology , Models, Animal*, Animals ; Geroscience ; Humans

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    المؤلفون: Chang B; Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan., Jiang BH; Department of Materials Engineering, Ming Chi University of Technology, New Taipei City 243303, Taiwan., Chen CP; Department of Materials Engineering, Ming Chi University of Technology, New Taipei City 243303, Taiwan.; College of Engineering, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan 33302, Taiwan., Chen K; Robinson Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington 6012, New Zealand.; MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Wellington 6012, New Zealand.; The Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum TechnologiesUniversity of Otago, Denedin 9016, New Zealand., Chen BH; Institute of Photonics Technologies, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 300044, Taiwan., Tan S; Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, United States., Lu TC; Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan., Tsao CS; Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106319, Taiwan.; National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan., Su YW; Department of Molecular Science and Engineering, Institute of Organic and Polymeric Materials, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei 10608, Taiwan., Yang SD; Institute of Photonics Technologies, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 300044, Taiwan., Chen CS; Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan., Wei KH; Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan.

    المصدر: ACS applied materials & interfaces [ACS Appl Mater Interfaces] 2024 Aug 07; Vol. 16 (31), pp. 41244-41256. Date of Electronic Publication: 2024 Jul 23.

    نوع المنشور: Journal Article

    بيانات الدورية: Publisher: American Chemical Society Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 101504991 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1944-8252 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 19448244 NLM ISO Abbreviation: ACS Appl Mater Interfaces Subsets: PubMed not MEDLINE; MEDLINE

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    المؤلفون: Lin WC; Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, 300044, Taiwan R.O.C., Wu YH; Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, 300044, Taiwan R.O.C., Sun YE; Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, 300044, Taiwan R.O.C., Elsenety MM; Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, 300044, Taiwan R.O.C.; Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Yosief Abbas Street, Cairo, 11754, Cairo, Egypt., Lin WC; Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufacturing, National Cheng Kung University, No.1, University Road, Tainan City, 701, Taiwan R.O.C., Yen JC; Institute of Photonics Technologies & Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, 300044, Taiwan R.O.C., Hsu HK; Institute of Photonics Technologies & Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, 300044, Taiwan R.O.C., Chen BH; Institute of Photonics Technologies & Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, 300044, Taiwan R.O.C., Huang HY; Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, 300044, Taiwan R.O.C., Chang CA; Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, 300044, Taiwan R.O.C., Huang TF; Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, 300044, Taiwan R.O.C., Zhuang YR; Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, 300044, Taiwan R.O.C., Tseng YT; Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, 300044, Taiwan R.O.C., Lin KH; Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, 300044, Taiwan R.O.C., Yang SD; Institute of Photonics Technologies & Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, 300044, Taiwan R.O.C.; Center for Photonics Research, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, 300044, Taiwan R.O.C., Yu CH; Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufacturing, National Cheng Kung University, No.1, University Road, Tainan City, 701, Taiwan R.O.C.; Department of Engineering Science, National Cheng Kung University, No.1, University Road, Tainan City, 701, Taiwan R.O.C., Chou HH; Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, 300044, Taiwan R.O.C.; Center for Photonics Research, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, 300044, Taiwan R.O.C.; College of Semiconductor Research, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, 300044, Taiwan R.O.C.

    المصدر: Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) [Angew Chem Int Ed Engl] 2024 Aug 05; Vol. 63 (32), pp. e202407702. Date of Electronic Publication: 2024 Jun 26.

    نوع المنشور: Journal Article

    بيانات الدورية: Publisher: Wiley-VCH Country of Publication: Germany NLM ID: 0370543 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1521-3773 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 14337851 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Angew Chem Int Ed Engl Subsets: PubMed not MEDLINE; MEDLINE

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    المؤلفون: Zhao L; Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No.160 PuJian Road, Shanghai, 200127, People's Republic of China., Chen BH; Department of Radiology, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No.160 PuJian Road, Shanghai, 200127, People's Republic of China., Tang H; Department of Radiology, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No.160 PuJian Road, Shanghai, 200127, People's Republic of China., Wang YY; Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No.160 PuJian Road, Shanghai, 200127, People's Republic of China., Gu ZY; Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No.160 PuJian Road, Shanghai, 200127, People's Republic of China., An DA; Department of Radiology, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No.160 PuJian Road, Shanghai, 200127, People's Republic of China., Wu LM; Department of Radiology, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No.160 PuJian Road, Shanghai, 200127, People's Republic of China. wlmssmu@126.com., Xue S; Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No.160 PuJian Road, Shanghai, 200127, People's Republic of China. xuesong64@163.com.

    المصدر: La Radiologia medica [Radiol Med] 2024 Aug; Vol. 129 (8), pp. 1184-1196. Date of Electronic Publication: 2024 Jul 13.

    نوع المنشور: Journal Article

    بيانات الدورية: Publisher: Springer Milan Country of Publication: Italy NLM ID: 0177625 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1826-6983 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00338362 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Radiol Med Subsets: MEDLINE

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    المؤلفون: Chen BH; Department of Radiology, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No. 160 Pujian Road, Shanghai, 200127, People's Republic of China., Jiang WY; Department of Radiology, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No. 160 Pujian Road, Shanghai, 200127, People's Republic of China., Zheng JY; Department of Radiology, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No. 160 Pujian Road, Shanghai, 200127, People's Republic of China., Dai YS; Department of Radiology, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No. 160 Pujian Road, Shanghai, 200127, People's Republic of China., Shi RY; Department of Radiology, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No. 160 Pujian Road, Shanghai, 200127, People's Republic of China., Wu R; Department of Radiology, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No. 160 Pujian Road, Shanghai, 200127, People's Republic of China., An DA; Department of Radiology, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No. 160 Pujian Road, Shanghai, 200127, People's Republic of China., Tang LL; Department of Radiology, Longyan First Hospital, Affiliated to Fujian Medical University, Longyan, 364000, People's Republic of China., Xu JR; Department of Radiology, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No. 160 Pujian Road, Shanghai, 200127, People's Republic of China., Zhao L; Department of Radiology, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University, 2nd Anzhen Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029, People's Republic of China. s2006430@126.com., Wu LM; Department of Radiology, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No. 160 Pujian Road, Shanghai, 200127, People's Republic of China. wlmssmu@126.com.

    المصدر: European radiology [Eur Radiol] 2024 Aug; Vol. 34 (8), pp. 4883-4896. Date of Electronic Publication: 2024 Jan 08.

    نوع المنشور: Journal Article; Multicenter Study

    بيانات الدورية: Publisher: Springer International Country of Publication: Germany NLM ID: 9114774 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1432-1084 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 09387994 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Eur Radiol Subsets: MEDLINE

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    المؤلفون: Ng HI; Department of Endoscopy, National Cancer Center/National Clinical Research Center for Cancer/Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, 100021, China., Chen BH; Department of Endoscopy, National Cancer Center/National Clinical Research Center for Cancer/Cancer Hospital & Shenzhen Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Shenzhen, 518116, China., Zhang YM; Department of Endoscopy, National Cancer Center/National Clinical Research Center for Cancer/Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, 100021, China., Zhang W; Department of Endoscopy, National Cancer Center/National Clinical Research Center for Cancer/Cancer Hospital & Shenzhen Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Shenzhen, 518116, China., Liu Y; Department of Endoscopy, National Cancer Center/National Clinical Research Center for Cancer/Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, 100021, China. liuyong_249@126.com., Wang GQ; Department of Endoscopy, National Cancer Center/National Clinical Research Center for Cancer/Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, 100021, China. wangguiq@126.com.

    المصدر: Techniques in coloproctology [Tech Coloproctol] 2024 Jul 31; Vol. 28 (1), pp. 90. Date of Electronic Publication: 2024 Jul 31.

    نوع المنشور: Journal Article; Evaluation Study

    بيانات الدورية: Publisher: Springer-Verlag Italia Country of Publication: Italy NLM ID: 9613614 Publication Model: Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1128-045X (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 11236337 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Tech Coloproctol Subsets: MEDLINE

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    المؤلفون: Hung CM; Department of Chemistry, Center for Emerging Materials and Advanced Devices, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 106319, Taiwan., Wu CC; Department of Chemistry, Center for Emerging Materials and Advanced Devices, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 106319, Taiwan., Yang YH; Department of Chemistry, Center for Emerging Materials and Advanced Devices, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 106319, Taiwan., Chen BH; Institute of Photonics Technologies, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, 300044, Taiwan., Lu CH; Institute of Photonics Technologies, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, 300044, Taiwan., Chu CC; Department of Chemistry, Center for Emerging Materials and Advanced Devices, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 106319, Taiwan., Cheng CH; Department of Chemistry, Center for Emerging Materials and Advanced Devices, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 106319, Taiwan., Yang CY; Department of Fiber and Composite Materials, Feng Chia University, Taichung, 407802, Taiwan., Lin YD; Department of Chemistry, Center for Emerging Materials and Advanced Devices, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 106319, Taiwan., Cheng CH; Department of Chemistry, Center for Emerging Materials and Advanced Devices, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 106319, Taiwan., Chen JY; i-Center for Advanced Science and Technology (i-CAST), and Innovation and Development Center of Sustainable Agriculture (IDCSA), National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, 402202, Taiwan., Ni IC; Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 106319, Taiwan., Wu CI; Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 106319, Taiwan., Yang SD; Institute of Photonics Technologies, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, 300044, Taiwan., Chen HC; Department of Chemistry, Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei City, 242062, Taiwan., Chou PT; Department of Chemistry, Center for Emerging Materials and Advanced Devices, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 106319, Taiwan.

    المصدر: Advanced science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany) [Adv Sci (Weinh)] 2024 Jul 30, pp. e2404725. Date of Electronic Publication: 2024 Jul 30.

    نوع المنشور: Journal Article

    بيانات الدورية: Publisher: WILEY-VCH Country of Publication: Germany NLM ID: 101664569 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 2198-3844 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 21983844 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Adv Sci (Weinh) Subsets: MEDLINE

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    المؤلفون: Lee CW; Division of General Surgery, Department of Surgery, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan.; College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan.; Graduate Institute of Clinical Medical Sciences, Chang Gung University, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan., Chen HY; College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan.; Division of Chinese Internal Medicine, Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taoyuan Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan.; School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan., Tsai PH; Division of Rheumatology, Allergy and Immunology, Department of Internal Medicine, New Taipei Municipal Tucheng Hospital, Tu-Cheng, New Taipei City, Taiwan., Lee WC; Division of General Surgery, Department of Surgery, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan.; College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan., Wang CC; Division of General Surgery, Department of Surgery, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan., Yu MC; College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan.; Graduate Institute of Clinical Medical Sciences, Chang Gung University, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan.; Department of Surgery, New Taipei Municipal Tu-Cheng Hospital (Built and Operated by Chang Gung Medical Foundation), Tu-Cheng, New Taipei City, Taiwan., Chen CW; College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan.; Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan., Lin PT; College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan.; Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan., Chen BH; College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan.; Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan., Wang SF; College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan.; Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan., Chai PM; Department of Nursing, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan., Tsai HI; College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan. tsaic@hotmail.com.; Graduate Institute of Clinical Medical Sciences, Chang Gung University, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan. tsaic@hotmail.com.; Department of Anesthesiology, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, No. 5, Fuxing St., Guishan Dist., 33305, Taoyuan, Taiwan. tsaic@hotmail.com.

    المصدر: Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology [J Cancer Res Clin Oncol] 2024 Jul 20; Vol. 150 (7), pp. 354. Date of Electronic Publication: 2024 Jul 20.

    نوع المنشور: Journal Article; Multicenter Study; Observational Study

    بيانات الدورية: Publisher: Springer-Verlag Country of Publication: Germany NLM ID: 7902060 Publication Model: Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1432-1335 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 01715216 NLM ISO Abbreviation: J Cancer Res Clin Oncol Subsets: MEDLINE