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    المؤلفون: Fornaciari, Gino

    مصطلحات موضوعية: shotgun sequencing following enrichment for Human Variola Virus (VARV) revealed no evidence of VARV in this mummy. The identification of consistent HBV reads in multiple tissue samples (distal femur, Holmes EC, i.e. Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) of genotype D, among the residual bands of collagen fibres, radiocarbon (14C) dated to 1569 ± 60 years AD, the particles were covered by protein-A/gold. The controls were uniformly negative. This Neapolitan child, the amplified fragments were cloned and sequenced. Automated sequencing of several clones confirmed infection with HPV 18 and also revealed the presence of JC9813 DNA, 2017). The present cases well emphasize the relevance of paleo-dermatology studies also in paleopathology. References Fornaciari G. Le mummie aragonesi in San Domenico Maggiore di Napoli. Medicina nei Secoli, a large pedunculated branching skin neoformation (about 12 x 3 mm), a rare clinical outcome of HBV that presents as a papular acrodermatitis in children between 2 and 6 years (Snowden and Badri, Bruno J. Syphilis in a Renaissance Italian Mummy. The Lancet, 5 m ulcer with a brownish-black irregular surface at the base, founded by the Renaissance poetess Victoria Colonna, still predominant in the Mediterranean region today. Interestingly, 8507: 625 Fornaciari G, a new interpretation is that the child was not suffering from smallpox at the time of death, another putative novel HPV with low oncogenic potential. The diagnosis of condyloma acuminatum in palaeopathology is important because HPV 18 plays an important part in the pathogenesis of some epithelial cancers of the female genital tract and also because this discovery of HPV in a mummy could pave the way for further research on the secular evolution of these viruses (Fornaciari et al, a virus with high oncogenic potential. To confirm the results, a substance commonly used for skin diseases at that time. Radiographs revealed soft-tissue ulceration of the left upper arm but no skeletal abnormalities. For immunohistochemical study we used indirect immunofluorescence. Slides were incubated with human Treponema pallidum antibody (Sclavo), which we rehydrated and assessed microscopically after Masson’s trichromic staining. Light microscopy indicated an exophytic papillary skin lesion with thickened epidermis and less-dense internal tissue with dilatated vessels. These macroscopic and histological features suggested the presence of anogenital warts. To detect the presence of HPV, washed, Ventura L, 2019). The natural mummy of Ferdinando Orsini, who died some four centuries ago, 2003). The mummy of an anonymous 2-year-old boy, Giuffra V, like a palisade, composed of a central dense region surrounded by a zone of lower density. After incubation with human anti-vaccinia-virus antiserum, 2007). The study of these mummies has produced important results for paleopathology, Duggan AT, seemed affected by a severe form of smallpox (Fornaciari and Marchetti, 18: 875-896 Fornaciari G, exanthema by Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and basal cell carcinoma. Mary of Aragon (1503-68) was a typical example of a Renaissance noblewoman, analyses of modern and ancient HBV samples returned results consistent with the absence of temporal structure. These results have several important implications for the study of HBV evolution. Such a phylogenetic pattern implies that the currently circulating viral genotypes must have been associated with their specific host populations long before the 16th century, Acrodermatitis Papular (Gianotti Crosti Syndrome), 1986). However, just known as "Neapolitan disease" in the Renaissance. Further examination revealed, whose beauty attracted the admiration of the humanists. She was a member of the literary circle of Ischia, fronto-parietal bone with skin, Poinar D, The Basilica of Saint Domenico Maggiore, within the ulcer was an irregular spherical object composed of vegetable filaments immersed in sulphur, dense virus-like particles (250 nm x 150 nm), in a suspended gateway close to the vault, who lived in southern Italy, 8663: 614 Gaeta R, and the brownish, which dates to the beginning of the 14th century, with masses of necrotic epithelial-like cells inside the largest lacunae. The border between the bone and the underlying neoplastic tissue was sharp, immunochemical, Fornaciari G, 153: 643 Patterson Ross Z, Fornaciari G. The Cutaneous Cancer of Ferdinando Orsini 5th Duke of Gravina. JAMA Dermatology, in: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing, in the right paravulvar region, PLoS Pathogens 2018, Badri T, pyknotic nuclei, and ultrastructural findings thus demonstrated treponemal infection and the cutaneous ulcer is typical of third stage luetic gumma (Fornaciari et al, and covered with fluorescein-labelled goat anti-human-IgG. Many 10-20 μm filaments fluoresced an intense yellow-green and had the characteristics of treponemes. Fragments from the bottom of the ulcer were rehydrated and fixed and studied by electron-microscopy. The spiral-like structures had electron microscopic appearances typical of spirochetes. Histological, but rather Gianotti-Crosti syndrome caused by HBV infection, on samples of skin with vesicles rehydrated according to Sandison confirmed this possibility. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) showed, Poinar HN. The paradox of HBV evolution as revealed from a 16th century mummy, The Basilica of Saint Domenico Maggiore, which dates to the beginning of the 14th century, is one of the largest and most important churches in Naples, Italy. The monumental sacristy of the Basilica contains, in a suspended gateway close to the vault, 40 wooden sarcophagi with the mummies of ten Aragonese kings and other Neapolitan nobles who died in the 15th and 16th centuries (Fornaciari, 2007). The study of these mummies has produced important results for paleopathology, with cases of venereal syphilis, condyloma acuminatum, exanthema by Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and basal cell carcinoma. Mary of Aragon (1503-68) was a typical example of a Renaissance noblewoman, whose beauty attracted the admiration of the humanists. She was a member of the literary circle of Ischia, founded by the Renaissance poetess Victoria Colonna, friend of Michelangelo. Examination of her artificial mummy revealed some white-yellowish cicatricial areas on the right arm and on the left arm a linen bandage intertwined with ivy leaves covering a 1 x 1,5 m ulcer with a brownish-black irregular surface at the base, within the ulcer was an irregular spherical object composed of vegetable filaments immersed in sulphur, a substance commonly used for skin diseases at that time. Radiographs revealed soft-tissue ulceration of the left upper arm but no skeletal abnormalities. For immunohistochemical study we used indirect immunofluorescence. Slides were incubated with human Treponema pallidum antibody (Sclavo), washed, and covered with fluorescein-labelled goat anti-human-IgG. Many 10-20 μm filaments fluoresced an intense yellow-green and had the characteristics of treponemes. Fragments from the bottom of the ulcer were rehydrated and fixed and studied by electron-microscopy. The spiral-like structures had electron microscopic appearances typical of spirochetes. Histological, immunochemical, and ultrastructural findings thus demonstrated treponemal infection and the cutaneous ulcer is typical of third stage luetic gumma (Fornaciari et al., 1989). This noblewoman, who lived in southern Italy, was affected by tertiary venereal syphilis, just known as "Neapolitan disease" in the Renaissance. Further examination revealed, in the right paravulvar region, a large pedunculated branching skin neoformation (about 12 x 3 mm), which we rehydrated and assessed microscopically after Masson’s trichromic staining. Light microscopy indicated an exophytic papillary skin lesion with thickened epidermis and less-dense internal tissue with dilatated vessels. These macroscopic and histological features suggested the presence of anogenital warts. To detect the presence of HPV, we amplified DNA extracted from a sample of the lesion with L1 consensus primers GP5+/GP6+, promoting the amplification of a 141 bp sequence from 25 distinct genital HPVs. We used the amplified DNA fragment for direct hybridisation with oligonucleotides HPV 6, 11, 16, 18, 33, revealing the presence of HPV 18, a virus with high oncogenic potential. To confirm the results, the amplified fragments were cloned and sequenced. Automated sequencing of several clones confirmed infection with HPV 18 and also revealed the presence of JC9813 DNA, another putative novel HPV with low oncogenic potential. The diagnosis of condyloma acuminatum in palaeopathology is important because HPV 18 plays an important part in the pathogenesis of some epithelial cancers of the female genital tract and also because this discovery of HPV in a mummy could pave the way for further research on the secular evolution of these viruses (Fornaciari et al., 2003). The mummy of an anonymous 2-year-old boy, radiocarbon (14C) dated to 1569 ± 60 years AD, revealed a widespread vesiculopustular exanthema type eruption. The macroscopic aspects and the regional distribution suggested smallpox. Light microscopy, on samples of skin with vesicles rehydrated according to Sandison confirmed this possibility. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) showed, among the residual bands of collagen fibres, elastic tissue, pyknotic nuclei, and membrane remains with rare desmosomes, many egg-shaped, dense virus-like particles (250 nm x 150 nm), composed of a central dense region surrounded by a zone of lower density. After incubation with human anti-vaccinia-virus antiserum, followed by protein-A/gold complex immunostaining, the particles were covered by protein-A/gold. The controls were uniformly negative. This Neapolitan child, who died some four centuries ago, seemed affected by a severe form of smallpox (Fornaciari and Marchetti, 1986). However, shotgun sequencing following enrichment for Human Variola Virus (VARV) revealed no evidence of VARV in this mummy. The identification of consistent HBV reads in multiple tissue samples (distal femur, fronto-parietal bone with skin, thigh muscle, temporo-maxillary skin and leg skin) yielded sequence reads mapping closely to viral sequences from the Hepadnaviridae, i.e. Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) of genotype D, still predominant in the Mediterranean region today. Interestingly, analyses of modern and ancient HBV samples returned results consistent with the absence of temporal structure. These results have several important implications for the study of HBV evolution. Such a phylogenetic pattern implies that the currently circulating viral genotypes must have been associated with their specific host populations long before the 16th century, and hence supports a long association of HBV with human populations (Patterson Ross et al., 2018). Given these results, a new interpretation is that the child was not suffering from smallpox at the time of death, but rather Gianotti-Crosti syndrome caused by HBV infection, a rare clinical outcome of HBV that presents as a papular acrodermatitis in children between 2 and 6 years (Snowden and Badri, 2019). The natural mummy of Ferdinando Orsini, 5th Duke of Gravina (who died in 1549 about 60 years old ) revealed a widely destructive lesion of the right orbit and of the root of the nose. X-ray of the skull confirmed the extensive loss of bone with an osteolytic process involving the entire adjacent bone structures. Histology revealed several lacunae destroying the normal lamellar bone, with masses of necrotic epithelial-like cells inside the largest lacunae. The border between the bone and the underlying neoplastic tissue was sharp, and the brownish, epithelial-like tumour revealed dark margins, like a palisade, separated from the bone by clefting spaces. Histology allowed the diagnosis of a largely destroying basal cell carcinoma, with skin ulceration and osteolysis (hence the Latin name of ulcus rodens). This case of cancer is very important because it represents 1 of the only 5 cases of malignant soft-tissue tumour diagnosed in paleopathology (Gaeta et al., 2017). The present cases well emphasize the relevance of paleo-dermatology studies also in paleopathology. References Fornaciari G. Le mummie aragonesi in San Domenico Maggiore di Napoli. Medicina nei Secoli, 2007, 18: 875-896 Fornaciari G, Marchetti A. Intact Smallpox virus particles in an Italian mummy of sixteenth century. The Lancet, 1986, 8507: 625 Fornaciari G, Castagna M, Tognetti A, Tornaboni D, Bruno J. Syphilis in a Renaissance Italian Mummy. The Lancet, 1989, 8663: 614 Gaeta R, Ventura L, Fornaciari G. The Cutaneous Cancer of Ferdinando Orsini 5th Duke of Gravina. JAMA Dermatology, 2017, 153: 643 Patterson Ross Z, Klunk J, Fornaciari G, Giuffra V, Duchêne S, Duggan AT, Poinar D, Douglas MW, Eden JS, Holmes EC, Poinar HN. The paradox of HBV evolution as revealed from a 16th century mummy, PLoS Pathogens 2018, 4(2): e1006887. doi: 10.1371 Snowden J, Badri T, Acrodermatitis Papular (Gianotti Crosti Syndrome), in: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing, 2019 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK441825, Tognetti A, promoting the amplification of a 141 bp sequence from 25 distinct genital HPVs. We used the amplified DNA fragment for direct hybridisation with oligonucleotides HPV 6, Castagna M, revealed a widespread vesiculopustular exanthema type eruption. The macroscopic aspects and the regional distribution suggested smallpox. Light microscopy, Duchêne S, 4(2): e1006887. doi: 10.1371 Snowden J, 1989). This noblewoman, separated from the bone by clefting spaces. Histology allowed the diagnosis of a largely destroying basal cell carcinoma, Tornaboni D, condyloma acuminatum, with cases of venereal syphilis, Italy. The monumental sacristy of the Basilica contains, was affected by tertiary venereal syphilis, 2018). Given these results, followed by protein-A/gold complex immunostaining, thigh muscle, elastic tissue, temporo-maxillary skin and leg skin) yielded sequence reads mapping closely to viral sequences from the Hepadnaviridae, many egg-shaped, is one of the largest and most important churches in Naples, Eden JS, revealing the presence of HPV 18, we amplified DNA extracted from a sample of the lesion with L1 consensus primers GP5+/GP6+, 5th Duke of Gravina (who died in 1549 about 60 years old ) revealed a widely destructive lesion of the right orbit and of the root of the nose. X-ray of the skull confirmed the extensive loss of bone with an osteolytic process involving the entire adjacent bone structures. Histology revealed several lacunae destroying the normal lamellar bone, Klunk J, epithelial-like tumour revealed dark margins, friend of Michelangelo. Examination of her artificial mummy revealed some white-yellowish cicatricial areas on the right arm and on the left arm a linen bandage intertwined with ivy leaves covering a 1 x 1, and hence supports a long association of HBV with human populations (Patterson Ross et al, with skin ulceration and osteolysis (hence the Latin name of ulcus rodens). This case of cancer is very important because it represents 1 of the only 5 cases of malignant soft-tissue tumour diagnosed in paleopathology (Gaeta et al, Marchetti A. Intact Smallpox virus particles in an Italian mummy of sixteenth century. The Lancet, and membrane remains with rare desmosomes, 40 wooden sarcophagi with the mummies of ten Aragonese kings and other Neapolitan nobles who died in the 15th and 16th centuries (Fornaciari, Douglas MW