دورية أكاديمية

Comparative Investigation of Tungsten Fibre Nets Reinforced Tungsten Composite Fabricated by Three Different Methods.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Comparative Investigation of Tungsten Fibre Nets Reinforced Tungsten Composite Fabricated by Three Different Methods.
المؤلفون: Linhui Zhang, Yan Jiang, Qianfeng Fang, Rui Liu, Zhuoming Xie, Tao Zhang, Xianping Wang, Changsong Liu
المصدر: Metals (2075-4701); Jul2017, Vol. 7 Issue 7, p249, 12p
مصطلحات موضوعية: TUNGSTEN fibers, FIBROUS composites, SINTERING, COLD rolling, SCANNING electron microscopy
مستخلص: Tungsten fibre nets reinforced tungsten composites (Wf/W) containing four net layers were fabricated by spark plasma sintering (SPS), hot pressing (HP) and cold rolling after HP (HPCR), with the weight fraction of fibres being 17.4%, 10.5% and 10.5%, respectively. The relative density of the HPCRed samples is the highest (99.8%) while that of the HPed composites is the lowest (95.1%). Optical and scanning electron microscopy and electron back scattering diffraction were exploited to characterize the microstructure, while tensile and hardness tests were used to evaluate the mechanical properties of the samples. It was found that partial recrystallization of fibres occurred after the sintering at 1800 °C. The SPSed and HPed Wf/W composites begin to exhibit plastic deformation at 600 °C with tensile strength (TS) of 536 and 425 MPa and total elongation at break (TE) of 11.6% and 23.0%, respectively, while the HPCRed Wf/W composites exhibit plastic deformation at around 400 °C. The TS and TE of the HPCRedWf/W composites at 400 °C are 784 MPa and 8.4%, respectively. The enhanced mechanical performance of the Wf/W composites over the pure tungsten can be attributed to the necking, cracking, and debonding of the tungsten fibres. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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