Cocoa agroindustry development strategy in tourism areas.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Cocoa agroindustry development strategy in tourism areas.
المؤلفون: Amalia, Anugerah Fitri, Rahardjo, Yogi Purna, Samsudin, Raharja, Sapta, Syamsu, Khaswar
المصدر: AIP Conference Proceedings; 2024, Vol. 2957 Issue 1, p1-10, 10p
مصطلحات موضوعية: CACAO beans, LITERATURE reviews, PRICES, VALUE (Economics), COCOA, FINANCIAL management
مستخلص: People's plantations rarely undergo fermentation since the selling price of fermented cocoa beans is uncompetitive and over lengthy fermentation periods. Investments in cocoa bean processing factories require large amounts of money and skilled management, and if they are given over to groups of farmers, they may not be adequately managed. This study intends to assess the development strategy of the cocoa-based agroindustry in tourist areas, considering the right approach to fermentation technology, selling prices, added value, and the relationships between the concerned parties. From January to August 2022, the research was done through a literature review and expert interviews utilizing open-ended questionnaires. The Hayami value-added methodology and the Ministry of Trade's computation of the cost of cocoa beans to the factory were utilized, as well as a systems approach for the parties' relationships. The results indicated that the fermentation technique involving the addition of additional heat and a capacity of less than 20kg was suitable for use by farmers; the difference in the selling price of cocoa beans at the processing plant was IDR 5000-7000/kg, and the added value with that price is quite significant in comparison to the price of unfermented cocoa. Assigning farmers as marketing agents for factory-processed products suggests a form of connection between the parties. The transaction is carried out by exchanging a percentage of the profits from selling fermented cocoa beans for cocoa fat and chocolate paste, which are subsequently sold to food processors near tourist attractions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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