دورية أكاديمية

Trust in and Demand for Financial Advice.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Trust in and Demand for Financial Advice.
Alternate Title: 財務顧問諮詢的信任與需求. (Chinese)
المؤلفون: Ching-Yao Chen, Chuang-Chang Chang, Yu-Jen Hsiao, Hui-Ting Chen, Tom M. Y. Lin
المصدر: Journal of Management & Business Research (2521-4306); Mar2024, Vol. 41 Issue 1, p125-154, 30p
مصطلحات موضوعية: RETIREMENT planning, TRUST, FINANCIAL literacy, ADVICE, FINANCIAL planners, PENSIONS
مصطلحات جغرافية: TAIWAN
Abstract (English): This study employed a dataset from the 2011 National Financial Literacy Survey conducted by Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission. The study results indicate a complementary relationship between financial literacy level and consulting financial advisors. By contrast, the results indicate a substitutable relationship between financial literacy level and following financial advice. Trust in financial advisors exerts a significant positive influence on the tendency to follow financial advice. Therefore, trust is a key determinant of whether individuals follow financial advice. Furthermore, individuals with lower financial literacy levels increase their participation in retirement planning by following financial advice. Financially knowledgeable individuals are more likely to actively participate in retirement planning or purchase unit-linked insurance plans due to their higher level of knowledge and consultation with financial advisors. Finally, financial advice provided by advisors is a mediating variable between financial literacy and financial behaviors. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Abstract (Chinese): 本研究使用了臺灣金融監督管理委員會 2011 年全國金融知識調查資料. 研究結果說明, 金融知識水準與諮詢 財務顧問之間存在互補關係. 相對的, 金融知識水準與遵循財務顧問建議之間存在可替代關係. 對財務顧問的信任 對遵循財務建議的傾向產生了重要的影響. 因此, 信任是決定個人是否遵循財務建議的關鍵因素. 此外, 金融知識 水準較低的個人透過遵循財務建議來增加他們對退休規劃的參與. 具有財務知識的個人更有可能積極參與退休規劃 或購買投資型保單, 因為他們的金融知識水準較高, 並向財務顧問諮詢. 最後, 本研究證實財務顧問提供的建議是 財務知識水準和財務行為之間的-個仲介變數. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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قاعدة البيانات: Complementary Index