دورية أكاديمية

Feasibility of co-disposal of lignite and eucalyptus wood in coal-fired power plants: thermogravimetric characterization, typical gaseous pollutant emission characteristics, and economic analysis.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Feasibility of co-disposal of lignite and eucalyptus wood in coal-fired power plants: thermogravimetric characterization, typical gaseous pollutant emission characteristics, and economic analysis.
المؤلفون: Qihong Zou, Guangmin Peng, Zhaosheng Yu, Jianhua Lin, Changjiang Dou, Xinlong Liang, Chunxiang Chen, Xiaoqian Ma
المصدر: Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization & Environmental Effects; 2024, Vol. 46 Issue 1, p4137-4148, 12p
مصطلحات موضوعية: EUCALYPTUS, COAL-fired power plants, LIGNITE, POLLUTANTS, ENERGY consumption, CO-combustion
مستخلص: Energy issues are becoming increasingly prominent, and biomass blending in coal-fired power plants can improve combustion performance and reduce gaseous pollutant emissions, thereby improving economic efficiency. In this study, a thermogravimetric analyzer, a horizontal tube furnace, and an infrared flue gas analyzer were used to investigate the combustion behavior and gaseous pollutant emissions of the co-combustion of LC and EW. The results show that blending EW into LC cofiring can inhibit the release of volatile matter and promote the decomposition of fixed carbon and lignin simultaneously. The HHV of EW (15.88 MJ/kg) reaches 63.7% of LC’s (24.90 MJ/kg), indicating EW has a high energy utilization value. With increasing combustion temperature, the average value of CRS increased from 47.09% to 59.94%, and the average value of CRCl increased from 26.15% to 52.15%, leading to a significant increase in SO2 and HCl emissions. The decrease in combustion temperature slightly promoted the release of N (CRN increased from 11.76% to 14.45%). The results of the economic analysis show that the cost of CaO and NH3·H2O used for removing gaseous pollutants decreased the most, and the economic efficiency increased the fastest to 14,000 RMB/day when the EW blending ratio increased from 10% to 20%. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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قاعدة البيانات: Complementary Index