دورية أكاديمية

Modelling the Discount Function through the Yield Curve Trajectories of the Parsimonious Continuous De Rezende Framework.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Modelling the Discount Function through the Yield Curve Trajectories of the Parsimonious Continuous De Rezende Framework.
المؤلفون: Michael, Ogungbenle Gbenga, Simeon, Ogungbenle Kayode, Alfred, Chakfa Timzing
المصدر: Asian Finance Review (AFR); 2024, Vol. 2 Issue 1, p14-23, 10p
مصطلحات موضوعية: YIELD curve (Finance), EUROBOND market, GOODNESS-of-fit tests, GENERATING functions
مصطلحات جغرافية: NIGERIA
مستخلص: This paper obtains the term structure technique to produce yield curves from Nigerian Eurobond by using the De Rezende parametric function. There does not seem to exist any empirical proof that Nigeria has constructed a functional model to construct its discount function from the yield curves. Therefore, the De Rezende parsimoniously parametric function is deeply examined to make this framework applicable in presenting yield curves for Nigerian Euro bond constructed through the associated positive forward curve and from where the discount function is generated. The forward rate should be continuous and at the same time generate a positive yield curve trajectory. The objective of this paper is (i) construct the yield curve trajectories and (ii) to construct the discount function from the yield curve (iii) to construct the in-sample prediction to achieve results in predicting coefficients for longer maturities. The data presented involves the daily closing of the Nigerian Eurobond yield covering January to December 2022, which is fitted to the observed Nigerian Eurobond yield curve to construct the yield function. The ordinary least square is applied to estimate the parameters used in computing the in-sample yield. A test of goodness of fit was conducted showing that the model fits in well to the observed data demonstrated by the model's high R-square adjusted through the predicted yields after obtaining the decay factors. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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