دورية أكاديمية

Consumer Expectations in the Context of Unique Tourism Products.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Consumer Expectations in the Context of Unique Tourism Products.
Alternate Title: Pričakovanja potrošnikov v kontekstu unikatnih turističnih proizvodov. (Slovenian)
المؤلفون: Čivre, Žana, Rebec, Petra, Baruca, Petra Zabukovec
المصدر: Academica Turistica; Apr2024, Vol. 17 Issue 1, p23-34, 12p
مصطلحات موضوعية: CONSUMERS, TOURISM, CONSUMER behavior, EXPECTATION (Psychology), VIOLIN making, DESTINATION image (Tourism), LOCAL knowledge, RELATIONSHIP marketing, TOURISM marketing
مصطلحات جغرافية: SLOVENIA
Abstract (English): In response to the contemporary trend of tourists actively seeking novel, unique, and distinctive experiences, this study explores the relationship between tourists' perceptions of the uniqueness of tourism products and their expectations. Specifically, it focuses on the coastal destinations of Piran and Portorož in Slovenia, analysing four unique experiences: Gourmet Olive Tours, Fonda Fish Garden, The Disappearance of Tartini's Violin, and E-bike Extravaganza Mareatour. Using a quantitative approach, the study supports the hypothesis that the perceived uniqueness of new tourism products significantly influences tourists' expectations. The findings support the hypothesis, revealing that the perceived uniqueness of an experience is closely tied to its incorporation of local character and a strong experiential or personal touch. For instance, the Gourmet Olive Tour experience, perceived as the most unique, offers tourists immersive encounters within a landscape park and interactions with a local olive family. Furthermore, the study identifies a hierarchy of expectations among tourists, ranging from increasing knowledge of the local offer, traditions, and history, to seeking unique activities and having confidence that the experience will meet their expectations. In conclusion, the research underscores that consumers harbour high expectations for unique experiences, underlining the importance of infusing tourism products with experiential and emotional elements. The positive correlation between perceived uniqueness and expectations underscores the imperative for crafting distinct and memorable tourism offerings. The study enriches our understanding of the relationship between perceived uniqueness and expectations, offering insights for destination marketers creating distinctive tourism products. It also provides recommendations for future research, enhancing scholarly discourse on tourism product development and consumer behaviour. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Abstract (Slovenian): Pričujoča raziskava se odziva na sodobne trende v vedenju turistov, ki aktivno iščejo nova, edinstvena in posebna doživetja, zato raziskuje odnos med zaznavanjem edinstvenosti turističnih proizvodov s strani turistov in njihovimi pričakovanji. Na primeru slovenske obmorske destinacije Piran in Portorož so analizirana štiri edinstvena doživetja: Gourmet Olive Tours, Ribji vrt Fonda, Izginotje Tartinijeve violine in E-bike Extravagance Mareatour. Raziskava s kvantitativnim pristopom potrjuje hipotezo, da zaznana edinstvenost novih turističnih proizvodov pomembno vpliva na pričakovanja turistov. Ugotovitve potrjujejo hipotezo in razkrivajo, da je zaznana edinstvenost doživetja tesno povezana z vključevanjem lokalnega značaja in močnim doživljajskim ali osebnim stikom. Npr., doživetje v oljčniku, ki je bilo zaznano kot najbolj edinstveno, turiste popelje v zaledje destinacije in ponuja interakcijo z lokalno oljkarsko družino. Poleg tega raziskava opredeljuje hierarhijo pričakovanj turistov, ki vključujejo boljše poznavanje lokalne ponudbe, tradicije in zgodovine pa tudi edinstvene dejavnosti in zaupanje, da bo doživetje izpolnilo pričakovanja. Rezultati kažejo, da imajo potrošniki visoka pričakovanja glede edinstvenih doživetij, kar poudarja potrebo po izkustvenem in čustvenem poudarku v turističnih proizvodih. Pozitivna korelacija med zaznano edinstvenostjo in pričakovanji poudarja nujnost oblikovanja drugačne ter nepozabne turistične ponudbe. Raziskava prispeva k razumevanju odnosa med zaznano edinstvenostjo ter pričakovanji, bogati naše razumevanje odnosa med zaznano edinstvenostjo in pričakovanji ter ponuja dragocen vpogled za tržnike destinacij, ki želijo ustvariti edinstvene in diferencirane turistične proizvode. Prav tako podaja priporočila za prihodnje raziskave, s čimer se krepi znanstvena razprava o razvoju turističnih proizvodov in vedenju potrošnikov. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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