دورية أكاديمية

Exploring the influence of interfacial solvation on electrochemical CO2 reduction using plasmon‐enhanced vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Exploring the influence of interfacial solvation on electrochemical CO2 reduction using plasmon‐enhanced vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy.
المؤلفون: Rebstock, Jaclyn A., Zhu, Quansong, Baker, L. Robert
المصدر: ChemCatChem; 7/22/2024, Vol. 16 Issue 14, p1-12, 12p
مصطلحات موضوعية: PHOTON upconversion, ELECTROLYTIC reduction, CARBON dioxide reduction, NONLINEAR optical spectroscopy, SOLVATION, AQUEOUS electrolytes, SPECTROMETRY
مستخلص: Although interfacial solvation plays an important role in determining carbon dioxide reduction (CO2R) kinetics, present understanding of the potential dependent properties of the electrochemical double layer under conditions relevant for CO2R remains limited. This article summarizes the development and recent applications of plasmon‐enhanced vibrational sum frequency generation (VSFG) spectroscopy to study the effects of cation hydration and interfacial solvation on CO2R using CO as a vibrational Stark reporter. Results show that electrolyte cations retain their entire solvation shell upon adsorption to inactive sites, while active sites retain only a single water layer between the gold surface and the cation. Measurements also show that the total interfacial electric field can be separated into two contributions: one from the electrochemical double layer (Stern field) and another from the polar solvation environment (Onsager field). Surprisingly, correlating VSFG spectra with reaction kinetics reveals that it is the solvation‐mediated Onsager field that governs the chemical reactivity at the electrode/electrolyte interface. Measuring the interfacial water spectra during electrocatalysis also provides evidence for the proton source during H2 evolution, which competes with CO2R in aqueous electrolyte. These findings highlight the importance of directly probing cation hydration and interfacial solvation, which mediates reaction kinetics at electrochemical interfaces. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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