دورية أكاديمية

Sahl and the Tājika Yogas: Indian transformations of Arabic astrology.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Sahl and the Tājika Yogas: Indian transformations of Arabic astrology.
المؤلفون: Gansten, Martin, Wikander, Ola
المصدر: Annals of Science; Oct2011, Vol. 68 Issue 4, p531-546, 16p
مصطلحات موضوعية: ASTROLOGY -- History, ARAB astrology, HINDU astrology
Reviews & Products: KITAB al-'ahkam 'ala 'n-nisba al-falakiyya (Book), TAJIKANILAKANTHI (Book), TAJIKABHUSANA (Book)
People: IBN Bishr, Sahl
مستخلص: This paper offers a positive identification of Sahl ibn Bishr's Kitāb al-˒ aḥkām ˓alā ˒n-niṣba al-falakiyya as the Arabic source text for what is perhaps the most characteristic feature of the medieval Perso-Indian style of astrology known as tājika: the sixteen yogas or types of planetary configurations. The dependence of two late sixteenth-century tājika works in Sanskrit – Nīlakaṇṭha's Tājikanīlakaṇṭhī and Gaṇeśa's Tājikabhūṣaṇa – on Sahl, presumably through one or more intermediary texts, is demonstrated by a comparison of the terminology and examples employed; and the Indian reception of Arabic astrology is discussed, including reinterpretations of technical terms occasioned partly by corrupt transmission. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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