The electrical characteristics analysis of SiOxNy ARC for sub-0.17· ·Gigabit DRAM.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: The electrical characteristics analysis of SiOxNy ARC for sub-0.17· ·Gigabit DRAM.
المؤلفون: Chi-Hoon Lee, Nak-Jin Son, Sun-Cheol Hong, Seung-Moo Lee, Dong-Gun Park, Won-Hee Jang, Tae-Hyun An, Wonshik Lee
المصدر: 2001 International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium. Symposium Proceedings (Cat. No.01EX497); 2001, p38-41, 4p
قاعدة البيانات: Complementary Index