Construction--Wintertime Compaction and LNG Facilities in Fairbanks, Alaska.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Construction--Wintertime Compaction and LNG Facilities in Fairbanks, Alaska.
المؤلفون: Prusak, D., Daggett, A. P., Quakenbush, J., Thornley, J. D.
المصدر: ASCE Proceedings of the International Conference on Cold Regions Engineering; 2019, p432-439, 8p
مستخلص: Numerous case studies are presented with regularity which show that compaction of soils during the winter is fraught with generally inadequate results. The LNG storage tank construction timeline provided very few options for excavation and backfill activities to occur in warmer months. Careful consideration was given to key parameters required for compaction during the winter in Fairbanks, where the average winter temperature is -15°C. Air temperature, wind, soil temperature, and moisture conditioning constraints were defined prior to the start of winter compaction efforts. Careful execution of the plan and attention to the weather and soil behavior allowed for a successful structural backfill compaction effort. The paper identifies the key parameters and discusses instances when conditions varied those parameters and how construction was impacted. Additional discussion is presented regarding the integration of other site work and construction activities at adjacent facilities. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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