Poster session 6

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Poster session 6
المؤلفون: Lofmark, H, Winter, R, Moukarzel, JA, Filipuzzi, JM, Vaisbuj, F, Salmo, F, Guevara, E, Barbier, P, Savioli, G, Keramida, K, Kouris, N, Dawson, D, Olympios, CD, Nihoyannopoulos, P, Meel, R, Peters, F, Libhaber, E, Nel, S, Goncalves, R, Essop, MR, Dinis, P G, Teixeira, R, Madeira, M, Cachulo, MC, Goncalves, L, Jorstig, S, Emilsson, K, Waldenborg, M, Liden, M, Wodecki, M, Thunberg, P, Perez, Valverde, Sotelo, J, Beerbaum, P, Grotenhuis, H, Greil, G, Razavi, R, Uribe, S, Figueroa, A, Zemedkun, M, Wang, Z, Asch, FM, Gizzi, G, Fabiani, D, Lavorgna, A, Napoletano, C, Saha, S K, Muthukumar, L, Englund, E, Toole, R, Gopal, AS, Di Salvo, G, Issa, Z, Moiduddin, N, Siblini, G, Bulbul, Z, Yurdakul, SELEN, Ercan, G, Tekkesin, ILKER, Sahin, ST, Cengiz, B, Celik, G, Demircan, SABRI, Aytekin, SAIDE, Chumarnaya, T, Alueva, Y, Kochmasheva, VV, Solovyova, O, Tuset, L, Maceira Gonzalez, A M, Igual, B, Bruin De- Bon, HACM, Cocchieri, R, Wagner, GS, Eberl, S, Brink Van Den, RBA, Bouma, BJ, Onishi, T, Kawai, H, Tanaka, H, Fujiwara, S, Hirata, K, Marketou, M, Parthenakis, F, Kontaraki, J, Patrianakos, A, Nakou, H, Maragkoudakis, S, Vougia, D, Logakis, J, Roufas, K, Vardas, P, Bayuga, MT, Ramboyong, RE, Johansson, M C, Wallentin Guron, C, Thurin, A, Wessling, N, Almodares, Q, Fu, M, Mandour Ali, M, Mohamed, LA, Abd Al-Rahman, T, Maghraby, HM, Kora, IM, Abdel-Hameed, FR, Ali, MN, King, GJ, Byrne, D, Bennett, K, Norris, K, Daly, C, Murphy, RT, Marti, G, Degiovanni, A, Di Ruocco, MV, Sartori, C, Devecchi, P, Marino, P, Angelis, A, Aggeli, K, Ioakeimidis, N, Felekos, I, Aznaouridis, K, Rokas, K, Abdelrasoul, M, Terentes, D, Vlachopoulos, C, Tousoulis, D, Spinelli, L, Stabile, E, Santoro, M, Morisco, C, Giudice, C A, Esposito, G, Trimarco, B, Dragoi Galrinho, R, Ciobanu, AO, Rimbas, RC, Manole, GC, Marinescu, B, Vinereanu, D, Krljanac, G, Trifunovic, D, Savic, L, Asanin, M, Lasica, R, Aleksandric, S, Zlatic, N, Petrovic, M, Jovanovic, LJ, Mrdovic, I, Zahidova, K, aethiology, Chronic heart failure of ishemic, anemia, Trifunovic, D, Krljanac, G, Sobic Saranovic, D, Asanin, M, Grozdic Milojevic, I, Savic, L, Vasiljevic, Z, Aleksandric, S, Srdic, M, Mrdovic, I, Mateescu, AD, Calin, A, Rosca, M, Beladan, CC, Enache, R, Gurzun, MM, Varga, P, Calin, C, Ginghina, C, Popescu, BA, Melissopoulou, M, Nguyen, V, Mathieu, T, Attias, D, Dreyfus, J, Codogno, I, Vahanian, A, Messika-Zeitoun, D, study, The COFRASA/GENERAC, Stefanidis, A, Komatanou, E, Anagnostou, E, Armatas, G, Samiotou, D, Papaspyropoulos, A, Philippou, P, Korlou, P, Tzerefos, S, Kranidis, A, Kammerer, I, Wiedemann, M, Sack, FU, Koyama, T, Fukuhara, K, Imai, K, Yamada, R, Kume, T, Neishi, Y, Uemura, S, Pergola, V, Di Salvo, G, Fadel, B, Aladmawi, M, Shahid, M, Alamri, M, Bulbul, Z, Issa, Z, Alhalees, Z, Rafael De La Espriella Juan, RDLE, Rafael Paya-Serrano, RPS, Jose-Leando Perez-Bosca, JLPB, Francisco Ridocci-Soriano, FRS, Oscar Fabregat-Andres, OFA, Cristina Albiach-Montanana, CAM, Natalia Chacon-Hernandez, NCH, Laura Higueras-Ortega, LHO, Blanca Trejo-Velasco, BTV, Salvador Morell-Cabedo, SMC, Bech-Hanssen, O, Polte, CL, Johnsson, AA, Cederbom, U, Lagerstrand, K, Gao, SA, Cho, E J, Hwang, J W, Park, S J, Yun, H R, Lee, S C, Park, S W, Poilane, M, Cueff, C, Jaafar, P, Jobbe Duval, A, Guijarro, D, Le Tourneau, T, Vaturi, M, Kotler, T, Shapira, Y, Weisenberg, D, Monakier, D, Kazum, S, Sagie, A, Valuckiene, Z, Ovsianas, J, Jurgaityte, J, Jasiskyte, V, Jurkevicius, R, Jenei, C, Muraru, D, Aruta, P, Miglioranza, M H, Cavalli, G, Romeo, G, Peluso, D, Cucchini, U, Iliceto, S, Badano, L P, Yesin, M, Kalcik, M, Gursoy, MO, Gunduz, S, Astarcioglu, MA, Karakoyun, S, Bayam, E, Cersit, S, Ozkan, M, Galuszka, O M, Reinthaler, M, Rutschow, S, Gross, M, Landmesser, U, Kasner, M, Caggegi, A M, Scandura, S, Capranzano, P, Mangiafico, S, Ronsivalle, G, Cannata, S, Farruggio, S, Giaquinta, S, Grasso, C, Tamburino, C, Merchan Cuenda, M, Fuentes Canamero, M E, Bengla Limpo, B, Chacon Pinero, A, Millan Nunez, M V, Nogales Asensio, JM, Lopez Minguez, J R, Garcia Corrales, C, Aranda Lopez, C, Merchan Herrera, A, Merchan Cuenda, M, Fuentes Canamero, M E, Bengla Limpo, B, Millan Nunez, M V, Nogales Asensio, J M, Lopez Minguez, J R, Chacon Pinero, A, Marquez Lozano, P, Garcia Corrales, C, Merchan Herrera, A, Lo Presti, M, Polizzi, V, Pino, GP, Luzi, G, Fiorilli, R, Pergolini, A, Madeo, A, Malouf, J, Buffa, V, Musumeci, F, Islas, F, Almeria, C, Olmos, C, Garcia, E, Nombela, L, De Agustin, JA, Marcos-Alberca, P, Mahia, P, Macaya, C, Perez De Isla, L, Pontes Dos Santos, R A, Correia, E, Cruz, I, Reis, L, Oliveira, M, Faria, R, Magalhaes, P, Domingues, K, Picarra, B, Marques, N, Nemes, A, Domsik, P, Kalapos, A, Sepp, R, Foldeak, D, Borbenyi, Z, Forster, T, Masiha, S, Reis, L, Teixeira, R, Caetano, F, Almeida, I, Trigo, J, Botelho, A, Silva, J, Nascimento, J, Goncalves, L, Cubero Gallego, H, Dobarro Perez, D, Diez De Las Heras, D, Llerena Butron, S, Tobar Ruiz, J, Martin Morquecho, I, Arnold, R, San Roman Calvar, JA, De Gregorio, C, Ando', G, Dattilo, G, Trio, O, Cusma' Piccione, M, Zito, C, Nicotera, A, D'angelo, M, Carerj, S, Ziolkowska, L, Spiewak, M, Malek, L, Boruc, A, Kawalec, W, Alvarez-Ortega, C A, Gonzalez Fernandez, O, Refoyo Salicio, E, Mori, R, Peinado Peinado, R, Lago, M, Trigo, E, Lopez-Sedon, JL, Yuan, L, Zhang, XX, Xie, MX, Jin, XY, Hospital, Union, College, Tongji Medical, Science, Huazhong University of, Technology, Ultrasonography, Department of, Leao, S, Bento, D, Lourenco, C, Domingues, K, Almeida, AR, Marmelo, B, Picarra, B, Lima, R, Faria, R, Azevedo, O, Accadia, M, Irace, L, Abitabile, M, Iengo, R, Arnese, MR, Cocchia, R, Scotto Di Uccio, F, Spadaro, P, Tuccillo, A, Tuccillo, B, Budnik, M, Piatkowski, R, Kochanowski, J, Gaska, M, Glowacka, P, Karolczak, P, Ochijewicz, D, Opolski, G, Stevanovic, A, Dekleva, M, Tsai, W-C, Yang, L-T, Liu, Y-W, Abusalma, Y, O'connell, E, Kenny, C, Mcdonald, K, Mohamed Fereig Hamed, H, Hafez, EMAN, Habib, SHIMAA, Peluso, D, Pigatto, E, Romeo, G, Cucchini, U, Muraru, D, Aruta, P, Cozzi, F, Punzi, L, Iliceto, S, Badano, LP, Podoleanu, C, Coman, I, Jeremias, ZS, Varga, A, Tarta, C, Grancea, I, Tarusi, M, Frigy, A, Carasca, E, Doronzo, A, Piazza, R, Neglia, L, Cervesato, E, Nicolosi, GL, Cassin, M, Upton, R, Aye, C, Davis, E, Packham, A, Arnold, L, Kenworthy, Y, Lamata, P, Lewandowski, A, Leeson, P, Abuladze, GA, Jinjolia, NJ, Ribeiro, JM, Teixeira, R, Fernandes, A, Cassandra, M, Pinto, H, Marques, MG, Raposo, H, Carreira, A, Campos, M, Goncalves, L, De La Chica, JA, Ortiz Garrido, A, Cuenca, V, Conejo, L, Zabala, I, De Mora, M, Petruzzelli, MF, Vasti, MP, Scali, MC, Tramacere, F, D'errico, MP, Gianicolo, EAL, Andreassi, MG, Picano, E, Portaluri, M, Ferrera Duran, C, Gomez-Escalonilla, C, De Agustin, JA, Egido, J, Almeria, C, Simal, P, Marcos, P, Rodrigo, JL, Macaya, C, Perez De Isla, L, Tomaszewski, M, Brzozowski, W, Tomaszewski, A, Poterala, M, Diaz-Pelaez, E, Marciniak, A, Gargallo-Fernandez, P, Barrio-Rodriguez, A, Araco, M, Sharma, R, Wierzbowska-Drabik, K, Kasprzak, JD, Wierzbowska-Drabik, K, Kasprzak, JD, Velasco Del Castillo, S, Anton Ladislao, A, Cacicedo Fernandez Bobadilla, A, Onandia Gandarias, JJ, Sainz, S, Gomez Sanchez, V, Rodriguez Sanchez, I, Garcia Cuenca, E, Zugazabeitia Irazabal, G, Generati, G, Bandera, F, Pellegrino, M, Carbone, F, Labate, V, Alfonzetti, E, Villani, S, Gaeta, M, Ferraro, O, Guazzi, M, Zaborska, B, Smarz, K, Pilichowska-Paszkiet, E, Sikora-Frac, M, Budaj, A, De Diego Soler, O, Ferrer Sistach, E, Vallejo Camazon, N, Lopez-Ayerbe, J, Teis Soley, A, Gual Capllonch, F, Serrano Garcia, S, Bernal Labrador, E, Junca Puig, G, Bayes-Genis, A, Merchan-Gomez, S, Garcia-Sanchez, MJ, Barreiro-Perez, MJ, Arribas-Jimenez, A, Sanchez-Corral, E, Cruz-Gonzalez, I, Martin-Leal, LI, Gajate-Herrero, D, Perdiguero-Martin, PL, Sanchez-Fernandez, PL, Lee, M, Jang, YJ, Lee, YJ, Kim, YS, Chun, WJ, Kang, GH, Oh, JH, Aquila, I, Hinojar, R, Fernandez-Golfin, C, Gonzalez, A, Rincon, LM, Casas, E, Ruiz, S, Barrios, V, Jimenez-Nacher, JJ, Zamorano, JL, Necas, J, Kovalova, S, Perea, GO, Lombardero, M, Henquin, R, Tinetti, M, Corneli, M, Sotaquira, Miguel, Cairati, Mattia, Ettorre, Alessandro, Pepi, Mauro, Tamborini, Gloria, Caiani, Enrico, Sanchez-Martinez, S, Duchateau, N, Erdei, T, Fraser, A, Piella, G, Bijnens, B H, Nestaas, E, Stoylen, A, Fugelseth, D, Hinojar, R, Fernandez-Golfin, C, Esteban, A, Gonzalez-Gomez, A, Garcia-Martin, A, Casas Rojo, E, Pascual-Izco, M, Jimenez-Nacher, JJ, Zamorano, JL, Cerne, A, Berden, P, Agelaki, M, Sundar, S, Antonakaki, D, Grapsa, J, Dawson, D, Papadopoulos, C, Katsivas, A, Nihoyannopoulos, P, Sanchis Ruiz, L, Sanz, M, Bijnens, B, Giraldeau, G, Grazioli, G, Marin, M, Montserrat, S, Sitges, M, Cambronero Cortinas, E, Grapsa, J, Dawson, D, Howard, L, Gin-Sing, W, Valle, A, Corbi-Pascual, MJ, Saez-Mendez, L, Gibbs, S, Nihoyannopoulos, P, Grue, J F, Storve, S, Mjoelstad, O C, Samstad, S O, Dalen, H, Torp, H, Haugen, B O, Yim, D, Mertens, L, Friedberg, MK, Grosse-Wortmann, L, Dragulescu, A, Djikic, DDJ, Simic, SD, Peric, VP, Mujovic, NM, Jankovic, NJ, Marinkovic, MM, Martinez Santos, P, Batlle Lopez, E, Vilacosta, I, Sanchez Sauce, B, De La Rosa Riestra, A, Alonso Bello, J, Espana Barrio, E, Jimenez Valtierra, J, Campuzano Ruiz, R, Rios, Martin, Vrsalovic, M, Hummel, SL, Ghanbari, H, Alpert, C, Oral, H, Kolias, TJ, Mghaieth Zghal, F, Jabberi, Z, Rekik, B, Boudiche, S, Aloui, H, Ben Hlima, M, Ouali, S, Larbi, N, Mourali, MS, Nemes, A, Marton, I, Domsik, P, Kalapos, A, Posfai, E, Modok, S, Borbenyi, Z, Forster, T, Maceira Gonzalez, A M, Monmeneu, JV, Igual, B, Lopez Lereu, MP, Garcia, P, Cosin Sales, J, Maceira Gonzalez, A M, Igual, B, Monmeneu, JV, Lopez Lereu, P, Garcia, MP, Cosin Sales, J, Bala, G, Baudhuin, H, Gillis, K, Remory, I, Krasniqi, A, Lahoutte, T, Devoogdt, N, Droogmans, S, Cosyns, B, Hernot, S, Bulugahapitiya, D S, Bebb, O, Moustafa, A, Vilades, D, Colom Comi, C, Perez-Perez, A, Carreras, F, Leta, R, Pons, G, Jinjolia, NJ, Abuladze, GA
المصدر: European Journal of Echocardiography; December 2015, Vol. 16 Issue: Supplement 2 pS213-S213, 1p
مستخلص: Purpose: To explore the cost effectiveness of expert hand-held echo (HHE) upstream as an alternative to referral for a complete transthoracic echo (TTE) in clinical routine. We hypothized that an upstream HHE approach would prove adequate and cost effective in terms of - Decrease the numbers of required TTE - Fewer revisits to the outpatient unit - Shorten the length of admission - Increase the number of higly specialized echoes, i.e. stress echo, transesophageal echoes - Shorten the time to final diagnosis and decrease the concerns for the patient who is forced to wait for survey and results at complete TTE. Methods: In this study, a HHE scanner (V-scan, GE Health care) was kept available for the senior consultants with level 3 TTE certification, for use in patients where a TTE was indicated. HHE was performed in different clinical scenarios such in the emergency room, during consultation of inpatients or in the clinic of outpatients. The results of HHE was documented in the patient record under a heading and can directly be found upon request. The length of hospital stay during a representative week, is compared between patients who have not undergone HHE with patients undergoing HHE. Results: Out of a total of 94 patients examined with HHE, 71 patients were not in need of a complete TTE. Additional 11 patients received a more rapid investigation i.e stress-echo, transesophageal echocardiography or other investigations that would otherwise have been delayed because of waiting for the complete TTE. 12 patients were in need of a complete TTE for a more precise analysis. In the heart clinic of Danderyds hospital approximately 18 inpatients were examined with a complete TTE every ordinary week and that postpone the day of submission from hospital among approximately 6 patients a week. Every day of care in hospital cost 445 € in an ordinary ward and 981 € in the heart intensive care unit. This means there is a cost benefit of approximately 3741 € every week if it is possible to prevent this postponing of submission. Conclusions: Upstream HHE in clinical routine was in the setting of this study highly cost-effective, decreasing the need of TTE to a great extent, and leading to quicker diagnosis, shorter hospital stays and less anxiety in patients during the waiting time for a complete TTE and before a response is received.
قاعدة البيانات: Supplemental Index