Anomaly in decay of 8Be and 4He -- can an observed light boson mediate low energy nucleon-nucleon interactions ?

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Anomaly in decay of 8Be and 4He -- can an observed light boson mediate low energy nucleon-nucleon interactions ?
المؤلفون: Martin Veselsky, Jozef Leja, Vlasios Petousis
سنة النشر: 2020
مصطلحات موضوعية: Physics, Quantum chromodynamics, Nuclear and High Energy Physics, Particle physics, Nuclear Theory, FOS: Physical sciences, Nuclear Theory (nucl-th), High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph), Nuclear force, Invariant mass, Vector meson, Anomaly (physics), Nuclear Experiment (nucl-ex), Nucleon, Chiral symmetry breaking, Nuclear Experiment, Boson
الوصف: We present a hypothesis that the anomaly in the folding angle distribution of electron-positron pairs, emitted in the decay of the excited levels of nucleus $^{8}$Be and $^{4}$He can be related to the cluster structure of the decaying state. Furthermore, we present a hypothesis that the potentially observed boson with re st mass $m_{X}$=17 MeV can mediate the nucleon-nucleon interaction at the low-energy regime of QCD, in particular in the weakly bound cluster state p+$^{7}$Li,$^{3}$H. We present a possible equations of state of symmetric nuclear matter corresponding to the vector meson mass $m_{v}$=17 MeV, obtained using relativistic mean field theory of nuclear force, QHD-I in particular, with physically relevant incompessibility K$_{0}$=240-260 MeV and the values of couplings $g_{v}$, $g_{s}$ lower than unity. Based on concepts of chiral symmetry breaking, we show that reduction of the rest mass of pseudoscalar particle from physical value $m_{\pi}$=135 MeV to $m_{X}$=17 MeV is equivalent to reduction of the quark mass from dynamical value around 310 MeV down to current quark mass around 5 MeV ($\frac{m_{X}^2} {m_{q,curr}} \simeq \frac{m_{\pi}^2} {m_{q,dyn}}$). Corresponding version of Goldberger-Treiman relation leads to the value of coupling close to the results from relativistic mean field theory of nuclear force. Both model approaches thus point towards apparent restoration of chiral symmetry in nucleon-nucleon interaction at large distances, possibly via bounce into false instanton vacuum. Observation of boson with rest mass $m_{X}$=17 MeV in the decay of high lying excited states of $^{8}$Be and $^{4}$He can possibly resolve one of the longest lasting open questions in nuclear physics.
Comment: Version accepted for publication in Journal of Physics G, 10 pages
اللغة: English
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حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.doi.dedup.....42112ab226f56e504d2b72cc520dbb17
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE