Wine label design and making of the visual identity of the winery

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Wine label design and making of the visual identity of the winery
المؤلفون: Miloš, Robert
المساهمون: Morić, Marko
بيانات النشر: Sveučilište Sjever. Sveučilišni centar Varaždin. Odjel za multimediju., 2021.
سنة النشر: 2021
مصطلحات موضوعية: psihologija boja, grafički dizajn, typography, vinska industrija, TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Graphic Technology. Processes of Graphic Reproduction, tipografija, graphic production, grafička proizvodnja, color psychology, graphic design, TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Grafička tehnologija. Procesi grafičke reprodukcije, wine industry
الوصف: Čovjek je vizualno biće, te se prema njemu tako treba i odnositi. Ova rečenica bi trebala biti prvo pravilo svakog dizajnera, neovisno za koji proizvod se dizajn odnosi. Bio to dizajn paste za zube, kutije parfema ili etiketa za vino. Prvi susret proizvoda i dizajna, kupac doživljava upravo putem vida, te se u tih nekoliko sekundi stvara dojam o tom proizvodu. Ukoliko je dizajn oku neprivlačan ili jednostavno loše kvalitete, malo je vjerojatno da će posegnuti upravo za tim proizvodom. Upravo zbog toga, svaki proizvođač mora uložiti puno truda u sam dizajn, ako želi imati proizvod koji će biti relevantan na tržištu. To je vrlo bitno u vinskoj industriji, ovdje sam dizajn, te općenito ambalaža u kojoj se vino nalazi, govori puno o samoj kvaliteti proizvoda. Zbog toga, vrlo je važno, kako kvalitetnim dizajnom, ispravnom tipografijom, te pravilnim rasporedom elemenata stvoriti emocionalnu povezanost između samog proizvoda, odnosno boce vina, te potrošača. Man is a visual being, and that is how he should be treated. This sentence should be the first rule of every designer, regardless of which product the design refers to. Should it be the toothpaste packaging design, perfume boxes or wine labels. The first encounter between the product and the design, the customer experiences precisely through sight, and in those few seconds the impression of that product is created. If the design is unattractive to the eye, or simply said, is not good enough, it is very unlikely that consumer will reach for that product. Precisely because of this, every manufacturer has to put a lot of effort into the design itself, if he wants to have a product that will be relevant on the market. This is very important in the wine industry, therefore, the design itself, and in general the packaging of in which the wine is placed, says a lot about the quality of the product. Therefore, it is very important how to create an emotional connection between the product itself, the bottle of wine, and the buyer, using a quality design, correct typography, and the correct arrangement of elements.
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اللغة: Croatian
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حقوق: OPEN
رقم الأكسشن: edsair.od......3702..a7de70d56c702d77ed90ddab3fdc86aa
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE