Construction of precision wire readout planes for the Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND)

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Construction of precision wire readout planes for the Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND)
المؤلفون: Acciarri, R., Adams, C., Andreopoulos, C., Asaadi, J., Babicz, M., Backhouse, C., Badgett, W., Bagby, L. F., Barker, D., Barnes, C., Basharina-Freshville, A., Basque, V., Baxter, A., Bazetto, M. C. Q., Beltramello, O., Betancourt, M., Bhanderi, A., Bhat, A., Bishai, M. R. M., Bitadze, A., Blake, A. S. T., Boissevain, J., Bonifazi, C., Book, J. Y., Brailsford, D., Brandt, A., Bremer, J., Brooks, T., Bullard, B. A., Camilleri, L., Carneiro, M. F., Fernández, R. Castillo, Chalifour, M., Chen, Y., Chen, H., Chisnall, G., Cianci, D., Crespo-Anadón, J. I., Cristaldo, E., Cuesta, C., Astiz, I. L. de Icaza, De Roeck, A., Pereira, G. De Sá, de Souza, G., Dennis, S. R., Di Giulio, L., Dixon, S., Elvin, A., Ereditato, A., Evans, J. J., Ezeribe, A. C., Fabre, C., Farrell, J., Fitzpatrick, R. S., Fleming, B. T., Foppiani, N., Foreman, W., Franco, D., Freestone, J., Furmanski, A. P., Gamble, T., Gao, S., Garcia-Gamez, D., Garman, M. P., Gatti, H. F., Ge, G., Gil-Botella, I., Gollapinni, S., Goodwin, O., Green, P., Griffith, W. C., Guenette, R., Guzowski, P., Hamilton, P., Hentschel, S., Hill, C. M., Holin, A., Holt, S., Hrivnak, J., Huang, E. C., James, C. C., Jones, R. S., Jwa, Y., Karagiorgi, G., Kemp, E., Kim, M. J., Kose, U., Kreslo, I., Kubecki, S., Kudryavtsev, V. A., Lacarelle, B., Langstaff, M. R., Larkin, J., LaZur, R., Lepetic, I., Littlejohn, B. R., Lorca, D., Louis, W. C., Machado, A. A., Malek, M., Mariani, C., Marinho, F., Mastbaum, A., Mavrokoridis, K., McConkey, N., Meddage, V., Mercer, I., Mettler, T., Miller, K., Mistry, K., Mladenov, D., Mogan, A. J., Molina, J., Mooney, M., Mousseau, J., Nessi, M., Ni, S., Northrop, R., Nowak, J., Palamara, O., Palestini, S., Palomares, C., Pandey, V., Pater, J. R., Paulucci, L., Pavlovic, Z., Payne, D., Peres, O. L. G., Peres, O., Piastra, F., Pietropaolo, F., Pimentel, V. L., Pons, X., Putnam, G., Qian, X., Radeka, V., Raguzin, E., Ratoff, P., Ray, H., Rebel, B., Reggiani-Guzzo, M., Resnati, F., Rielage, K., Rigamonti, A., Rivera, D., Roda, M., Ross-Lonergan, M., Scanavini, G., Scarff, A., Schmitz, D. W., Schukraft, A., Segreto, E., Seletskaya, E., Shaevitz, M. H., Sinclair, J., Soares, R., Soderberg, M., Söldner-Rembold, S., Souza, H. V., Spagliardi, F., Spanu, M., Spitz, J., Spooner, N. J. C., Stancari, M., Statter, J., Stenico, G. V., Strauss, T., Sutcliffe, P., Sutton, K., Szelc, A. M., Tang, W., Vidal, J. Tena, Thorn, C., Thornton, R. T., Torretta, D., Toups, M., Touramanis, C., Tripathi, M., Tufanli, S., Tyley, E., Valdiviesso, G. A., Van de Water, R., Weber, M., Wilson, P., Wilson, A., Worcester, M., Worcester, E., Wright, M. H., Wright, N., Yu, B., Yu, J., Zamorano, B., Zani, A., Zennamo, J., Zhao, M.
سنة النشر: 2020
المجموعة: High Energy Physics - Experiment
Physics (Other)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors, High Energy Physics - Experiment
الوصف: The Short-Baseline Near Detector time projection chamber is unique in the design of its charge readout planes. These anode plane assemblies (APAs) have been fabricated and assembled to meet strict accuracy and precision requirements: wire spacing of 3 mm +/- 0.5 mm and wire tension of 7 N +/- 1 N across 3,964 wires per APA, and flatness within 0.5 mm over the 4 m +/- 2.5 m extent of each APA. This paper describes the design, manufacture and assembly of these key detector components, with a focus on the quality assurance at each stage.
Comment: 42 pages, 45 figures. Prepared for submission to JINST
نوع الوثيقة: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/15/06/P06033
URL الوصول:
رقم الأكسشن: edsarx.2002.08424
قاعدة البيانات: arXiv