The End of Myths and Legends about the Biological and Cultural Evolution: A New View in the Knowledge on Hominid Paleo-Ethoecology

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: The End of Myths and Legends about the Biological and Cultural Evolution: A New View in the Knowledge on Hominid Paleo-Ethoecology
المؤلفون: Serrallonga, Jordi
المصدر: Cambridge Handbook of Sociocultural Psychology. 2007, p187-202.
الوصف: The End of Myths and Legends about the Biological and Cultural Evolution: A New View in the Knowledge on Hominid Paleo-Ethoecology Current studies about the biological and cultural evolution of [...]
قاعدة البيانات: Gale eBooks