Colorectal Cancer Stem Cells

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Colorectal Cancer Stem Cells
المؤلفون: Leung, C, Rehman, S, Haller, A, Haynes, J, Wang, Y, Lima-Fernandes, E, Puri, A, O’Brien, C. A, Agro, L
المصدر: Cancer Stem Cells : Targeting the Roots of Cancer, Seeds of Metastasis, and Sources of Therapy Resistance. 2016, p177-209.
الوصف: Colorectal Cancer Stem Cells INTRODUCTION Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are defined first and foremost by their capacity to self-renew and the ability to differentiate into the heterogeneous populations of cancer [...]
قاعدة البيانات: Gale eBooks