مورد إلكتروني

Homogeneity assessment of the SuperCam calibration targets onboard rover perseverance

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Homogeneity assessment of the SuperCam calibration targets onboard rover perseverance
المؤلفون: Madariaga, J. M., Aramendia, J., Arana, G., Castro, K., Gomez-Nubla, L., de Vallejuelo, S. Fdez-Ortiz, Garcia-Florentino, C., Maguregui, M., Manrique, J. A., Lopez-Reyes, G., Moros, J., Cousin, A., Maurice, S., Ollila, A. M., Wiens, R. C., Rull, F., Laserna, J., Garcia-Baonza, V., Madsen, M. B., Forni, O., Lasue, J., Clegg, S. M., Robinson, S., Bernardi, P., Brown, A. J., Cais, P., Martinez-Frias, J., Beck, P., Bernard, S., Bernt, M. H., Beyssac, O., Cloutis, E., Drouet, C., Dromart, G., Dubois, B., Fabre, C., Gasnault, O., Gontijo, I., Johnson, J. R., Medina, J., Meslin, P. -Y., Montagnac, G., Sautter, V., Sharma, S. K., Veneranda, M., Willis, P. A.
المصدر: Madariaga , J M , Aramendia , J , Arana , G , Castro , K , Gomez-Nubla , L , de Vallejuelo , S F-O , Garcia-Florentino , C , Maguregui , M , Manrique , J A , Lopez-Reyes , G , Moros , J , Cousin , A , Maurice , S , Ollila , A M , Wiens , R C , Rull , F , Laserna , J , Garcia-Baonza , V , Madsen , M B , Forni , O , Lasue , J , Clegg , S M , Robinson , S , Bernardi , P , Brown , A J , Cais , P , Martinez-Frias , J , Beck , P , Bernard , S , Bernt , M H , Beyssac , O , Cloutis , E , Drouet , C , Dromart , G , Dubois , B , Fabre , C , Gasnault , O , Gontijo , I , Johnson , J R , Medina , J , Meslin , P -Y , Montagnac , G , Sautter , V , Sharma , S K , Veneranda , M & Willis , P A 2022 , ' Homogeneity assessment of the SuperCam calibration targets onboard rover perseverance ' , Analytica Chimica Acta , vol. 1209 , 339837 .
بيانات النشر: 2022-05-29
نوع الوثيقة: Electronic Resource
مستخلص: The SuperCam instrument, onboard the Perseverance rover (Mars 2020 mission) is designed to perform remote analysis on the Martian surface employing several spectroscopic techniques such as Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), Time-Resolved Raman (TRR), Time-Resolved Fluorescence (TRF) and Visible and Infrared (VISIR) reflectance. In addition, SuperCam also acquires high-resolution images using a color remote micro imager (RMI) as well as sounds with its microphone. SuperCam has three main subsystems, the Mast Unit (MU) where the laser for chemical analysis and collection optics are housed, the Body Unit (BU) where the different spectrometers are located inside the rover, and the SuperCam Calibration Target (SCCT) located on the rover's deck to facilitate calibration tests at similar ambient conditions as the analyzed samples. To perform adequate calibrations on Mars, the 22 mineral samples included in the complex SCCT assembly must have a very homogeneous distribution of major and minor elements. The analysis and verification of such homogeneity for the 5-6 replicates of the samples included in the SCCT has been the aim of this work. To verify the physic chemical homogeneity of the calibration targets, micro Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) imaging was first used on the whole surface of the targets, then the relative abundances of the detected elements were computed on 20 randomly distributed areas of 100 x 100 mu m. For those targets showing a positive Raman response, micro-Raman spectroscopy imaging was performed on the whole surface of the targets at a resolution of 100 x 100 mu m. The %RSD values (percent of relative standard deviation of mean values) for the major elements measured with EDXRF were compared with similar values obtained by two independent LIBS set-ups at spot sizes of 300 mu m in diameter. The statistical analysis showed which elements were homogeneously distributed in the 22 mineral targets of the SCCT, providing their unc
مصطلحات الفهرس: Mars2020, Perseverance rover, SuperCam calibration target, Elemental homogeneity, Mineral homogeneity, Uncertainties, CHEMCAM INSTRUMENT SUITE, GALE CRATER, MARS, SPECTROSCOPY, PROPOSITION, UNIT, article
URL: https://curis.ku.dk/portal/da/publications/homogeneity-assessment-of-the-supercam-calibration-targets-onboard-rover-perseverance(99594a03-cdea-409a-a9eb-5d25615e7175).html
الإتاحة: Open access content. Open access content
ملاحظة: application/pdf
أرقام أخرى: DAV oai:pure.atira.dk:publications/99594a03-cdea-409a-a9eb-5d25615e7175
المصدر المساهم: UNIV OF COPENHAGEN
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