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e-flux Journal #127

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: e-flux Journal #127
المؤلفون: Julieta Aranda, Brian Kuan Wood, Anton Vidokle, Asia Bazdyrieva, Charles Mudede, Gregor Mobius, Josephine Berry, Boris Groys, Hanna Baumann, Adriana Massidda, Bassem Saad, Elizabeth Saleh, Sophia Stamatopoulou-Robbins, Aleksei Borisionok, Mary Walling Blackburn, Kaye Cain-Nielsen, Maya Tounta, Michael Andrews, Andreas Petrossiants, Elvia Wilk, Simone White, Jeff Ramsey, Adam Florin
بيانات النشر: e-flux 2022
نوع الوثيقة: Electronic Resource
مستخلص: In this issue, Asia Bazdyrieva offers a broader picture of Ukraine’s significance as a biopolitical resource for Western European appetites. In Ukraine’s operational capacity as Europe’s “breadbasket,” a colonial imaginary unfolds that sees the country’s human, agricultural, and material resources as inert—ripe for extraction by a conqueror who can release their inexhaustible transactional benefits. Through this strategic lens, Russia’s invasion appears to be the latest in a longer line that implicates Germany, which today speculates on Ukraine’s material and territorial benefits while hoping to distance itself from the Nazis’ ruthless interest in controlling the ukrainische Kornkammer… Editorial Editors No Milk, No Love Asia Bazdyrieva The New ...
مصطلحات الفهرس: Biology, Biopolitics, Imperialism, Film criticism, Geopolitics, Historical Materialism, Philosophy, Sexual minority culture, War, Military art and science, Text, Periodicals, Archival Material
URL: https://www.librarystack.org/e-flux-journal-127/?ref=unknown
الإتاحة: Open access content. Open access content
Standard Copyright
أرقام أخرى: NYHLS 100598
المصدر المساهم: HALMOS LIBR STACK
From OAIster®, provided by the OCLC Cooperative.
رقم الأكسشن: edsoai.on1342625497
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