مورد إلكتروني

Using Remote Sensing to Estimate Understorey Biomass in Semi-Arid Woodlands of South-Eastern Australia

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Using Remote Sensing to Estimate Understorey Biomass in Semi-Arid Woodlands of South-Eastern Australia
المؤلفون: Riquelme, L, Duncan, DH, Rumpff, L, Vesk, PA
بيانات النشر: MDPI 2022-05-01
نوع الوثيقة: Electronic Resource
مستخلص: Monitoring ground layer biomass, and therefore forage availability, is important for managing large, vertebrate herbivore populations for conservation. Remote sensing allows for frequent observations over broad spatial scales, capturing changes in biomass over the landscape and through time. In this study, we explored different satellite-derived vegetation indices (VIs) for their utility in estimating understorey biomass in semi-arid woodlands of south-eastern Australia. Relationships between VIs and understorey biomass data have not been established in these particular semi-arid communities. Managers want to use forage availability to inform cull targets for western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus), to minimise the risk that browsing poses to regeneration in threatened woodland communities when grass biomass is low. We attempted to develop relationships between VIs and understorey biomass data collected over seven seasons across open and wooded vegetation types. Generalised Linear Mixed Models (GLMMs) were used to describe relationships between understorey biomass and VIs. Total understorey biomass (live and dead, all growth forms) was best described using the Tasselled Cap (TC) greenness index. The combined TC brightness and Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (MSAVI) ranked best for live understorey biomass (all growth forms), and grass (live and dead) biomass was best described by a combination of TC brightness and greenness indices. Models performed best for grass biomass, explaining 70% of variation in external validation when predicting to the same sites in a new season. However, we found empirical relationships were not transferrable to data collected from new sites. Including other variables (soil moisture, tree cover, and dominant understorey growth form) improved model performance when predicting to new sites. Anticipating a drop in forage availability is critical for the management of grazing pressure for woodland regeneration, however, predicti
مصطلحات الفهرس: Journal Article
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/11343/322304
الإتاحة: Open access content. Open access content
أرقام أخرى: UMV oai:jupiter.its.unimelb.edu.au:11343/322304
Riquelme, L., Duncan, D. H., Rumpff, L. & Vesk, P. A. (2022). Using Remote Sensing to Estimate Understorey Biomass in Semi-Arid Woodlands of South-Eastern Australia. REMOTE SENSING, 14 (10), https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14102358.
المصدر المساهم: UNIV OF MELBOURNE
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