Disrupting Automotive Logistics: Through a Combined Intelligent and Autonomous Transport Solution

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Disrupting Automotive Logistics: Through a Combined Intelligent and Autonomous Transport Solution
المؤلفون: Hjalmarsson-Jordanius, Anders, Sundin, Niklas, Romell, Martin, Isacson, Johan, Aldén, Carl-Johan
مصطلحات موضوعية: Autonomous Transport Solution, Automotive Logistics, Disruptive Digital Innovation
الوصف: This technical paper addresses a novel and scalable autonomous transport system, applied in theautomotive logistics context. Production cars will be utilized as their own means of transportation in thelogistic chain, requiring no human driver. The cars will be guided by a novel intelligent transport solutioncombined with existing on-board Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) functionality. Thisincludes using implemented sensors in the production car, fusion of sensor data collected by the car,and connectivity with existing and future mobile networks communication technology. An intelligent offboardtraffic control system will manage each production car in the logistic flow and direct the car frompoint A to point B, as well as manage the interaction between cars in the flow. A prototype of the systemhas been developed, implemented in a production car and during 2017, being tested in live car-trials inSweden. In this technical paper, we describe this evolution in vehicle logistics with a focus on its onboardcore sub-system and the off-board traffic control system. We pinpoint design features in thesystem, as well as discuss the capacity for the system to disrupt contemporary models of automotivelogistics.
وصف الملف: electronic
URL الوصول: https://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-37558
قاعدة البيانات: SwePub