Temperature regulation of marine heterotrophic prokaryotes increases latitudinally as a breach between bottom-up and top-down controls

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Temperature regulation of marine heterotrophic prokaryotes increases latitudinally as a breach between bottom-up and top-down controls
المؤلفون: Morán, Xosé Anxelu G., Gasol, Josep M., Pernice, Massimo C., Mangot, Jean-Francois, Massana, Ramon, Lara, Elena, Vaqué, Dolors, Duarte, Carlos M.
المصدر: Global Change Biology. 23(9):3956-3964
مصطلحات موضوعية: bacterioplankton, bottom-up, heterotrophic prokaryotes, latitudinal gradients, microbial oceanography, ocean warming, temperature control, top-down
الوصف: Planktonic heterotrophic prokaryotes make up the largest living biomass and process most organic matter in the ocean. Determining when and where the biomass and activity of heterotrophic prokaryotes are controlled by resource availability (bottom-up), predation and viral lysis (top-down) or temperature will help in future carbon cycling predictions. We conducted an extensive survey across subtropical and tropical waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans during the Malaspina 2010 Global Circumnavigation Expedition and assessed indices for these three types of controls at 109 stations (mostly from the surface to 4,000 m depth). Temperature control was approached by the apparent activation energy in eV (ranging from 0.46 to 3.41), bottom-up control by the slope of the log-log relationship between biomass and production rate (ranging from -0.12 to 1.09) and top-down control by an index that considers the relative abundances of heterotrophic nanoflagellates and viruses (ranging from 0.82 to 4.83). We conclude that temperature becomes dominant (i.e. activation energy >1.5 eV) within a narrow window of intermediate values of bottom-up (0.3-0.6) and top-down 0.8-1.2) controls. A pervasive latitudinal pattern of decreasing temperature regulation towards the Equator, regardless of the oceanic basin, suggests that the impact of global warming on marine microbes and their biogeochemical function will be more intense at higher latitudes. Our analysis predicts that 1 degrees C ocean warming will result in increased biomass of heterotrophic prokaryoplankton only in waters with <26 degrees C of mean annual surface temperature.
وصف الملف: print
URL الوصول: https://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-145833
قاعدة البيانات: SwePub