Integrating functional status information into knowledge graphs to support self-health management

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Integrating functional status information into knowledge graphs to support self-health management
المؤلفون: Dragoni, Mauro, Bailoni, Tania, Donadello, Ivan, Martin, Jean-Claude, Lindgren, Helena, Professor
المصدر: Data Intelligence. 5(3):636-662
مصطلحات موضوعية: Arguments, Barriers, Enablers, Functional Status, Knowledge Graph, Personal Healthcare
الوصف: Functional Status Information (FSI) describes physical and mental wellness at the whole-person level. It includes information on activity performance, social role participation, and environmental and personal factors that affect the well-being and quality of life. Collecting and analyzing this information is critical to address the needs for caring for an aging global population, and to provide effective care for individuals with chronic conditions, multi-morbidity, and disability. Personal knowledge graphs (PKGs) represent a suitable way for meaning in a complete and structured way all information related to people’s FSI and reasoning over them to build tailored coaching solutions supporting them in daily life for conducting a healthy living. In this paper, we present the development process related to the creation of a PKG by starting from the HeLiS ontology in order to enable the design of an AI-enabled system with the aim of increasing, within people, the self-awareness of their own functional status. In particular, we focus on the three modules extending the HeLiS ontology aiming to represent (i) enablers and (ii) barriers playing potential roles in improving (or deteriorating) own functional status and (iii) arguments driving the FSI collection process. Finally, we show how these modules have been instantiated into real-world scenarios.
وصف الملف: electronic
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قاعدة البيانات: SwePub