The Southeast Curriculum Coordination Center: Evaluation of Accomplishments and Review of Procedures.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: The Southeast Curriculum Coordination Center: Evaluation of Accomplishments and Review of Procedures.
المؤلفون: Boyd, H. Alton, Human Resources Research Organization, Pensacola, FL.
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 78
تاريخ النشر: 1975
Sponsoring Agency: Southeast Curriculum Coordination Center, State College, MS.
Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, DC.
نوع الوثيقة: Reports - Descriptive
Descriptors: Career Education, Cooperative Programs, Coordination, Curriculum Development, Curriculum Research, Federal Aid, Program Administration, Program Effectiveness, Program Evaluation, Regional Laboratories, Regional Programs, Vocational Education
مستخلص: This third-party evaluation of the activities of the Southeast Curriculum Coordination Center (SCCC) focuses on activities under the original grant (July 1972 to December 1973) which was designed to provide grade level and subject matter expertise for vocational-technical curriculum development with emphasis on career education. Also included is descriptive information on activities under the second (current) grant which emphasizes provision of leadership in the development of curricula for new and changing occupations and dissemination of existing curriculum materials. Section I provides background on the national network for curriculum coordination in vocational-technical education, in which SCCC is one of seven regional centers. Section II presents the original SCCC mission and realignment of objectives, and states the purposes of the present evaluation. Also presented in this section are the approach and procedures used for evaluation, the construction of structured interviews for state liaison representatives (SLR) and state directors, and data collection procedures. Section III presents the results of the original grant evaluation in terms of each of the six grant objectives, noting SCCC's most important accomplishment (regional coordination and communication), and commenting on the adequacy of accomplishment of objectives. A critical review of SCCC operational procedures for the current grant is followed by conclusions and recommendations. The SLR interview guide and curriculum status report forms are appended. (JH)
Entry Date: 1978
رقم الأكسشن: ED155355
قاعدة البيانات: ERIC