دورية أكاديمية

دور اليوتيوب في تسويق خدمات المكتبات الوطنية في الوطن العربي: د ا رسة تحليلية للمحتوى

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: دور اليوتيوب في تسويق خدمات المكتبات الوطنية في الوطن العربي: د ا رسة تحليلية للمحتوى
Alternate Title: The Role of YouTube in Marketing National Libraries’ Services in the Arab World: an Analytic Study of Content.
المؤلفون: عين أحجر زهير1 ainhadjarzouhir@yahoo.fr
المصدر: Cybrarians Journal. Mar2019, Issue 53, p1-21. 21p.
مصطلحات موضوعية: *Video excerpts, *National libraries, *Telecommunication systems, *Social media, *Streaming video & television, *Fake news, Digital video recording, Social space
Reviews & Products: YouTube (Web resource)
مستخلص: This study attempts to identify the role of the social media YouTube in allowing librarians and professional users to define and give information about national libraries in the Arab world through taking free video recordings available on digital spaces, or through live streaming in real time. In this scope, the latter will find this space as a suitable style for efficient library communication, and interaction via participation and comments around, above all, defining and marketing the various services offered by the different national libraries’ services and departments in the Arab world. That provides a participative space for exchanging ideas and information, in addition to demonstrable interaction on the professional side and daily news. This study has adopted the content analytical approach in relation with a selected list available via video clips’ network “YouTube”, using the search term ‘national library” for every particular Arab country adopting free discharging axis tab that cover the most important sides of the video clips’ topics such as: the comprehensive library services, scientific and cultural animation service, book exhibition services, meetings with personalities, library field visits, holding scientific manifestations, roles of citizenship and civil society, general news coverage. This study intends also to give an evaluative view on the level of cultural social communication and on the library side between the various segments of society within this space of social media spaces. Some practical suggestions are presented in the perspective of activating more this communication network in society. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
قاعدة البيانات: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts