دورية أكاديمية

التحليل القياسى والتنبؤ المستقبلى للعوامل الاقتصادية المؤثرة على صادرات الفراولة

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: التحليل القياسى والتنبؤ المستقبلى للعوامل الاقتصادية المؤثرة على صادرات الفراولة (Arabic)
Alternate Title: Standard Analysis and Forecasting The Future of The Economic Factors Affecting Strawberry Exports. (English)
المؤلفون: طارق على أحمد عبدالله
المصدر: Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences; 2017, Vol. 48 Issue 3, p254-270, 17p
مستخلص: The strawberry crop is considerd one of the most promising non-traditional export crops in Egypt. The amount of exports had increased from 0.83 thousand tons in 2000, with 0.19 million dollars to about 24.62 thousand tons in 2015, worth 74.20 million dollars soltis important to expand in gloing strowbery, because of the increasing demond in the foreign markets especially the American, European and arab markets. So it's important to give more importance in increasing production through applying product programs for exports in order to increase the exports amount of these strawberry to a brood. The Research Problem The research problem may specify the identification of the most local economic variables that affect on the exported amount of strawberry crop. The Research Aim According to the searching problem of the research may specify in studing the development of production determinants of strawberry yield and to identify the determinants of the competitive position of egyption strawberry exports, as well as the estimate of standard model to determine the most important economic variable affecting the export amount of strawberry. Recommendations: 1. Since the farmer is a key partner in the agricultural development process, he must be trained and trained to apply production programs for export, because knowledge among farmers is transferred and passed down from generation to generation. 2. The importance of expanding the cultivation of varieties of international quality in terms of color and textures and high content of solids, so that the product to the level of quality required. It is also necessary to ensure that the agricultural raw materials are free of pesticides and fertilizers residues, through the standard specifications of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. 3. The need to pay attention to programs to raise productivity as one of the most important elements of economic efficiency. 4. Application of contractual farming systems for strawberry production. 5. Strict export control measures and the processing of ports and airports with refrigerators for the preservation of exported agricultural commodities and ensure that they are not damaged. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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قاعدة البيانات: Complementary Index