دورية أكاديمية

Analiza plavanja na 400 m prosto pri predmetu Plavanje 1 z osnovami reševanja iz vode.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Analiza plavanja na 400 m prosto pri predmetu Plavanje 1 z osnovami reševanja iz vode. (Slovenian)
Alternate Title: Analysis of swimming 400m freestyle at subject swimming 1. (English)
المؤلفون: Foški, Tajda, Kapus, Jernej
المصدر: Revija Šport; 2018, Vol. 66 Issue 1/2, p141-145, 5p
Abstract (English): The aim of the study was to analyse swimming technique and obtained times of students of Faculty of sport at the practical exam where they have to swim 400 m freestyle. Only the students who successfully finished the exam in the year 2016/2017 were included in the study. Students measured each other and collected all data on a sheet. They had to note swimming technique (breaststroke, backstroke, freestyle) and time for each distance. The main idea was to obtain which techniques students choose for their exam. Moreover, if the final time is affected by swimming techniques and if there are any differences regarding the gender. We obtained that students choose all three techniques, some swam in just one technique and the others combined two or three techniques. Most students (56%) chose to combine strategies and the most popular was the combination of breaststroke and front crawl (75%). Analysis showed that the average final time of front crawl was more than a minute shorter than the times of breaststroke and combined strategies. Regarding the gender, more males chose front crawl than females and vice versa. There was no difference for the combining strategies. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Abstract (Slovenian): Namen članka je bilo analizirati plavanje študentov in študentk Fakultete za šport na izpitu 400 m prosto pri predmetu Plavanje 1 z osnovami reševanja iz vode. V raziskavi so bili zajeti vsi študenti in študentke, ki so v študijskem letu 2016/17 uspešno opravili ta izpit. Pri analizi nas je zanimalo, kakšne plavalne tehnike izbirajo študenti in študentke na izpitu, če ta izbira vpliva na končni čas in če obstajajo kakšne razlike v izbiri tehnike glede na spol. Ugotovili smo, da se študenti in študentke poslužujejo vseh treh tehnik, v samostojni obliki ali kombinaciji dveh oz. treh tehnik. Največ študentov in študentk (56%) se je odločilo za kombiniranje, od teh pa je bila najbolj pogosta izbira kombinacija prsnokravl (75%). Primerjanje plavalnih tehnikih in končnih časov je pokazalo, da so študenti in študentke, ki so vseh 400 m plavali kravl, povprečno dosegli za več kot minuto krajši čas od ostalih študentov in študentk. Glede na spol je bila pri izbiri tehnike razlika pri prsnem in kravlu. Kravl je plavalo namreč dvakrat več študentov kot študentk. Obratno je bilo s prsnim. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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