دورية أكاديمية

دور الإعلام الجديد في تشكيل المعارف السياسية للشباب الجامعي السعودي تجاه العلاقات العربية - العربية (دراسة مسحية على عينة من طلبة جامعة الملك سعود بالرياض)

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: دور الإعلام الجديد في تشكيل المعارف السياسية للشباب الجامعي السعودي تجاه العلاقات العربية - العربية (دراسة مسحية على عينة من طلبة جامعة الملك سعود بالرياض) (Arabic)
Alternate Title: The Role of New Media in Forming The Saudi Collegiate Youths Political Knowledge toward Arab-Arab Relations (A Descriptive survey study on a sample of Students from King Saud University). (English)
المؤلفون: الحربي, سوسن بنت عبد الله بن سعود, سلامة, سحر مصطفى
المصدر: Arabian Journal for Media & Communication; May2018, Issue 19, p233-281, 54p
Abstract (English): The aim of the study was to raise a major query concerning the role of New Media in forming the Saudi collegiate youths political knowledge toward Arab-Arab relations by applying the two relations that form two phenomena in the International relations: the phenomenon of conflict represented in the Saudi-Yemeni Relations, and the phenomenon of struggle represented in the Saudi-Egyptian Relations. The study was based on its theoretical framework on assumptions of Mass Media Dependency Theory, and the questionnaire was applied to (400) students from King Saud University in the following faculties: (Business Administration, Arts, Science and Applied Medical Sciences) during the first semester of the Academic Year 1437/1438 AH. The research was resulted in a myriad of results, most importantly: 1- The level of political knowledge of the samples of the study regarding the Arab-Arab relations came out as “Average”, with correct answers at a percentage of (50.6%). 2- The most used New Media platform that the samples used to obtain and follow political news regarding Arab-Arab relations was Twitter, and the sample of the study relies on [Twitter] to obtain political informations relating to the Arab-Arab relations on a scale of “significant”, and it scored first according to the study in their trust of the political informations provided by said platform. 3- Most resulting effects from the dependency of the samples of the study on New Social Media in acquiring political informations of the Arab-Arab relations are affective, cognitive and lastly behavioural changes. 4- The results showed an incremental relationship between the exposure and interaction of the Saudi collegiate Youth with the New Media and the forming of their political knowledge towards the Arab- Arab relations, also as the trust-magnitude and confidence in the informations provided by New Social Media increases, paired by the latent motives and the period of time invested in following said media, so does grounding and forming their political knowledge towards the Arab-Arab relations. 5- There exist some difference that are proven statistically in the variable type in favor of males, wherein there‟s no relation of a statistical indication between the dependency of Saudi university youth on New Social Media and the magnitude of their political knowledge of the Arab-Arab relations. In scope of these results the researcher presented a number of recommendations, most importantly: The need to establish a Media strategy to counter the challenges bestowed upon the Arabian region namely Counter-Terrorism, which presents a significant threat to the safety and stability the Arabian region and the international society at large; and to focus in the content sent by the media on the role of young citizens towards their homeland, because it was shown that the youth represent the majority of the Saudi society and the users of New Media. Also, the importance of utilizing New Social Media by specialists in political, diplomatic and security media in presenting and directing personalized media messages that reaffirms the national spirit and unifies the national personality in means to serve the Arabian Unity. The important to review and reform the local political media in light of recent events that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is facing, namely wars that are fought Militarily, psychologically and morally that are targeting the Saudi community with goals of dismantling it and shaking its confidence by spreading false informations or casting a divide between the brotherly Arabian countries, and to gathering the efforts of both official and private Social Media in glorifying the role of the men at [Southern Border] and the security that grants the safety of the what is achieved by both the citizen and the homeland. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Abstract (Arabic): هدفت الدراسة إلى التعرف على دول الإعلام الجديد في تشكيل المعرفة السياسية للشباب الجامعي السعودي تجاه العلاقات العربية - العربية، بالتطبيق على علاقتين تشكلات ظاهرتين في العلاقات الدولية، هما: "ظاهرة الصراع"، وتتمثل في العلاقات السعودية - اليمنية، و"ظاهرة النزاع" وتمثلها العلاقات السعودية - المصرية. استندت الدراسة في إطارها النظري إلى فروض نظرية الاعتماد على وسائل الإعلام، كما استخدمت أدارة الاستبانة بالتطبيق على 400 طالب وطالبة من جامعة الملك سعود في الكليات التالية: (إدارة أعمال، والآداب، والعلوم، والعلوم الطبية التطبيقية)، وذلك خلال الفصل الدراسي الأول من العام الجامعي 1437 / 1438 ه. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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