دورية أكاديمية

Roberto Bolaño - med življenjem in literaturo.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Roberto Bolaño - med življenjem in literaturo. (Slovenian)
Alternate Title: Roberto Bolaño - Between Life and Literature. (English)
المؤلفون: Ramšak, Branka Kalenić
المصدر: Ars & Humanitas; 2019, Vol. 13 Issue 2, p303-316, 14p
مصطلحات موضوعية: LATIN American literature, LITERARY form, SERIAL murders, LITERATURE, SOCIAL reality, POSTMODERNISM (Literature)
People: BOLANO, Roberto, 1953-2003, CERVANTES Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Abstract (English): In the context of the development of Latin American literature, especially the Boom of the 20th-century in Latin American prose, the article seeks to shed light on the phenomenon of Roberto Bolaño, who is one of the best known authors of contemporary world literature. Bolaño's absolute devotion to literature reminds us of the lived literary experience of Miguel de Cervantes, Franz Kafka or Jorge Luis Borges, as he strolls freely between different literary genres and blurs the boundaries between reality and fiction. He has been enthusiastically looking for relief from the spiritual discomfort that, according to his understanding of the Hispanic and also global social and political realities, has plunged into all pores of our society. In particular, the article sheds light on the monumental novel 2666 (with more than 1,100 pages), which represents a synthesis of all the writer's artistic aspirations and his literary will. It is an open-ended text, a compilation of five books that are substantively linked to each other by their obsession with literature and serial murder. The Writer and the Assassin represent the central motifs that reveal the mysterious meaning of the novel. The monumental narrative work with apocalyptic pathos wonders at the end of postmodernism about the fate of literature, and at the beginning of the new millennium about a humanity which found itself at the edge of the abyss. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Abstract (Slovenian): Članek skuša v kontekstu razvoja latinskoameriške književnosti, predvsem t. i. booma latinskoameriške proze 20. stoletja, osvetliti fenomen Roberta Bolaña, ki je eden najpomembnejših avtorjev sodobne svetovne književnosti. Bolañeva absolutna predanost književnosti spominja na življenjsko literarno izkušnjo Miguela de Cervantesa, Franza Kafke in Jorgeja Luisa Borgesa, saj se svobodno sprehaja med različnimi literarnimi žanri ter sproti briše meje med realnostjo in fikcijo. Vseskozi zavzeto išče olajšanje iz duhovnega nelagodja, ki se je glede na njegovo razumevanje posebej hispanoameriške, vendar tudi svetovne družbene in politične realnosti zajedlo v vse pore družbe. Članek še posebej osvetli monumentalni roman 2666 (obsega več kot 1100 strani), ki je sinteza vseh pisateljevih umetniških teženj in njegov literarni testament. Gre za odprto delo, sestavljanko petih knjig, ki so med seboj vsebinsko povezane predvsem z obsedenostjo s književnostjo in s serijskimi umori. Pisatelj in Morilec sta središčna motiva, ki razgrinjata skrivnostni pomen romana. Monumentalno pripovedno delo se z apokaliptičnim patosom ob zatonu postmodernizma sprašuje o usodi literature in na prelomu novega tisočletja o človečnosti, ki se je znašla na robu prepada. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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