دورية أكاديمية

The Evaluation of the Fifth Primary Grade Developed Improved Mathematics Book from the Viewpoint of Mathematics Teachers in Hail, Saudi Arabia.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: The Evaluation of the Fifth Primary Grade Developed Improved Mathematics Book from the Viewpoint of Mathematics Teachers in Hail, Saudi Arabia. (English)
المؤلفون: Mansour, Othman Naser
المصدر: Scientific Journal of King Faisal University, Humanities & Management Sciences; 2020, Vol. 21 Issue 1, p181-205, 25p
مستخلص: The call for scholastic curricula reform was a reaction to shortcomings in previous curricula, which was unable to cope with the developments of different life aspects. This led to poor graduates' achievement and lack of preparedness for scientific technological advancements. The importance of the current study resides in the attempt to introduce a real-world view of the status of the developed math textbook in order to assist curriculum developers' identification of weaknesses and avoid shortcomings in future. The present study aimed to assess the elementary 5th developed math textbook from viewpoint of teachers. To achieve this goal, a 94-item questionnaire was designed and tested for validity and stability. The questionnaire was administered to a randomly selected sample of 63 teachers within Hail city. The results showed "moderate" estimate of the developed math textbook by teachers on all themes with an average value of all items equal to 3.52. The themes were in the following descendant order: Graphic design and format, goals, evaluation methods, contents, activities and instructional aids. Teachers' estimates were not significantly different due to experience years, number of attended training courses on the developed curricula, or teacher qualifications on all themes except for "evaluation methods" which was significantly different in favor of BA holders. The work recommends conducting further studies on the elementary 5th developed math textbook as perceived by students, parents, and educational supervisors taking into consideration other variables, such as gender, to identify their effects on evaluation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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