Mixed Abilities and Varied Experiences: A Group Autoethnography of a Virtual Summer Internship.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Mixed Abilities and Varied Experiences: A Group Autoethnography of a Virtual Summer Internship.
المؤلفون: Mack, Kelly, Das, Maitraye, Jain, Dhruv, Bragg, Danielle, Tang, John, Begel, Andrew, Beneteau, Erin, Davis, Josh Urban, Glasser, Abraham, Joon Sung Park, Potluri, Venkatesh
المصدر: Communications of the ACM; Aug2023, Vol. 66 Issue 8, p105-113, 9p, 1 Chart
مصطلحات موضوعية: INTERNSHIP programs, TELECOMMUTING, ACCESSIBLE design, RESEARCH teams, WORK environment, COVID-19 pandemic
الشركة/الكيان: MICROSOFT Corp.
مستخلص: The COVID-19 pandemic forced many people to convert their daily work lives to a “virtual” format, in which they connected remotely from home. In this new, virtual environment, accessibility barriers changed, in some respects for the better (e.g., more flexibility) and in other aspects, for the worse (e.g., problems including American Sign Language interpreters over video calls). Microsoft Research held its first cohort of all virtual interns in 2020. We, the interns, full-time members, and affiliates of the Ability Team, a Microsoft research team focused on accessibility, report on our experiences navigating the challenges of working remotely. We constituted a variety of abilities, positions, and levels of seniority. Using an autoethnographic method, we provide a nuanced view of how the virtual setting affected the experiences of our mixed-ability team, the strategies we used to improve access, and areas for further improvement. We close by presenting guidelines for future virtual mixedability teams to improve workplace accessibility. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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