دورية أكاديمية

Looking in the Mirror: Including the Reflected Best Self Exercise in Management Curricula to Increase Students' Interview Self-Efficacy.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Looking in the Mirror: Including the Reflected Best Self Exercise in Management Curricula to Increase Students' Interview Self-Efficacy.
المؤلفون: Baird, Noelle, Robertson, Jennifer L., McLarnon, Matthew J. W.
المصدر: Academy of Management Learning & Education; Dec2023, Vol. 22 Issue 4, p662-680, 19p
مصطلحات موضوعية: SELF-efficacy in students, SELF-efficacy, EMPLOYMENT interviewing, BUSINESS students, UNIVERSITIES & colleges
مستخلص: Students often choose to pursue a business major during their postsecondary education to increase their chances of securing employment after graduation. However, evidence suggests that many recent business degree graduates struggle with underemployment, highlighting the importance of examining how postsecondary institutions can better prepare students for the transition to work. In the current study, we investigated how including a personal strengths-driven intervention, the Reflected Best Self Exercise, in management curricula may help better prepare students for securing employment by increasing students' confidence in their ability to succeed in an employment interview (i.e., by enhancing interview self-efficacy). Using a pretest–posttest quasi-experimental design with a control group (N = 190 undergraduate students), we found that the Reflected Best Self Exercise increased students' interview self-efficacy and that this effect was moderated by pretest levels of general self-efficacy and career choice confidence. Moreover, we found that students with lower levels of general self-efficacy and career choice confidence experienced greater benefits from the Reflected Best Self Exercise. Our results contribute to the management education literature by demonstrating how strengths-based interventions with a reflection component can be leveraged to develop interview self-efficacy in business students. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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قاعدة البيانات: Complementary Index