التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
المصدر: Lion's Roar; Mar2024, Vol. 9 Issue 1, p52-57, 6p, 3 Color Photographs
مصطلحات موضوعية: CHANTS, RELIGIOUS articles, BUDDHISM, BUDDHIST meditation, MINDFULNESS, PERCUSSION instruments, PRIESTS
مستخلص: This article discusses the practice of chanting in Buddhism, specifically focusing on the Nichiren Buddhist tradition. The author shares their personal experience with chanting and explains that while silent sitting meditation is often associated with Buddhism, chanting has been a widespread practice among Buddhists in Asia for centuries. The article provides instructions for a specific form of chanting meditation called shodaigyo, which combines silent sitting with the chanting of a mantra. The author emphasizes that chanting can be a calming and transformative practice that helps practitioners connect with the teachings of Buddhism and cultivate mindfulness. [Extracted from the article]
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قاعدة البيانات: Complementary Index