دورية أكاديمية

تقييمُ الأداءِ التَّدريسي في ضوءِ مهاراتِ ما وراءَ المعرفة لدى معلِّماتِ العلوم بالمرحلةِ الابتدائية بمدينةِ الطَّائف من وجهةِ نظرِ مُشرفاتِهنَّ.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: تقييمُ الأداءِ التَّدريسي في ضوءِ مهاراتِ ما وراءَ المعرفة لدى معلِّماتِ العلوم بالمرحلةِ الابتدائية بمدينةِ الطَّائف من وجهةِ نظرِ مُشرفاتِهنَّ. (Arabic)
Alternate Title: Evaluation of teaching performance in light of the metacognitive skills of science teachers in the primary stage in Taif city from the point of view of their supervisors. (English)
المؤلفون: مسيحة حممد سعيد س, جنالء سائر بنيه ا
المصدر: King Khalid University Journal of Educational Sciences; Dec2023, Vol. 10 Issue 4, p60-89, 30p
مصطلحات موضوعية: METACOGNITION
مستخلص: The research aimed to aimed to identify Evaluation of the teaching performance of female science teachers in the primary stage in Taif city from the point of view of their supervisors and to reveal the presence of statistically significant differences between the average ranks of science supervisors about the level of teaching performance of science teachers in the light of metacognitive skills, due to the variable of years of experience, the descriptive survey method was used to achieve aims of the study, through application of a questionnaire consisting of (30) sub-skills, which include three skills; planning, monitoring and control, and evaluation; It was applied on (11) female science supervisors at primary stage in Taif city, were chosen deliberately from the study community. The results revealed that the teaching performance of science teachers in the light of the three metacognitive skills (planning, monitoring and control, and evaluation), and for the questionnaire as a whole, was average.; and the arithmetic means for the three skills were (32.1, 30.9, 29.26), and the whole questionnaire was (92.36), and there were no statistically significant differences at level of (α = 0.05) between the mean ranks of science supervisors in the questionnaire of Evaluating the teaching performance of science teachers at the primary stage in Taif city in the light of metacognitive skills., due to the variable of years of experience, The two researcher recommended the need of training science teachers in general, and primary school teachers in particular, to practice metacognitive skills to be able to develop it among their students. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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قاعدة البيانات: Complementary Index